HIAS Blasts Trump on New Travel Restrictions While Receiving Millions from Taxpayers

Indeed much to my shock, USA Spending reports that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) is getting more federal dollars under the Trump Administration than it did under the Obama government!

HIAS is the 4th of the nine federal contractors I’ve analyzed at USA Spending and three of the four are doing exceedingly well financially under Trump in spite of their constant wailing and moaning about how they must close offices and reduce staff.

Our often assumed connection between the number of refugees coming in and the nine contractors’ financial well-being is out the window!

So far only the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has seen a significant decline in its federal funding.  In fact the three who recently sued to stop the Trump refugee reform effort—Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and now HIAS—are doing very well.

I think that the Deep State is undermining Trump by funding his political opposition with our money!

Does the White House know?

Here is HIAS raising money off of the President’s latest effort to keep us safe with new travel restrictions (refugees are exempt!):


Now see that they are not hurting financially and are still receiving millions of tax dollars as they work against President Trump every day!

From USASpending.gov:

See that in FY2019 HIAS received more than they did in any Obama year!


Trump Administration Cuts $500 Million from Central American NGO’s Budgets

Holy cow!  Who knew! Not only do millions of your tax dollars go to the nine federal refugee contractors*** in the US, but we send apparently billions to supposedly Christian social justice groups in places like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Let the wailing begin as the groups claim that they use our millions to keep citizens of those countries from fleeing toward our southern border, so cutting them off is wrong they say.

It is pretty clear for all to see that even with billions of dollars over the years they have failed spectacularly in stopping the invasion and I assume the State Department has pretty much figured that out.


Honduran migrants on the way to the US in 2018


I wish I had time today to take a deep dive into past funding for the groups that include, Proyecto Aldea Global, Association for a More Just Society, International Justice Mission and World Vision, but I don’t.

Here is the story at Christianity Today:

Christian Nonprofits Reeling from Trump Cuts to Foreign Aid

Christian ministries in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador know they are in for a tough year. The US government has drastically cut aid to the three Central American countries in response to the large number of refugees who have fled north to seek asylum in America. Some of the more than $500 million of US taxpayer money was going to Christian nonprofits working on economic development, anti-corruption efforts, and helping children in poverty in the three countries. Those ministries will have to lay people off, reduce services, and scramble to find other funds.  [Just call George Soros and ask him to supply the funds—ed]

“The Trump administration shot itself in the foot with these cuts,” said Chet Thomas, director of Proyecto Aldea Global in Honduras, which has been forced to stop a job training program that gave teenagers alternatives to working for criminal gangs. “These projects are designed to … reduce the number of people migrating to the US.”

US foreign aid flows through various channels. In many cases, it ends up funding nongovernmental organizations, including Christian relief organizations in the area of Central American known as the Northern Triangle. Many of these address the conditions that cause people to flee their homes and seek asylum, leading to a crisis at the US border. Some ministries work directly with host governments to train national staff and increase the effectiveness of state institutions. Others focus more on community development, often building connections with local churches that don’t trust their government and don’t have many of their own resources.

Governments must do their jobs!

Justifying the cuts, the State Department appeared to downplay the role of nonprofit groups in addressing migration. “We expect the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to keep their commitments to stem illegal immigration to the United States,” it said in a statement.

More here.

Sure looks to me that the State Department calculated that based on the hordes flooding to the US border, we weren’t getting our money’s worth from these ‘Christian non-profits’.

However, some US ‘religious charities’ are not seeing huge funding cuts!

*** Here (below) are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

I’m not posting my usual spiel, but only want to say that in my analysis of funds received by three contractors (so far) since Trump took office, only the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has taken a large cut in its federal funding.

Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are still about on par with federal funding as they were under Obama.

I’ll have more to say when I’ve been through all nine.


Refugee Activists Pushing for New Definition of Refugees to Include Climate Migrants

I guess I have Bernie Sanders on my mind today (see my previous post)!

Presidential candidate Sanders says if he gives Trump the boot from the White House he will ‘welcome’ 50,000 so-called ‘climate refugees’ to America each year in addition to likely a hundred thousand regular refugees.

When I say “regular refugees” I mean those people who say they would be persecuted for one of several reasons (politically, racially, etc) if returned to their home countries.

However, Open Borders Inc. has a whole new group that they call climate refugees who are moving from one place to another due to changes in the weather and they now want to expand the refugee definition to move those migrating third worlders to the west.


Somehow America is responsible for them too!

Here Bill Frelick at Human Rights Watch penned an opinion piece that I see was only picked up by Aljazeera in which he argues it is time to come up with a new definition of the word refugee.  What he means is expand the historic definition in order to guilt-trip the west into taking in even more of the world’s impoverished and low skilled people to facilitate the Cloward-Piven strategy.

