Washington State to cut refugee benefits

Update: There is lots more on this story here as the IRC organizes a demonstration to shame and pressure legislators in Washington State.

Your tax dollars:

Here is another answer to the woman in Kansas who wanted to explode what she called the “myth” that taxpayers pay for refugee resettlement.   Let me be clear, taxpayers pay for refugee resettlement or there wouldn’t be a cut in the Washington state budget for refugees, right?

From the Seattle Times“Washington state’s generous treatment of refugees may end after this year as a tough economy and a state budget deficit force lawmakers to consider cuts to many aid programs.”

Washington state’s generous treatment of refugees may end after this year as a tough economy and a state budget deficit force lawmakers to consider cuts to many aid programs.

Historically, Washington has been one of the most popular states with resettlements. According to State Department figures, Washington ranked sixth in the past six years, with about 24,500 refugees resettling here.

But Gov. Chris Gregoire has proposed cutting key programs that provide English classes, job search help, and naturalization orientation to refugees.

The state has already imposed a 15 percent reduction in monthly cash benefits refugees receive.

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