Somali missing youths should soon return home

Update April 22nd:  I can’t believe it, the Obama Administration is considering funding training for security forces for this supposed moderate Somali government in hopes of deterring piracy, here.  More taxpayer funds down a rat hole!

As a starting point, the United States plans to help fund the country’s nascent security force.


Did you hear the news?   The New York Times is reporting that the Somali Parliment has voted to govern Somalia with Shariah Law.  Hat tip:  Mars.  This should be great news for the American Somali families whose sons have gone to fight for al-Shabaab (an al Qaeda affiliate) and a fundamentalist Islamic Somalia.

MOGADISHU, Somlia — Somalia’s Parliament voted unanimously on Saturday to institute Islamic law, a measure lawmakers say they hope will strengthen popular support for the government and siphon it away from the Islamist militias fighting an insurgency here.

The vote ratified a decision by the cabinet last month to adopt the legal code of Islam based on the Koran, known as Shariah.

Okay, so that means the fighting will end, right?

“I am happy with the Shariah,” said Ismahan Haghi Aweis, 24, a student in Mogadishu, the capital. “I hope that the fighting is all over.”

The Shabab, a hard-line Islamist insurgent movement that controls large swaths of southern Somalia, has imposed its own version of Islamic law and vowed to rebel against the government.

We can all be on the lookout for the return of the missing former refugee youths, because afterall isn’t that what they were fighting for—a Shariah government in Somalia?  They can now turn their attentions to the next battle—establishing Shariah Law in Minnesota!

Further thoughts in the a.m.:  You know that report that Janet Reno (oops! Napolitano) released the other day (Judy posted on it here).  When Homeland Security warns of returning radicalized American military men, they must have been thinking of returning American Somali fighters.

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