I’ve been writing about ‘climate refugees’ for years, but only yesterday someone told me that he had never heard of such a thing!  See my ‘Climate refugee’ category.

From Human Rights Watch:

It is time to change the definition of refugee

Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and as such, should be included in legislation on asylum seeking.

Actually mass migration is an existential threat to America if you ask me!

When Trump was elected Frelick confirmed that the President has no legal requirement to admit a single refugee under the Refugee Act of 1980.

Despite recent and increasing efforts by the United States and other governments to narrow their interpretations of the refugee definition and to shirk their protection responsibilities, the need to expand the grounds for asylum is becoming increasingly urgent as the consequences of climate change become more pronounced.

A desperate appeal for asylum by a family from a Pacific island may have far-reaching implications for protecting people forcibly displaced by the effects of climate change. It could cause countries around the world to reconsider their laws and policies concerning refugees.

Go to the piece and read all about the recent UN case, then this…

But Pacific islands are not alone in facing such threats. In landlocked countries like Chad, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe, where populations are heavily reliant on agriculture and livestock, rising temperatures have contributed to flooding, drought, famine and disease that erode not only arable land but also the resilience of populations that have suffered armed conflict and human rights violations.

Whether environmental disasters are the direct cause of displacement or an aggravating factor in combination with violence, inequality, and poor governance, millions of people on the African continent have already been displaced internally or forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries because they consider staying at their homes a threat to their lives.


While there still may be room to argue whether life-threatening threats are imminent in particular cases, the [UN] Human Rights Committee has recognized that fundamental refugee-protection principles need to be broadened now.

This means not only that our common understanding of what it means to be a refugee needs to change, but also that the 173 countries that are party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights should ensure their asylum standards and procedures are adapted to protect all who face existential threats if returned to home countries that have become unlivable.  [The US is a party to that treaty.—ed]

More here.

Open Borders, Inc. is priming the pump for the post-Trump era of their dreams because no matter how many we admit, it will never be enough as far as the Socialist Dems are concerned as they scheme to redistribute your wealth.

Here we go again! Refugee Contractors Wail Over Trump Travel Restrictions

One of the reasons they hate Trump so much is that he has put them on defense and doesn’t let up.

Joy to behold: President Trump putting the Leftists on the defense daily!

After having watched the nine federal resettlement contractors*** operate for going on 13 years I’m laughing as I watch them spin in circles with each new move by the Administration to slow the flow of immigration to America.

And, I long ago learned that they don’t have the best interests of their clients (refugees) at heart, but are really agitating for ever more migrants of any sort as they work to change America by changing the people.

Further confirmation comes in the wake of the latest Trump Administration effort to restrict travel from countries that are not apparently doing their share in weeding-out bad actors who are coming to the US through various legal avenues.

Here is what I said on Saturday when I reported that refugees are exempt from the new travel restrictions:

…if any of the nine federal refugee contractors (whose salaries we, taxpayers, pay) run out and hire lawyers or even open their mouths in opposition to protecting our safety when refugees are not banned, then they show themselves as nothing more than partisan anti-Trump agitators advancing an open borders agenda while hiding under their white hats of phony humanitarianism.

Of course they can’t control themselves and are flailing at the Trump Administration.

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

First out of the chute, we have Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (85-90% funded with taxpayer dollars in any given year, for decades) taking their whack at Trump.

Don’t miss: Lutherans paid to take care of foreigners not Americans!

From Crux (a Catholic publication).  Where are the Bishops on this?

Administration imposes travel restrictions on six African, Asian countries

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, CEO of LIRS, and former staffer for Michelle Obama

“This policy has been devastating to thousands of men, women and children whose only beacon of hope is the safety and prosperity that America can offer,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. LIRS is one of the largest refugee resettlement agencies in the nation.

“How can we look at ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are doing less and less, especially when an unprecedented global refugee crisis calls for swift, bold action from the world’s humanitarian leader?” she added in a Jan. 31 statement.


In her statement, O’Mara Vignarajah said LIRS is “particularly concerned about Burmese refugees who may see America’s doors closed to them at a time of desperate need – including thousands of ethnic Chin, Karen and Muslim Rohingya, who have fled severe persecution.”

“Nearly 5,000 Burmese refugees started to rebuild their lives in America last year, many of whom seek to reunite with family still in harm’s way,” she added.

What she doesn’t tell you is that after they get the original seed communities planted in America they begin working to bring in the relatives.

178,395 Burmese isn’t enough!

