More on the dark side of diversity–Somali abuse of women

While checking on the status of the Somali refugee rape case we reported a few days ago, I found this account of another horrible crime in the same Minneapolis-St. Paul newspaper.   Why is it that those promoting the wonderous things diverse cultures bring to America avoid mentioning the dark side?   

And to think that you paid for Afif Abdiaziz Ahmed, and others like him, to come to America.  You gave him airfare to get here, cash to start out,  English language lessons, medical care, subsidized housing and food stamps.    A case worker likely helped him find a job.  And now, you will pay for lifetime nursing care for the woman he brutalized and can never live on her own.

Advocates and law enforcement authorities say domestic violence often is a taboo topic in the male-dominated Somali community.


“The level of brutality in this case really set it apart from most cases we’ve dealt with,” Gaertner said. “It’s amazing she survived. The lifelong results of those injuries are absolutely tragic.”


Ahmed showed no signs of remorse, said St. Paul police Sgt. Paul Schnell. Nor did he offer any explanation beyond telling police that he cut her face and genitals so “she will never mess with another man again,” the complaint said.


It appears that her face had been beaten and cut numerous times,” the police report said of the victim. “Her head had so many lacerations and so much blood on it, her face was hard to identify as a human head.”


Ahmed beat her with his fists and a metal pole. He raped her with a knife

If you are as angry as I am, tell your elected officials that this must stop.  And, while you are at it, copy this horrific story and send it to Senators Kennedy, Levin, and Biden who wrote and sponsored the Refugee Act of 1980.