New excuse for asylum: Bad things could happen to me if I don’t join a gang in my home country

Oh brother,  here is a story reported by Brenda Walker at VDARE that we need to watch.

It seems that the Mira youngsters (twin boys and a sister) were living with granny in El Salvador but claiming they might be made to join MS-13 or have bad things happen to them if they didn’t, they hopped across the border in Mexico to join mamma in Minnesota.  Now, of course, I would like to know why Mama was in Minnesota and left her kids home in El Salvador, but that is another story.

Ordered to be deported, and while still appealing their deportation order, the US Supreme Court has taken an interest in the case.  If the Mira’s win in the end, a national precedent could be set when asylum requests could be granted for a whole new very broad set of  additional reasons.  From the Minneapolis Star Tribune last month.

The Miras’ hopes to stay depend on how the Obama administration applies traditional definitions of asylum — protection for people fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality and political beliefs — to people claiming to be members of social groups that are targeted for reprisals by violent elements in the homelands.

Some officials have cautioned against widening the asylum window, warning that it could lead to unwanted immigrants, including possibly gang members fleeing violent lives.

Prospective asylees could then claim they were part of a targeted “social group” that was “persecuted” in some way.   Lower courts have said the Miras were not a part of a “social group” simply as teens in El Salvador.

The young people must prove they are part of a particular “social group” being persecuted. The Miras made that case before local immigration courts and the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals. Last year, the board acknowledged the dangers of returning to El Salvador, but said the Miras did not belong to a definable “social group.”

Not only was their appeal denied, but the board also used the Miras’ case as a national model for its decision to deny similar cases, said John Keller, executive director of the Immigrant Law Center.

Now the US Supreme Court has stepped in, they have received a temporary reprieve and the whole definition of what constitutes asylum claims is opened for possible expansion.

After the Miras were unexpectedly detained this month, their legal team filed several emergency appeals to halt the deportations. The Supreme Court last week ordered the Department of Homeland Security to respond to the emergency appeal; the department halted the deportation and agreed to reopen the case.

As I said at the outset, this is one to watch.

Obama sends out the SEIU thugs

Remember Saul Alinsky’s mantra,  The ends justify the means, as you read the news last night from Atlas Shrugs—the Obama Administration has unleashed its thugs (via an e-mail command two days ago) from the likes of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) to disrupt town hall meetings on health care and some have turned violent. 

If you are wondering how that topic is at all related to RRW, it is.  We’ve written extensively on ‘community destabilization’ —the basic tenet of community organizing.  I’ve told you that I believe, for instance, that the SEIU is behind training and organizing Somalis who disrupt workplaces.  The SEIU’s drive to bring in ever-increasing numbers of immigrants is to import poor and angry people who will demand more welfare, create chaos and in turn bring about “change,” not to mention join the union and vote Democratic.

The Leftwing-driven Open Borders crowd controls the immigration issue, the volag leaders are in on it and the true humanitarians concerned with the plight of the world’s poor are their dupes.

Back to the health care violence instigated by Leftist agitators:  Obama, SEIU, ACORN, Wade Rathke, George Soros are thrilled by this turn of events.  The more chaos the better!  Next thing you know Obama will send in the troops!

Please read through our ‘community destabilization’ category and the strategy will become clear, or search our site for SEIU, the Tides Foundation, George Soros, Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, and Wade Rathke to start your research.

Further information from Judy:   If you don’t believe me, see this heavily linked (head spinning) article at Frontpage magazine today by Ben Johnson about the extensive Soros- funded network the average American has to contend with at townhall meetings on health care this month.  Mr. Johnson ends with this:

“….as common men and women are proving at Congressional townhall meetings, on radio talk shows, and in diners across the country, those not on George Soros’s payroll are distinctly unhappy with this proposal.”

I think Obama’s march to socialism has met the resistance!

More on the Bhutanese in Florida—5000 more refugees expected

Last week I reported to you that a young Bhutanese refugee was murdered in the parking lot of an apartment building  where he and other recently arrived Bhutanese were placed—-an apartment building that by all accounts is in a crime ridden neighborhood of Jacksonville.  Here is an update story that I missed from Tuesday.   No mention of the details of the armed robbery—the shooter took his wallet and cell phone— it’s a story about how the refugees came to be in the US.

