Sweden: Somali refugee befriended by royals, then robs them

Bare Naked Islam has a story that will make most of you smile (well, maybe not liberal multiculturalists)—it is the classic Liberal gets mugged story.

Seems members of Sweden’s Royal Family invited a Somali refugee they met in a visit to a ghetto to come live at their home—I kid you not!

Here is the story from The Local.    You have to read down about ten paragraphs before you are told the crook is a refugee.

A 19-year-old man has admitted to the theft of over 850,000 kronor ($120,675) worth of royal jewels that were taken from Princess Christina’s apartment near the Royal Palace over the past two months.

The thief, a 19-year-old friend of the family, confessed to the theft soon after, wrote the Aftonbladet newspaper.

It is alleged that he sold the majority of the jewels for 9,000 kronor to two marijuana dealers.

He also reportedly threw a tiara worth 350,000 kronor off a Stockholm bridge into the water below.

The jewellery belonged to Princess Christina, the 68-year-old youngest sister of Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf.


The 19-year-old, who came to Sweden as a refugee in 2010, had lived with the royal couple, and Magnuson had acted as his mentor.  [Hmmmm! What sort of mentor, be sure to see the video at Bare Naked Islam.—ed]

The mainstream media can’t bring itself to even say the word—Somali—but visit Bare Naked Islam for a film clip that explains what happened and is happening to Sweden.

Refugees will be eligible for all benefits of Obamacare

Within hours of the Supreme Court decision on Obama’s health care law, the Department of Health and Human Services came out with its guidance for refugees on how to get their Obamacare.  Because we lost our internet connection for a couple of days, I wasn’t able to post this sooner.

Pre-existing condition?  Not a US citizen?  Can’t find work?  No worries, line up!

Here is the guidance:

Refugee status is a form of protection that may be granted to people who meet the definition of refugee, are of special humanitarian concern to the United States, and are typically outside of their country and unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm. Refugees come to the United States to start a new life. They work hard to find jobs and provide for their families. Today, many refugees lack health insurance, making it hard for them to get the care they need.

Refugees, as lawfully present immigrants, are eligible for the same protections and benefits under the Affordable Care Act as U.S. citizens. Refugees will remain exempt from the five‐year waiting period to receive Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and will receive many new benefits thanks to health reform. The benefits and protections in the Affordable Care Act are particularly important for refugees, who often arrive to the United States after years without access to proper medical care, and in many cases work for employers who do not provide health insurance. As outlined below, the new law will give refugees access to affordable health coverage and protection against insurance practices that can deny coverage to individuals with pre‐existing conditions or those who become ill.

Read it all!

At the end of the guidance, note that all of those youths (thousands annually) who come across our borders illegally and end up in the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Minor Program, will get their health care until age 26 just like all of your kids!

Effective 2014, states must extend Medicaid coverage up to age 26 for young adults who have aged out of the foster care system, including those aging out of the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors program.

Of course now we have the answer to our previous question—are the unaccompanied illegal alien minors returned to their home country once they reach the age of 18?   Nope!

Iraq refuses to repatriate failed Iraqi asylum seekers from the UK

They were refused asylum in the UK, the UK wants to take them back to Iraq, Iraq says no way.

Here is the story in the Daily Mail:

The Iraqi parliament has blocked the repatriation of thousands of asylum seekers who have lost the right to remain in Britain.

It has banned the forced return from Europe of tens of thousands of Iraqis and threatened to fine airlines that deliver deportees.

Failed asylum seekers have already been turned back at the border, said the refugee support group that pushed for the change.

The UK has failed to return any rejected Iraqi asylum seekers since March 2011, mainly because of legal problems over their arrival at Baghdad airport and the breakdown of security within Iraq.


Between 2007 and 2009 over 38,000 Iraqis accounted for 17 per cent of all asylum applications in the EU, making it the largest country of origin for refugees.

The only explanation I can come up with about why Iraq doesn’t want them back is that they are probably criminals.   We all know Iraq is just fine now—right?—Obama told us so when he withdrew our troops.

Be sure to read the comments to the Daily Mail story, they are more interesting than the article itself.

As we approach our 5th anniversary at RRW, we have 527 previous posts on Iraqi refugees in our special category, here.