Syracuse: Refugees march against racism (?)

About 200 refugees marched for “peace” and an end to racism in Syracuse, NY on Saturday.  If one were to take a quick glance at the story and didn’t know some of the background the immediate assumption one would come to is that the refugees have experienced racism in Syracuse at the hands of white Americans.  Not so. 

One has to read through the story to find near the end that the problems stem from African-Americans acting violently toward immigrants, especially against their own black brothers from Africa (although some violence goes the other way, Somalis acting violently toward American blacks), demonstrating just how casually the word ‘racism’ is used as a club.

This is the article from the Post-Standard, note the mention of the perpetrators of “racism” is many paragraphs into the story:

Syracuse, NY – Cyprien Mihigo said he often feels helpless when he sees and hears about the harassment of refugees on Syracuse’s North Side.

On Saturday, Mihigo found something he could do about it.

“Yes, peace,” he yelled.

“No violence,” hundreds of people shouted back as they walked together in a march for peace.

At least 200 people showed up at the White Branch Library, on Butternut Street, Saturday morning to show their support for peace between the new refugee residents and their neighbors on North side.


Refugees from Myanmar, Bhutan and other countries have been attacked with rocks, fists and knives in the neighborhood where they live. The attacks often go unreported by people who speak little or no English or have experienced police persecution by law enforcement officials in their homelands, Syracuse police and refugee resettlement agency officials say.


Many children marched. Some of the tension is between refugee children and African American children. Two years ago, a dispute between African refugees and other black children who ride the bus from H.W. Smith School prompted school officials to send children home on separate buses.

We have written about Syracuse here, and some time ago we told you the same thing was happening in Roanoke, VA and Moline, ILHere is more on the tension between immigrants and American blacks.

Why does this keep happening?  Because it is human nature to protect one’s territory.  We are tribal by nature and the politically correct multicultural worshipers in the refugee industry keep plunking differant cultures down in the middle of poor black neighborhoods that, not surprisingly, have their own culture!  And, I am sure the poor blacks see the refugees getting stuff (government goodies) they don’t get!

There can only be a few reasons why the resettlement agencies keep trying to mix up the races and cultures.  Either they are cheap and they want the cheapest housing they can find and a black neighborhood is a likely choice, or they are staffed by a bunch of  young naive multiculturalists experimenting with forcing love and peace on disparate cultures, or they are following the Alinsky strategy of purposefully promoting chaos to bring about change.  None of those choices speak well of the resettlement agencies.

Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs) funded by you

Yesterday I took some time to do a little research.  I found out more about the East Africa Community of Colorado, a new ECBO in Greeley, CO and in due time I’ll tell you more about them.

I’ve been aware of ECBOs for some time, but never put things together until I also understood more about the Saul Alinsky school of “community organizing,” you know the one where Obama got his start with “Rules for Radicals” as his bible.  Atheist Alinsky busied himself in the late 1950’s and 60’s basically creating chaos and strife in ethnic and minority communities to bring about “change.”   He doesn’t clearly say what he was trying to change us to, but others have taken up that part of the strategy and it is clear now it is greater centralization of government into the hands of a few at the federal level, and I believe ultimately world government.  

Incidentally Alinsky’s Rule #5, in “Rules for Radicals,” is to use ridicule against those who question what they were doing.  So, laugh if  you want or make fun, it won’t work here.

You know, if you have been a regular reader, that I believe the “radicals” were running low on poor and angry people as many of the ethnic groups and minorities Alinsky organized joined the American middle class.  Enter the push for more immigration and for amnesty for illegal aliens.

If Alinsky were alive today he would be stunned and pleased I am sure to see the variety of angry poor we are importing and especially to see that “community organizing” has become established within the federal government and ethnic strife was being supported with taxpayer dollars.

Yesterday, while doing a little brainstorming with a compatriot he came across this list—a list I’ve seen before but never really focused on, as I said above.

The US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement, funds ethnic groups ostensibly to help all the disparate refugees and immigrants get help and support, sounds benign, but I don’t believe it for a minute.  It would be understandable to set up refugee resource offices in communities that helped all immigrants adjust and assimilate, but setting up specific ethnic ones only continues to foster strife, competition, and separateness from Americans—the opposite of what they claim below.   In practice each ECBO works for its “own” people.

This is the mission:

The objective of this program is to support ethnic community based organizations in providing refugee populations with critical services to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.


This program provides assistance to refugee community based organizations and other groups that address community building, facilitate cultural adjustment and integration of refugees, and deliver mutually supportive functions such as information exchange, civic participation, resource enhancement, orientation and support to newly arriving refugees (and other refugees that maybe in need of such assistance regardless of their resettlement date) and public education to the larger community on the background, needs and potential of refugees. In short, the purpose is to promote community organizing that builds bridges between newcomer refugee communities and community resources.

