Way to go sister blog!

      Yesterday, the Washington Times published an op-ed by Frank Gaffney Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy  in Washington.  The piece entitled, “War of ideas’ homefront” raises the important issue we have been addressing here at RRW, and that is that there is not just a  military war on terror but the ideological war here at home.   Except for a few brave souls willing to speak out in alarm, we are bit by bit accomodating the demands of Islamic fundamentalists whose goal it is to someday see sharia law (Islamic law) replace our Constitution.

     One such demand is on display in New York City where  taxpayer funds will soon create within  the public school system a special Islamic school, or a madrassa as it is called.    The brave souls fighting this plan are a small band of parents and concerned citizens calling themselves Stop the Madrassa Coalition and their blog http://stopthemadrassa.wordpress.com     

       I’m proud to say that this blog is our sister blog at the Center for Vigilant Freedom where blogging is not just for educating, but more importantly for community organizing.  

       As the numbers of Muslim immigrants grow in the US, there will be increasing demands for special accomadations, in all of our towns and cities, for the strict requirements of the fundamentalist form of Islam.    Soon it will be Burlington, VT, Ft. Morgan, CO,  Warren, MI, or a city near you.

       See Mr. Gaffney’s commentary here:    http://www.washingtontimes.com/article/20070724/COMMENTARY03/107240008/1012


Will they continue to persecute each other here?

     Daily we hear of the Shiites persecuting (killing actually) the Sunnis and the Sunnis persecuting the Shiites in Iraq.   Today Jihad Watch (www.jihadwatch.org)  reported on a bombing of a children’s hospital in a Shiite area reportedly by Sunnis.  

    Part of the definition of refugee is someone who has a well-founded fear of persecution due to one’s religion.  So, if  Sunnis claim persecution by Shiites, and Shiite refugees claim persecution by Sunnis they both then have a claim to come to the US for resettlement.      

     Will their battle (over a thousand years old) follow them to the cities and towns of middle America? 

Burundis go to Burlington

Your tax dollars:   

  The Burlington Free Press reported today that more refugees are expected in Vermont soon.


(just checked this link – Oct. 11, 2007 – and it doesn’t work anymore, sorry)

About 20 Burundi refugees from camps in Tanzania have arrived in the Burlington area, and an additional 100 refugees could arrive in the coming months.


The largest refugee groups to come to Vermont in recent years are Somali Bantu, who resettled mostly in the Burlington area, and Meshketian Turks, who settled primarily in Barre and Waterbury. Under the resettlement program, refugees receive cash assistance while they get settled, as well as English lessons and help finding jobs and housing. They are also free to apply for welfare and public housing assistance.


Many of Chittenden County’s refugees live in Burlington and Winooski because the two municipalities are home to much of the county’s publicly subsidized housing and private market rental stock. Because of the housing patterns, Burlington and Winooski public schools educate the lion’s share of refugee children in the county.

Follow-up to Newsweek poll on Muslim immigration

     Today Robert Spencer published an article on Frontpage magazine entitled “Islamophobic or informed?”  in which he addresses the results of the Newsweek poll showing that 46% of the Amercian public think we have too much  Muslim immigration.    Spencer is the director of one of my favorite blogs, Jihad Watch.   His focus is on the security concerns of uncontrolled immigration from Muslim countries.    http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=29265

     Spencer authored an earlier piece (before RRW came into being) on Muslim immigration that should be read in conjunction with today’s article.  


     I see the threat to America as twofold.    First, is the immediate security threat that Spencer so clearly describes.   And, second is the longterm, bit by bit, accomodation we make to the Islamic faith and to those who practice it in its fundamental form.  

     Look around you:   Foot baths in Michigan public colleges to accomodate Muslim students at taxpayer expense, pork off the menu in public cafeterias,  special breaks at the workplace and in schools to allow for the Muslim requirement to pray five times a day, no alcohol or dogs in Minneapolis cabs driven by Somali drivers, and the list goes on.

     Here in Washington County “cultural” differences were blamed when Muslim women refugees would not carpool to their ESL classes with men not in their family.  Instead of saying to them, sorry you live in America now, other arrangements were made to accomodate them.

      Before we even realize it, we will bit by bit lose our American way of life.

Virginia Blogger at the vanguard

     Yesterday the Washington Post ran a front page story entitled, “Muscling a Web Site into a Social Movement” that very much heralds a new era for politics, government and the media.  Bloggers are changing dramatically how we receive the news and consequently are reshaping the entire political landscape (along with talk radio of course).

     I was involved in conservative political issues years ago and one spent every waking minute trying to get the local newspaper or TV station to do a tiny bit on your issue so that the public could be made aware.   Once the public was informed, there could be real debate on whatever political changes were sought.   When there was fair and open debate, democracy could work.  You might lose, but at least democracy could work.

    The media held the key, no media attention and the door to democratic debate did not open.

    The Post article, which you should all read, discusses the incredible impact one blog and one blogger has had on the political landscape in Northern Virginia on the subject of illegal immigration.     

      Here is what the Post had to say about Greg Letiecq and his blog, “Black Velvet Bruce Li”:

 Since April, Letiecq has used his blog to sign up more than 500 members for his anti-illegal immigrant organization, Help Save Manassas, quickly building it into one of the region’s most effective social movements. He and his group researched, facilitated and wrote parts of the illegal-immigration resolution that Prince William officials adopted this month, working with the Washington-based Immigration Reform Law Institute.

The resolution — approved unanimously July 10 — seeks to deny services to illegal immigrants and sharply increase immigration enforcement by police.


     Slowly but surely we are kissing the old media goodbye and going directly to the people.