Center for Immigration Studies has important information about how immigration impacts the health care debate.

From a recent CIS press release:

WASHINGTON (August 21) – While there has been some discussion of whether illegal immigrants should be covered by proposed government insurance plans, the enormous impact of immigration, both legal and illegal, on the health care system has generally not been acknowledged in the current debate.

Go here and learn more.

Watch Glenn Beck tonight and every night!

The same Leftist agitators (following the Alinsky/Cloward-Piven strategies*) we discuss on these pages are going after cable news anchor Glenn Beck because he is showing how the Obama White House is grabbing power, driving the country to the Left and further into a command and control government run from Washington— directly from an elitist White House.  

They have organized a boycott of advertisers on Beck’s show, see this article at the Los Angeles Times today.  Note how the White House is directly behind trying to silence Beck’s free speech.

One of those companies pledging to not advertise on Beck is Wal-Mart.  We just told you that Wal-Mart has gone over to the Open Borders side on the illegal alien issue as well.

Spread the word that Wal-Mart is not a friend of average patriotic freedom-loving American citizens.

To better grasp this concept of big business now in bed with top-down government and the advocates of socialism (communism?) see this enlightening post Judy wrote back in June about “corporate fascism.”   For many of us it takes some reorienting of our thinking to grasp that the radical Left and big business are in bed together.  Make that a threesome with the unions.

* All of our posts on Alinsky/Cloward-Piven are located in our appropriately named category—community destablilization.

Iraqis coming across the Mexican border illegally

This will make you sick!  We are paying the airfare and initial living expenses for tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees entering the US while others are coming across our borders illegally.  Meanwhile, some of those Iraqi refugees in the US legally are complaining that they aren’t getting the stuff they were promised and incredibly want to go home to the Middle East.

This article in the Minnesota Post begins with a sob-story account of why these three Muslim Kurds left wives and small children to fend for themselves in Iraq while they spent their family’s money for an illegal trip that ended in swimming across the Rio Grande.  You can go read their likely fabricated stories, I’m not posting them.

So go the stories of three Iraqi Kurds who fled their homeland and, after a long journey through Mexico and a quick swim across the Rio Grande, are now languishing inside a federal lockup in this small South Texas town.

The journeys of Wshyar Mohammed-Salih, Majeed Aziz-Beirut and Awat Mahmood-Qadir exemplify the rarely examined phenomenon of the illegal movement of Iraqis over the U.S.-Mexico border since the 2003 American invasion.

They were smuggled into the US with the help of Mexico and asylum lawyers must be waiting on the US side to help them apply for asylum.  If granted asylum they get the benefits legal refugees receive.

The men say they paid a Turkish smuggler $20,000 apiece to secure Mexican visas and airfare that would get them within striking distance of the Rio Grande. Court records say they floated across on March 12 north of McAllen. Five months later, they are waiting for a chance to ask a judge for political asylum.

The number of Iraqis showing up legally and forming small communities in American cities has been well-noted, but much less attention is paid to Iraqis who steal over the border.

“I know America has brought a lot of Iraqis here to live,” Majeed said. “I want to be one of them.”

The exact number is not known, though statistics indicate the stream is small but steady. U.S. Border Patrol apprehension numbers obtained by GlobalPost show that about 200 Iraqis have been caught crossing between 2003 and 2008. That doesn’t account for those who got through and were either never caught or got caught later. The Department of Homeland Security reports having located 964 deportable Iraqis in the U.S. between 2003 and 2008. Some 2,278 Iraqis petitioned for asylum during that time.  [these 2,278 must have gotten past the border patrol].

Then they plan to bring the family!

In choosing the U.S. over other destinations, Wshyar said conventional street wisdom held that America offered amazing promises. He hoped America would welcome him with open arms and then he would bring his family over.

The Turkey-Mexico connection:

Wshyar, Majeed and Awat said Murat charged them $20,000 up front with no guarantee they’d ever even see him again. In return, they were promised Mexican entry visas on their passports, airfare to Mexico City, lodging and delivery into America.

To get started they handed Murat their passports. The next day, they were instructed to meet Murat at the Mexican Embassy in Ankara. There, Murat handed them their passports with Mexican visas inside.

From Ankara, the Iraqis flew with Murat to Dubai, then France and finally arrived in Mexico City on Feb. 3. After several fits and starts over the next month, Murat and a Mexican smuggler led the three men at 2 p.m. on March 12 to a small boat on the banks of the Rio Grande. A Mexican man waiting in a truck on the other side was to take them to a hotel and drop them off.

They got caught and now have asylum lawyers probably provided free of charge by some Leftwing Open Borders group.

Who do we blame for this?