I just checked the Refugee Processing Center data and see that since 2002 (when this data base was set up) we have admitted 178,395 Burmese to the US.

21,000 are Muslim Rohingya which we did not admit to the US when I first began writing RRW.

We, didn’t start any wars in Burma!  Their internal ethnic squabbles are their problem. We have no responsibility to do more for the Burmese!  

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

Now here comes Church World Service telling its groupies to support the No Ban Act  being heralded by Rep. Ilhan Omar and Speaker Pelosi who, we are told, plans to push it through the House shortly.  Even if it were to pass the House and Senate, the President surely won’t sign it.

So once again we see the typical Democrat tricks to undermine the President, agitate through the media and all the while using their members and followers to push for a bill that is nothing more than a media generating anti-Trump tool.


Rep. Ilhan Omar Dems go-to gal for all things Muslim (Tlaib in the wings)!

URGENT: Tell Congress to Oppose New Muslim Ban Expansion and Protect Our Muslim and Refugee Neighbors


The administration continues to repeatedly attack refugees, asylum seekers, and our Muslim neighbors, prolonging family separation, undermining our moral and legal obligations to the most vulnerable, and discriminating against people based on their faith or nationality.

Then they give their followers a script for a message to Congress. You could have fun using the basic outline of the script and tell your member to oppose Rep. Omar’s NO BAN ACT bill.

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and [as a person of faith], I urge you to strongly oppose the cruel and harmful expansion of the Muslim ban that the Trump administration announced today, which will restrict entry to the United States from six new countries. I also urge you to cosponsor the NO BAN Act (S.1123 / H.R.2214), which would ensure that no one is banned from our country based on religious or nationality-based discrimination. My community is still feeling the negative impacts of this administration’s immoral and wrongful bans that continue to tear apart families. No one should be blocked from entering the country just because of their faith tradition or where they come from. My community welcomes refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, and I urge you to do the same.”

More here.

Just a reminder that Church World Service was awarded $53 MILLION  in federal grants in the last year which amounts to 62% of their income being provided by you—the US taxpayer!

They take our tax dollars and agitate daily against our President!

*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

Church World Service one of the ‘religious charities’ responsible for changing America by changing the people with a ‘Christian message.’

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?

(I try to post this information once a day, or at least every few days!)


I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.




Smallest Number of Refugees Entering the US in Last Ten Years

As you know President Donald Trump set the ceiling (as it is his right to do under the Refugee Act of 1980) at 18,000 for fiscal year 2020.

Four months into the year (the fiscal year began on October 1, 2019) we have admitted 4,686 refugees from leading sending countries of Afghanistan, Burma, DR Congo, Eritrea, Moldova and Ukraine.  Smaller numbers came from dozens of countries. About 918 of the 4,686 are Muslims.

Here is the big however—Special Immigrant Visa holders from Afghanistan numbered 4,585 in just the last four months bringing the total to 64,280 since 2006. And, those majority Muslim Afghans that supposedly helped us somehow in Afghanistan are given the same privileges as regular refugees. Iraqi SIVs numbered 129 (18,677 since 2006).

Before I get to the details of where they were all placed, don’t miss John Binder’s Friday Breitbart story where he provides the astronomical numbers of migrants coming into the US through myriad legal pathways from the President’s travel restricted countries.

See how many regular refugees were admitted to the US in the last ten years. Note that Obama didn’t set an extremely high ceiling until he was leaving office in 2016 and setting the ceiling for 2017.

Every time I see the deceivers in the media tout Obama’s 110,000 I want to scream at them to tell the whole truth! Don’t forget that the Dem candidates for President are talking 125,000 and up for their refugee importation plans.


Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Center for the first 4 months of this fiscal year.  I showed you how to find this kind of information yourself in Knowledge is Power IV.

You might want to compare this map of where new refugees are being placed right now with the map in my previous post which shows some states that don’t want any, or have not yet made a decision, but are definitely getting some.


The top five states ‘welcoming’ regular refugees (4,686) are Washington, California, Texas, New York and Minnesota.  Minnesota doesn’t usually rank this high.

The top five states that are unknowingly getting the Special Immigrant Visa holders from Afghanistan (4,585 nationally in the last 4 months) are California, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Maryland.

Using my instructions I gave you in Knowledge is Power IV, you can find the towns and cities that host new refugees. For the SIVs you can find only the states by first going here and clicking on “Cumulative arrivals…” (or see below) to find how many went to your state.

Play with the data at the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, it is fun (sort of) as a cold winter day project!

Cumulative Arrivals by State for Refugees and SIV Reception and Placement (R&P) Recipients – Afghan