There it is “community organizing” again!  I feel like I’m in a horror movie where everyone knows they are all aliens except the main character—until it’s too late.  Notice too that they don’t say ‘building bridges to Americans,’ but only ‘building bridges to our resources’—stuff, money, welfare—which in turn builds dependence on government.

Now, go check out the list of ECBO’s funded by you in 2008, here.

Yes, sure these groups help newcomers get drivers licenses, find the welfare office, apply for special loans and grants for immigrants and so on, but if that is all they did they wouldn’t need to be ethnically oriented; these are political organizations that the average American taxpayer is funding.  They are Alinsky-style agitators.

In upcoming posts I will demonstrate how political they are, how fraud is rampant, and how they do not foster assimilation but enhance separateness.

Endnote:  I started our new category on ECBO’s with this post yesterday.   On the Alinsky agitator/community organizer strategy, please read “Rules for Radicals,” or go back to the beginning of our “community destabilization” category here and follow the development of our understanding.

The birth of an ECBO (Ethnic Community Based Organization)

Your tax dollars:

We very much encourage and appreciate entrepreneurs  in America—it is one of our most cherished and respected traditions.  Don’t you just get a warm glow all over when immigrants work hard, start a business, save and send the kids to college?  

Pooh, silly you, that’s the old fashioned way.  Today immigrants start their very own Ethnic Community Based Organizations on your dime with handsome federal grants—no hard work besides getting the non-profit legal status.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with ethnic groups wanting to share food and other traditions from their home country, but these are not that, they are organizations that grow (metastasize) with funding from all of us.

Here is a story from Garden City, Kansas to help make my point.  I call this the birth of an ECBO and it will be the first post in a new category on this important topic.  I have told you about ECBO’s before, way back in February of 2008, where I made the point that in my view these ethnic advocacy groups only serve to separate people and do not encourage assimilation.  That was before I understood the Alinsky/Obama school of community organizing.   Each one eventually will defend and fight for the rights of its “own” people. 

The expanding Burmese community in Garden City soon could see further assistance from an organization run out of an apartment complex with many Burmese renters.

Efforts to achieve an official nonprofit status for the Burmese Refugee Community of Southwest Kansas still are under way, said Zuali Lal, coordinator.

Lal expects the approval to come soon and hopes to have a ceremony when approved. Lal has an office in Garden Spot Rentals, 305 W. Mary St., in apartment DD3, where people of the community can come for help. Lal said she already has been assisting those in need of services, but has bigger plans for the organization.

Bigger plans means she expects to apply for federal and state grants and get paid for what now is her admirable charitable work.

What she is really setting up are support services for big companies like Tyson’s Food * which can then bring in cheap immigrant labor while all the other needs of the immigrant are taken care of by the taxpayer.   She will be showing newcomers how to tap into the welfare system!

She said she wants to have job assistance programs for people who move to the area and want work. Lal said most of the Burmese people work at Tyson Fresh Meats Inc. near Holcomb.

Not many members of the Burmese community know how to drive, Lal said, and she hopes to coordinate driving lessons for community members. She said she hopes to include social service information and assistance, so people can receive the care and attention they need upon arriving in the area.

She learned the racket while working for another non-profit in Seattle, now she is setting up her very own non-profit “community organization!”

Lal moved to Garden City in May after serving as the case manager for the Refugee’s Women Alliance, based in Seattle. She has voluntarily served as an interpreter and advocate for her neighbors, she said.

County Attorney John Wheeler has provided advice to Lal and referred her to other law offices for assistance in obtaining nonprofit status, which involves obtaining proper documentation through a legal process.

Old fashioned entrepreneurs  knew how to go where their customers would be, so too do these new ECBO-entrepreneurs—-they learn where great new waves of refugees and secondary migrants are headed and are right there with dreams of non-profit nirvana.

This is Alinsky-style community organizing aided and abetted by the Department of Health and Human Services and your tax dollars, more in my next post!  You will have to wait to see the shocking list!  (Here it is!)

* Speaking of lists,  and Tysons Food, go back and look again at the list of  ‘troops’ the White House is lining up in support of Amnesty.  I’m getting obsessed with it, but I just realized the word I think best describes the attendees—parasites.

DHS Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2008

That’s the name of a July 2009 report from the Department of Homeland Security I just came across while reading the NumbersUSA article I just posted on.  Check it out here.

In 2008, the highest year yet, 359,000 aliens were removed from the US.  97,100 were criminal aliens!   811,000 foreign nationals agreed to go home without a removal order—-yeh, right!  How many of those actually left?

Then we have all those who got their marching orders at the White House last week getting ready to lobby for AMNESTY for these people.