Go here to see the list of businesses, unions, churches and other non-profit lobbying groups that support this — illegal entry into the US—and are working with the Obama Administration to open our borders.   They met at the White House last week to get their marching orders.  Here are some of the businesses selling out America on that list:  McDonald’s, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Hewlett Packard, Citigroup, and Oracle.

ECBO employment services: why hire a (Muslim) refugee?

Your tax dollars:

I’m going to be telling you about Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBO’s) just about every day from now on.   This one today is the Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee.  They previously called themselves the Somali Community Center but I bet that the name change is only superficial and for all intents and purposes they are still run by and for Somalis.

I told you about their name change here in February and surmised it was because they had a big grant fraud scam and changed their name so that when they apply for grants in the future they don’t raise red flags.    Also, by taking the word “Somali” out of the title they likely are open to receiving grants that might benefit other immigrant groups.  Looking at the site just now, it still sure looks like a site geared to Muslim immigrants and not to a broad base  of the immigrant population of Nashville.

Here is the page called “Why hire a refugee?”

The Center for Refugees & Immigrants of Tennessee can help you find good employees without a placement fee!

We have unrestricted work-authorized refugees with experience in assembly line/production, warehouses, hospitality, quality control, and professional positions.





Motivated, hard workers

Ready to learn new skills

Eager to get a job, keep it and support their families

Flexible about what shift they work

Able to work on weekends and on holidays, including

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

New Years Eve and New Years Day


Independence Day

We Provide:

Pre-employment assistance, including:

Assistance finding jobs & preparing for interviews

Orientation on expectations on the job

Post-placement assistance and support

Free English classes and/or computer classes to our clients in our office

Allow us to help you with your hiring needs.
Call Kerry Foley at 615-366-6868

So , what do you notice besides the fact that, despite the word “free,” you, the taxpayer, are paying for immigrant employment services to benefit the likes of Tysons Food and other big companies, probably including Loew’s Vanderbilt Hotel (LOL!)

The Center’s website lists the following nationalities as ones the Center helps and supports:

The agency serves Somali refugees, including newly arriving Bantu, as well as Sudanese, Ethiopian, Congolese, Burundian, Rwandan, Ugandan, Cameroonian and other refugees living in the Middle Tennessee area.

What! Are none of these other immigrants Christians?  Sure they are.   As a matter of fact, most of those countries mentioned have large Christian populations. So why does the employment notice say they are willing to work on Christian holidays and Independence Day (Muslims do not care about our most patriotic day)?   The advertisement is to help Muslims only find employment.

And, you are paying for this with your tax dollars!  This Somali Center, although it had previously been caught in grant fraud, received $434,710 in federal grants in 2007 (here).  And here they are getting $150,000 from the Office of Refugee Resettlement in 2008 and who knows how much more from other agencies of the federal government.

To find a federally-funded Somali ‘community organizing’ center near you, go here.

Keeping up with the latest refugee racket: climate change refugees

This article today on Drudge reminded me that I had meant to tell you about Refugees International’s new super-dooper Center for the Study of Climate Displacement.   This is going to be the hottest new craze in the world refugee “crisis.”  Nevermind that man has been moving due to changes in the climate throughout human history.  Just ask those Neanderthals what they thought of that pesky Ice Age.

Here is how the Reuters article begins:

ADDIS ABABA, Aug 24 (Reuters) – African leaders will ask rich nations for $67 billion per year to mitigate the impact of global warming on the world’s poorest continent, according to a draft resolution seen by Reuters on Monday.

Ten leaders are holding talks at African Union (AU) headquarters in the Ethiopian capital to try to agree a common stance ahead of a U.N. summit on climate change in Copenhagen in December.

Experts say Africa contributes little to the pollution blamed for warming, but is likely to be hit hardest by the droughts, floods, heatwaves and rising sea levels forecast if climate change is not checked.

The draft resolution, which must still be approved by the 10 leaders, called for rich countries to pay $67 billion annually to counter the impact of global warming in Africa.

Instead of questioning this extortion project, we have groups like Refugees International playing right into it.   Mark my words, the West is going to “owe” the world either big bucks or open borders (or both!) because of  bogus global warming created, they claim,  by greedy white people.  Refugees International wants in on the bash-the-West racket and to raise funds from the “crisis.”

This is the opening paragraph of their press release published just before President Ken Bacon died recently.

Washington, DC — Refugees International announced plans to establish the Ken and Darcy Bacon Center for the Study of Climate Displacement today. The Center will use Refugees International’s successful advocacy model to work towards stronger policies and structures that meet the needs of the tens of millions of people expected to be displaced by climate change in the coming decades.

There is more here including links to climate “crisis” stories.  We told you about other climate refugee stories previously here , here and here.

You gotta hand it to them.  They have now figured out how to capitalize on two of the left’s money-raising schemes—refugees and climate change.   And, they have managed with this project to wrap into one neat package two major areas that International Leftists are aiming for—open borders and the redistribution of wealth.