Iraqi refugee issue to go to Power in the White House

Update August 20th:  More evidence that Ms. Power will be taking State Department powers into the White House, here.

Well it looks like Obama, in another extraordinary move to consolidate his power in the White House, is taking one more issue away from Hillary at the State Department—Iraqi refugees.  I must admit I would normally love watching all this insider intrigue if it weren’t so very serious.  And, I do have a little sympathy for Hillary Clinton as Obama gradually reduces her power and influence—this time using her arch-enemy Samantha Power.

Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs has a juicy little post Saturday that begins:

Back in October of 2008, before BHO was elected, I posted a video of one of Obama’s closest advisers, Samantha Power, calling for a military invasion of Israel (here). Power’s anti-Jewish racism became so hot, she was forced to resign. Of course that was not the reason given. If you remember, it was said that Power resigned from Obama’s election campaign because of a caustic comment she made about Hillary Clinton. Power called Clinton a monster. Oh yeah, Power is a real piece of …

Read the rest of her “Hillary smackdown” post in which she explains how Ms. Power will be taking over an issue normally falling under the purview of the US State Department.

I bet what is going on is that the State Department is being sensible about Iraqi refugees and is coming to the understanding that we can’t resettle millions or even thousands here when there isn’t even enough employment for them and many are already very unhappy.    The White House and its power-brokers including Alinskyites such as John Podesta must be back to their insane idea of airlifting hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Muslims here ASAP.   See this post I wrote last winter about Podesta’s Center for American Progress lobbying for just that—an AIRLIFT. 

Now, go back and read my previous post about importing the poor and angry and using them as pawns. I must admit it is getting pretty creepy watching all these radical ideas coming to fruition.

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