Testimony to the US State Department from New Hampshire

The US State Department will be holding its annual hearing on the “appropriate size and scope” of the refugee resettlement program on May 15th.  The meeting will be dominated by federal refugee contractors (LOL! disregard that ‘voluntary agency’ label, they are paid by you to resettle refugees) looking for a larger number and greater variety of refugees.  We urge concerned readers to send in testimony by May 8th (see my previous post for details).

Below is a testimony forwarded to my by Jeannine Richardson of New Hampshire.  See also testimony by John Williams of Texas, here.   You do not need to be an expert on the program or to write a tome—a few paragraphs will help greatly!

Ms. Richardson (emphasis RRWs):

Dear Representatives

My name is Jeannine Richardson and I am the President of Landlord Connection http://landlordconnection.com

We are a NH Company that offers rental history reports to landlords, property management companies and several housing authorities throughout the state of NH.  We have over 2,000 rental property owners/managers as our customers.

I can state that much of the government subsidized housing in NH is being taken by refugees leaving many lifelong NH residents on waiting lists of up to 4 years.  Many of these refugees have enormous trouble getting into the workforce and are competing with our residents for what few jobs are available. I suggest that a moratorium be in place unitl the time when our unemployment numbers fall below 5%.

My personal experience has been apartments left in disastrous conditions and after a few months, these refugees are abandoned by the agencies who brought them here.  The State of NH does not have the resources at this time to care for more refugees. As it is Manchester*** is dealing with overcrowding of its classrooms and is spending over $1million per year teaching English as a second language to people who speak 70 different languages.

The system is out of control and has turned into a moneymaking scheme for several non-profits in NH.

Here is a link to some information regarding these Refugee Agencies

I’m tired of the “we are a nation of immigrants” myth as well. It’s an urban legend. Some of us have ancestors who were here over 350 years ago. How far back do we have to go? Is England a nation of immigrants too? After all, the Vikings landed there thousands of years ago. If I remember correctly the Romans and Saxons immigrated there too.There have been several periods in our history when immigration was stopped. In fact it should be stopped now but instead the pace has accelerated to over 2.5 million per year when historically the high point was 500,000. Since 2000, 30 million immigrants have arrived. That’s as many people as in all of Canada. I say enough already.

We don’t even have jobs for people already here so we want to bring in more competition? I know for a fact that the welfare rolls have increased because many of the disabled were working part time jobs as dishwashers, clean-up crews in restaurants, etc. Those jobs have been taken by these newcomers leaving the disabled with no opportunities. None of it makes sense to me. We are the third most populated country on the planet. Why do we import more people?

Some of these refugees who are allegedly fleeing somehow feel safe enough to visit their village for a month. In fact, the Manchester Union Leader featured a story of  last year who had gone home for a visit and his town had no water, when he returned to Manchester he told a group of nuns of their plight and they flew over there and  built a well for the village.

The refugee program is nothing more than a source of revenue from the Federal Government for these do-gooders. They are paid for each person they bring in while we are stuck paying for their airfare and everything else.I am tired of the scam being played by the UN on the American people.

I am hoping something can be done to stop the tremendous burden this is placing on Americans.

Sincerely and thank you for your time.

Jeannine Richardson

Cc: Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Kelly Ayotte, Representative Carol Shea-Porter, Manchester NH Mayor Theodore Gatsas, Nashua NH Mayor Donnalee Lozeau

US Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security 2138 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515, p/202-225-3951.

***For new readers:  Manchester has had enormous problems with refugee overload.  A year ago the Mayor tried to get a moratorium on refugee resettlement but was defeated in his effort.  Go here for all of our posts on Manchester.  Are they turning red states blue?  Sure looks like it!

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