Somali author in Norway blasts fellow immigrants

Update:  Gates of Vienna has more today on the problems in Norway with asylum seekers here.  Note at the end of that post there is list of GOV links for many recent posts on Norway.

Thanks to Janet over at Women Against Sharia for tipping us off to this story.   A Somali woman in Norway has written a book in which she says Somalis aren’t integrating into Norwegian society (no kidding!).   You have to give this brave woman a great deal of credit for what she has written because now she fears for her life.

A Somalian woman who came to Norway more than 10 years ago is harshly criticizing her fellow Somalian immigrants and Norwegian authorities. In a new book, she claims Somalians themselves don’t want to integrate into Norwegian society, and that Norwegian welfare programs make it easy for them to remain isolated.

The book written by Amal Aden, a pseudonym for the Somalian author, is already creating an uproar. Amal Aden wouldn’t use her own name because of fears for her own safety.

She claims that resistance to integration is widespread especially among Somalian men, who fear losing their culture and religion. Many are afraid of Norwegians and view them as infidels who can’t be trusted.

Likely she will be joining Ayan Hirsi Ali among the hunted.   Here is how it works, sound familiar:

In her book, entitled “See us!” (Se oss!), Amal Aden claims the Somalians also exploit the Norwegian welfare state and have many children in order to qualify for more welfare payments. Many couples also “divorce” under Norwegian law in order for the women to receive even more welfare payments as single mothers, only to continue to live under Somalian customs with their Somalian husbands and have more children, the author claims.

Then here is what I thought were the most telling lines in this whole article.

Abdulwahab (a Somali activist in Norway) has five daughters himself aged four to 14, but has sent them all to school in Kenya. Not, he claims, because Norwegians can’t be relied upon but because he wants them to get a good education.

What is going on here?  Why is he living in Norway if it isn’t a better place to raise his kids?  Why aren’t they all living in Kenya?  First, I suspect the girls are being kept from the corrupting influence of a free society and secondly, as much as many of you reading this  will want to tell me I’m crazy (or worse!), Somalis are not in the west to have a better life—they are the foot soldiers of the advancing Islamic Army.   

Go ahead, call me names and put your head in the sand.  No sense beating aroung the bush.  The arrogance and resistance to assimilation we read about with Somalis all over the country (the world!) is because they believe they are superior to us.  We are the infidels and they plan to populate western democracies and ultimately change Dar el Harb (a country at war with Islam) to Dar el Islam (a country where Islam dominates).

See our archives on problems with Muslim immigrants in Norway here.

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