Great Britain: Political alliance seeks to halt Islamization of the UK and mass immigration

“This is a significant turning point for the resistance to Islamization in the UK.”

Baron at Gates of Vienna had this to say earlier this week.  (Hat tip: Ed):

One of the most important events in recent British history — and maybe European history — occurred last weekend while I was (alas!) away. On Saturday May 5 two leaders of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, joined the Executive Committee of the British Freedom Party.

So it’s official — the EDL and BF will remain separate organizations, but they are now working together.

Their mission to help the forgotten working class Brit includes:

The move establishes British Freedom as a new force in British politics – the only party with the strength and determination to call for Britain’s withdrawal from the unelected and totalitarian European Union, to confront militant Islam, halt mass immigration and defend democracy’s most vital ingredient – Free Speech.

British Freedom will also end the deliberately divisive policy of multiculturalism and reverse decades of destructive Political Correctness which exists only to promote division and Socialism – despite the appalling record of Socialist inspired mass murder, war, and the terrible economic, social and environmental carnage witnessed over the last century.

I reported back in February that Paul Weston, head of the British Freedom Party, had been in Nashville to “warn America” here.

Update:  Paul Weston’s speech is here.

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