Iraqi refugees returning to Iraq, maybe, maybe not

We hear so much conflicting news, who is to say what is correct and what isn’t anymore as it relates to Iraqi refugees.   Here is a story that says Iraqis (Muslim Iraqis) are returning to Iraq in a big way.  Tomorrow there will be a story that says they aren’t.

More than a million Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people have returned to their homes in Iraq over the past six years, despite the violence that prevails in the country. 

As of April this year, 609,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and approximately 409,000 refugees had returned to their homes in Iraq, according to the latest figures published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

UN Return Assistance Centers

The Iraqi immigration authorities are encouraging refugees to return, explaining that the security situation in the country has improved.

The UNHCR has opened return assistance centers in Baghdad, with the aim of supporting returnees and assisting them to integrate back into communities.

Most of the people returning to Iraq are middle class, Sidky said. Christians and other minorities in Iraq have faced persecution since Saddam Hussein was ousted and many of them have fled the violence to seek better lives elsewhere.

However, she said most of those returning were Muslim, since they are a majority in the country and most of those who fled were Muslim.

I will say that if Obama pulls us out precipitously and a bloodbath follows, it will be Obama’s bloodbath.

By the way, I haven’t seen any news stories about unhappy Iraqis leaving the US recently, I wonder if there hasn’t been a big effort made by the volags to keep them happy and out of the newspapers.

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