Buffalo: Somali father beats stepson to death over homework

Incidentally, Buffalo is a favorite city for the federal refugee contractors.  We know from a story two years ago that Buffalo has a big problem with domestic abuse among refugees, here.   Type ‘Buffalo’ into our search function for more posts on the troubles in that city which is trying to use its immigrant population to revitalize the city—hey!  good luck with that.

From the Buffalo News a few days ago:

Ten-year-old Abdifatah Mohamud was running for his life down Sycamore Street at about 5 p.m. Tuesday when a concerned neighbor stopped to try to help.

Seeing the boy’s stepfather chasing after him, the neighbor helped the man, Ali Mohamed Mohamud, catch up with the child.

The boy didn’t want to go home with Mohamud.

“I told the boy, ‘Daddy promises nothing is going to happen,'” the neighbor later told The Buffalo News.

“The boy said to me: ‘No, he always says that.'”

Less than six hours later, Abdifatah was dead, brutally beaten, and his stepfather, Ali Mohamed Mohamud, was under arrest.

There is more, read it all.  Be sure to check out the murderer’s places of employment.

Readers:  I just now was reading a bunch of stories at the Religion of Peace website (that is where I found this one) and you might call today’s selection “Muslim immigrants gone wild worldwide“.  There are a couple of links to stories about asylum seeker rapists—Muslim men raping women and men in Sweden and Finland for example.  You might want to put the Religion of Peace on your daily reading list!

Reminder! Two days left to weigh in on size and scope of refugee admissions program for FY2013

You have until close of business (5 p.m. Eastern time) on Tuesday, April 24th, to make a statement about the refugee program for the upcoming fiscal year.  As I told you here, in past years the May 1st consultation has been dominated by contractors and political activists with a vested interest (in many cases a financial interest) in resettling third worlders to the US.

This is your only chance to express how you feel about it.  From this meeting the State Department prepares for the President a recommendation for the program.  The President in turn sends a “determination” letter and document to Congress in September about how many refugees and from where they will come for the new fiscal year that begins on October 1.  As far as I know (we are not permitted to attend the transmittal of that letter), Congress rubber-stamps what the President wants.

If you are in the Washington, DC area you also have until the 24th to sign up to attend the meeting on May 1. (even if you plan to attend your statement for the record must be received by the 24th, Tuesday!).

See all the details in my earlier post (here).

And, one more thing, any statement that you send for the record by April 24th should also be copied to your Member of Congress and your US Senators.