Women Against Shariah has arrived

Our friend Janet Levy has started a blog—an important blog!  It’s called Women Against Shariah and you must read it here.  

Without a doubt one of the most puzzling aspects of the debate about the expanding Islamist agenda is the utter silence of feminists who are otherwise demanding rights for all women.  I guess if the perpetrator is some white male chauvinist pig he is fair game, but by golly they don’t say a word about the brutality some women in the world (and increasingly in America) face under Shariah law and from Muslim men.

Women Against Shariah could not come too soon.   We have a growing number of refugees and other immigrants importing to America practices which all civilized people must reject—polygamy, female genital mutilation, and even honor killings.

Go now and visit Women Against Shariah and check out the informative sidebar on the demands the Koran makes on women regarding their clothing by instructing them on how best to hide their “ornaments.”

And, if you are a blogger add this important site to your blogroll.  Congratulations Janet!

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