Did Alinsky have anything to follow his chaos=change strategy? Does Obama?

I don’t want to get into another long and convoluted discussion about Saul Alinsky, Obama’s role model for community organizing, but I also don’t want to lose this American Thinker article by Kyle-Anne Shiver.  So therefore I’m posting this, yet another piece on the community organizing strategy, in our category aptly named “community destabilization.”

Many people who haven’ t read Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” have asked me where did Alinsky say it (the chaos to bring about change) would lead to, to what form of government?  Alinsky never really says, he seems to have reveled in just causing turmoil.  His battle of the “Have-nots” vs. the “Haves” seemed to have no end game.  So, now that Obama has successfully used the strategy to place himself in the Oval Office, what is his end game, what are his goals for America?    Ms. Shiver seems to think he has no real idea how to govern, I say he does.

What happens when the thing a president knows best is a set of tactics designed to take power from the “haves”? When the most highly prized info a president ever garnered could be summed up as nothing better than gaming an electoral system with ACORN pay-for-registration schemes?

What happens when a president is very skilled in deceptively cloaking these less-than-altruistic means in rhetorical “moral garments” and his lies finally start catching up with him, destroying his credibility? When a president has never actually run anything successfully, not even his own paper route or a PTA meeting or a small town’s city council?

What happens when power-grab tactics, taught by a rabble-rousing revolutionary, suddenly catapult a charismatic demagogue into the highest power-perch in the world?

Well, then, Barack Obama’s big, fat governance failure happens.

Granted, Obama seems to be messing up pretty badly (strategically) right now, but not for a second do I think that he hasn’t any idea of what he wants to accomplish.  Although Alinsky may have only described a tactic to destabilize communities, others since then have figured out part II, that is, exactly what to do with that chaos and change.  They are working every day to diminish the US in the world, to knock us down a peg, to open our borders to millions of “Have-nots,” to destroy our patriotic spirit, to make us feel guilty for being a nation of mostly “Haves,” to take away our individual freedom, to tell us we need to be governed by eltitists like Obama, his Ivy-League inner circle, and his friends in big business.  The list goes on and I said I wasn’t going to get into another big yak, but here I am.   Bottomline, each day he takes more of our freedom and places it in the hands of the enlightened few in Washington.  Call it Socialism, Marxism, Statism, or liberal fascism, whatever, but he knows how he wants to govern and he has already made considerable progress.

I think Ms. Shiver demonstrates wishful thinking when she says:

Well, then, Barack Obama’s big, fat governance failure happens

Yesterday I told you about the White House meeting on Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) also known as Amnesty.  Go back now and look at the Alinsky-style agitators (all using immigrants as pawns for their own purposes), those organizations, churches, unions and businesses arrayed against freedom-loving American people and ask yourself if Obama is advancing his agenda or not.    When the Immigration Daily writer made the following point, I thought it was overstating their case, but this morning I have second thoughts.

In the long view of history, immigration reform will likely be a more profound political milestone than health care reform….

By sanctioning law-breaking illegal immigration, Comprehensive Immigration Reform will bring about the end of our borders.  If he accomplishes that and nothing else, his Presidency will have advanced the agenda of the one-worlders beyond their wildest expectations.   Alinsky might have described a strategy to bring about chaos, but Obama knows where he is taking the chaos.

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