Former refugee indicted for lying about involvement in Rwandan genocide

Thanks to reader Jayson, here is more refugee crime news from New Hampshire.

From AP published in the Union Leader:

Concord–A New Hampshire woman charged in connection with the 1994 Rwandan genocide is related to members of a small group accused by a U.N. tribunal of being masterminds of the 100-day slaughter.

Beatrice Munyenyezi, 40, of Manchester was indicted Thursday on two counts of lying to obtain U.S. citizenship.

Federal prosecutors say Munyenyezi directed kidnapping, rape and murder during the genocide, in which about 800,000 people were killed during an ethnic bloodletting.

Shock of shocks!  She lied!

Prosecutors say Munyenyezi lied about her connection to the genocide when applying for entry into the United States in 1995. Because of the genocide, the State Department developed a Rwandan questionnaire* in an attempt to weed out genocide participants. Munyenyezi denied having any role in the genocide.

She entered New York City in March 1998 as a refugee. On applications for permanent resident status in 1999 and for naturalization in 2002, Munyenyezi stated under oath that she had never persecuted anyone based on ethnicity and that she had not participated in any crimes for which she was not arrested.

On April 29, 2003, Munyenyezi was sworn in as a U.S. citizen in Concord, N.H.

If convicted, Munyenyezi could be sentenced to 10 years in prison and stripped of her citizenship.

Read it all.

* Imagine that, a questionnaire!  Would anyone fill out a questionnaire to get into the US and admit that, heck yes, I helped kill people in Africa?

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