Minnesota Muslims didn’t turn out 50,000 EID celebrants…

Update:  Matthew Vadum writing at Frontpage magazine has a piece today on the gathering.

I’ve been looking around for a story that might best summarize what happened yesterday when Muslims in a supposed demonstration of power held a ‘religious’ event at Vikings Stadium in Minnesota.

When I find more stories I’ll update this post, but here is a report by Pamela Geller re-posted at the DC Clothesline with lots of photos including this one—men in front and women behind as is the tradition in Islam.

Originally printed Tuesday August 21, 2018 at Geller Report


EID at Vikings stadium



How did Minnesota get so many Somalis?

For new readers and longtime readers who may have forgotten, go here to my 2011 post that answers the question—it is one of my top most-read posts of all time.  Three federal resettlement contractors got the ball rolling because cheap laborers were needed and because Minnesota was a generous welfare state.

Now Minnesota is the top secondary migration state for Somali refugees as they head there to be with their own kind of people and build a power base.

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