Half a world away and 34 years ago, Shiv Adhikari was born in a small farming village in southern Bhutan.

As a child, his greatest gift — a love of learning — would come from his father, a self-taught priest and village elder. It would be years before Adhikari would know how education would be his escape hatch.

His story is emblematic of the hope and fears of Bhutanese refugees, as many as 60,000 of whom could be resettled in the United States after nearly two decades without a homeland. Approximately 60 families are in Jacksonville; thousands could come to Florida.

Less than a year after they have arrived, the Bhutanese refugees are largely unknown to Jacksonville. Yet their mutual introduction was hijacked by a senseless act of violence: The slaying of Hari Adhikari, 21, who was robbed and killed on July 27.

The killing, however, appears to have no effect on plans to bring more refugees to Florida.   The US is planning to resettle 60,000 Bhutanese of Nepali origin over the next 5 years.  I guess despite the lack of jobs in our still floundering economy this article says 5000 will be going to Florida.

In Jacksonville, the refugees are assigned to resettlement agencies such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief, where they get help for the first 90 days, said Elaine Carson, director of World Relief’s Jacksonville office. Managers help them get Social Security cards, some English training and jobs.

But the Bhutanese lack the supports that many other refugees have here. Only a few dozen people of Nepali descent live in Jacksonville, although many of them have helped.

Prior to the resettlements, there were only about 150 Bhutanese in the United States, according to a refugee briefing document from the Cultural Orientation Resource Center.

The refugees began arriving in Jacksonville in 2008, in the midst of the worst economic crisis in decades. Jobs have been scarce, even for those who speak English and have degrees.

Approximately 5,000 refugees may come to Florida, said Dharma Acharya, who came from Nepal to attend college and has lived in Jacksonville for 15 years.

We have written extensively for two years about the Bhutanese refugee issue, for more information use our search function and type in “Bhutanese refugees” to learn more.

Now he knows about the Australian Somali terror network

I just told you last night that Omar Jamal is into everything going on in the Somali community, not just in Minneapolis, but now it seems across the whole world.  Here, as reported at Bartamaha, his insider knowledge is (again) on full display.

AUSTRALIAN Somalis have been denied entry to the US as recently as May and at least three flew to their war-torn homeland to fight in late 2006, American activists claim.

Minneapolis Somali Justice Advocacy Centre director Omar Jamal said two Australian Somalis had tried to enter the US to attend a fundraising conference three months ago.

“They were from Australia and they were denied entry to the US,” he said.

Also, one Somali killed in 2006 during a clash between al-Shabaab jihadists and Somali government forces was found with an Australian passport, Mr Jamal said.

US members of the al-Shabaab extremist group, which is linked to al-Qaida, have been travelling to Australia for the past six years, one US Somali leader said.

Somali American Abdirizak Bihi* fears Australians, like his nephew Burhan Hassan, 17, have fled their homes and joined al-Shabaab in Somalia.

“We have been hearing of people who were fighting and died in the Islamist war as far back as 2006 who flew in from Melbourne that died in this war,” Mr Bihi said.

* We have heard directly from Abdirizak Bihi here, and I remarked about his willingness to confront the local Imams and CAIR and I don’t want to diminish that bravery by questioning how on earth Bihi’s comrade in arms Omar Jamal is into everything!  His ‘knowledge’ strains credulity!

What a coincidence that an editor of Bartamaha, the Somali publication that posted this story, was attacked and nearly killed in Minneapolis two nights ago.  I just a few minutes ago posted that news, here.  However I see that his beating took place the night before this story was published, so perhaps no connection.

Al Shabaab recruitment strategies point to international terror goals

Here is a long and detailed article published by McClatchy two days ago giving us more details about Somali terrorist recruitment and the threat it poses for the West and our allies including Kenya.

To Somali experts, however, the recruitment effort reflects the influence of al-Shabaab’s “foreign wing,” a small group of commanders with links to extremist groups in the Middle East and other regions. Under their leadership, al-Shabaab has morphed from a homegrown law-and-order movement into a wannabe al-Qaida affiliate in East Africa, with designs on carrying out attacks in foreign lands.