Advocacy groups are gearing up for a big push to pressure Congress and the Administration to bring more Iraqi refugees to the US. Another bigwig pow-wow (see first bigwig pow-wow here) is set for April 14th in Washington where speakers will be priming the audience to hit Congress with a two day lobbying campaign.
It’s spring in Washington, DC, the cherry blossoms are in bloom and IRAQ ACTION DAYS are fast approaching. It’s the perfect time to plan a trip to our Nation’s Capitol. Already, more than sixty EPIC supporters and friends from around the country have signed up to join us this April 14-16.
I’ll tell you more about this effort when I get some time over the weekend, but I wanted to be sure to get this information to you since today is the last day to register if you would like to attend.
Just a little personal note: Rep. John Dingell is a keynote speaker. I had an occasion many years ago (30 years ago) to meet him over a political issue in Washington and I found him to be a blowhard and a tyrant. Now, I guess he must be a pro-Muslim immigration cranky old blowhard and tyrant.