Strange bedfellows: Refugee resettlement group/ACLU/CAIR

Although its old news now, it was interesting to discover that Bridge Refugee and Sponsorship Services, a subcontractor of Church World Services located in East Tennessee, joined an ACLU lawsuit challenging the Patriot Act in 2003.   

Bridge’s involvement stemmed from an incident in which the FBI sought information on Iraqi refugees that the resettlement agency had settled in East Tennessee.   Mary Lieberman, then Executive Director of the agency, stated that she was heartbroken that the government did not respect the privacy of these persecuted refugees.

The suit filed in  US District Court, Eastern District of Michigan was the first challenge to the Patriot Act.



OF ANN ARBOR, et al.,



JOHN ASHCROFT, in his official capacity

as Attorney General of the United States,

et al.,


    In addition to Bridge Refugee and Sponsorship Services, the groups participating in the lawsuit are Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor, which operates a mosque and school in Ann Arbor, Michigan; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, a national civil rights organization based in Washington D.C.; Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, a human services organization based in Dearborn, Michigan that operates a medical clinic as well as a center for refugees and torture victims; Council on American-Islamic Relations, a grassroots membership organization based in Washington D.C.; and The Islamic Center of Portland, Masjed As-Saber, which operates a mosque and school in Portland, Oregon.

That is quite a rogues gallery for a kind-hearted enlightened refugee resettlement group to be associating with.

The ACLU withdrew the case in 2006.

To read more go to:

Wow! The 200 views mark has been reached

I am pleased to report that Refugee Resettlement Watch has now had 200 views (not including me!) on our 11th day birthday!    It’s modest I know, but it’s a start.   

Someone remarked to me just yesterday that the mainstream media will not touch this issue because it’s so politically correct to view Refugee Resettlement as a purely “white hat”,  American as apple pie, sort of thing to do—to rescue the world’s persecuted.   We are not suggesting that we never do that, we only want the process reformed— to be open, honest, straightforward and safe.    In other words, this should not be a case of the ends (rescuing people all over the world by bringing them here) justifying the means.

If the mainstream media won’t touch this issue, won’t investigate it or debate it,  guess we will be going around them directly to you—the people most effected by it! 

   Help us spread the word!