Edmonton, Canada to throw money and programs at the immigrant crime problem

We have so many posts on Somali murders in Edmonton that I’ve lost track of them (check our Canada category if you are interested).

And, I don’t want to make this the Canadian refugee watch blog, but it’s just that lots of interesting news is coming from Canada these days.

I could barely stand reading this story in the Edmonton Sun, because it’s the typical leftist solution to crime—let’s throw money and create task forces to create programs to prevent crime.

Here is one bit:

More than 120 members are a part of REACH that emerged out of the mayor’s Taskforce on Community Safety back in 2009.

There are 30 initiatives in the works through the program to support those in the community that need it most – specifically, youth and immigrant families who may be struggling.

“If you spend on prevention, then you save huge down the road,” said Daniller. [Really? Got some facts on that?—ed]

“We have a goal of making Edmonton a safe community. Our mission is to do it in one generation by focusing on crime prevention.”

I have an idea, why not simply try swift criminal justice—prosecutions and long prison sentences (or that novel idea Canada already has—deporting to places like Mogadishu—that might scare them straight!)—to deter crime.

We know how that government “programs” and public funding has worked out for the UK, right?

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