Guatemalan gang violence biggest excuse to grant illegals asylum

I’ve reported previously that immigration lawyers are working overtime in the US trying to figure out all the new angles to use for illegal aliens entering the US and asking for asylum.

Here is the definition of asylum I posted late last month in a post about “narco-refugees:”

Refugee status or asylum may be granted to people who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a particular social group or political opinion. [I don’t see listed here people who are afraid of crime in their home country.—ed]

US asylum was never intended for those just wanting to run away from a crime-ridden country where the government doesn’t protect its people adequately, or for people looking for economic benefits in the United States.  (I used to say looking for work, but now I mean taxpayer supplied benefits).

So here (from Southern California Public Radio) are some excerpts from the story about a poor kid who claims he was going to be killed by gangs (Why? Are they just killing random kids or was he into something he shouldn’t have been?).

Death threats from the maras – or gangs – in his native Guatemala are the reason Ronald Aldana says he left.

Go read the article about how he got across the border with the help of his illegal alien sister who had crossed years earlier.  It will really steam you!

Lots of kids on the way and the Office of Refugee Resettlement is helping them (I’m sure the kids have heard about Obama’s Dream Act and how they can go to college in Maryland on the taxpayers dime!).  The numbers of “unaccompanied” youths is skyrocketing.  (See my post last month)

Meanwhile, KIND [Kids in Need of Defense*] worked with the federal Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Refugee Resettlement to fact-check Aldana’s story and represent him in court. Eventually, the U.S. government granted him asylum because he was a minor who fled organized violence in his native country.

KIND’s director Wendy Young says Aldana represents a big surge in kids who’ve arrived alone in this country during the last couple of years. Only a lucky few, she says, gain asylum.

They have been doing this for decades for various reasons—gangs are only the latest ploy.   If amnesty goes through Congress during the new Obama Administration all of these people will be allowed to stay, get their stuff, and VOTE.

The founder of Homies Unidos, Alex Sanchez, is a former gang member from El Salvador who gained asylum from violence in his homeland during the 1990s. He explains that young people throughout Central America have left their countries for decades now, fleeing war, seeking opportunities for their families or escaping natural disasters. But according to him, these days, the main push factor is a dramatic rise in gang violence.

The “kid” featured in this story is now shacking up with his girlfriend and her family, working part-time and dreaming of bringing the whole clan up from Guatemala.  Oh, and you know, if he was doing any work “part-time” that was steady work, the reporter would have mentioned it.

More than three years after he crossed the border, Ronald Aldana is now 20 years old. He lives in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles in a small apartment with his girlfriend, her parents, and her siblings. He left his sister’s cramped apartment because he didn’t want to burden her, he says, but she still helps him out with money.

Aldana recognizes he’s lucky to have gotten asylum. It allows him to work part-time, and soon, he’ll be able to apply for a green card, too.

When that comes through, he says, he’ll look for a way to move his parents and five siblings out of their native country and into the US. But that won’t be easy: First he’ll need to prove that he has the financial means to support them all.

And, the beat goes on (and on, and on)!

P.S. Don’t forget those Guatemalans are working another angle too—Temporary Protected Status!

* Kids in Need of Defense is a Washington DC legal ‘business’ run by former Ted (don’t bring them to Hyannis) Kennedy staffer Wendy Young.   The organization took in $4 million in its most recent year reported to the IRS, here.  $1.2 million came directly from you as government grants (p. 9).   I don’t have time to do more on this, but I bet there is lots of juicy information that could be unearthed about this outfit.

Samantha Power surfaces; wants to bring the Arab Spring to Southeast Asia

Update November 19th:  Human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi does not look very happy as Obama butchers the pronunciation of her name here, and gives her a hug here.  Was the hug before or after the reprimand on the Rohingya?  I don’t think all this hugging is common in Asia, did anyone tell Obama?

Update November 18th:  Power is being named as possible UN Ambassador if fellow “vulcan” Rice is nominated for the State Department, here.   But, here is another scenario, if Susan Rice is shot down in the next few weeks over Benghazi, would Obama put Power up for the State Department.   We should all be very afraid.

Oh, no!  She and Obama have brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power in North Africa and now they are going on to mess up Southeast Asia!   And, they are wasting no time….

Samantha Power, the White House “humanitarian vulcan” (no rinkey-ding do-gooder stuff!), who was supposed to reform the Refugee Resettlement Program when Obama first took office in 2009 has been hiding out lately (while creating more refugees!).  I’ve been following her career— as one of the three proponents of the “responsibility to protect” (others include Hillary and Susan Rice). She was responsible for our Libyan adventure where we basically ousted a dictator, but are now letting Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood run rampant.

During the recent cover-up on the Benghazi terror attack she was mysteriously out of the picture.  I’m figuring Obama wanted to keep her untainted in the scandal so she will be available for some higher position in his next Administration.

But, now we see she is out and about and talking about Obama’s trip to Burma (Myanmar) where I expect he will scold the government for being so mean to the Rohingya Muslims.  He will probably also put pressure on Aung San Suu Kyi who has so far refused to jump into the controversy and take the Rohingya side.   As we reported hereafter huge protests by monks, the Myanmar government had the audacity to disallow the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to set up shop in the country.  I don’t know for sure, but that probably makes Burma the only country in the world to tell the OIC to shove it.  Obama and Power were probably furious!

***Update November 16th:  Aung San Suu Kyi continues to tick-off the “human rights” cabal for not speaking up in defense of the Muslims.  Here is one of many stories on the subject.***

If you are a new reader, you might be asking why we are talking about Burma here at RRW.  BECAUSE we are bringing Rohingya “refugees” to the US and federal contractors like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops want more.  Heck some Rohingya probably voted for Obama in New Hampshire last week!  So, please take time to learn about the on-going battle between the Buddhists and the Muslims in Burma.

Ms. Power (and Obama) helped destabilize North Africa (with the theory that we can go to war and destabilize governments to “help” people) and now, again under the guise of protecting “human rights”, she likely has her sights set on destabilizing the (wobbly) Burmese government as well.  For all of you who thought Obama would keep us out of foreign engagements/entanglements, or LOL! out of “democracy building” (wasn’t that a Bush thing?), you can forget about it!

Obama going to Burma (heaven help the Buddhists!)

Here is the news account that popped up today from Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – International human rights activists met senior White House officials on Tuesday to press President Barack Obama to take a tough line with leaders in Myanmar and Cambodia during his forthcoming Southeast Asia tour.

The talks, which included Samantha Power, a top Obama adviser and outspoken expert on genocide, touched on what the president will say during his landmark visit to Myanmar to prod the quasi-civilian government to do more to curb sectarian violence, activists said.  [The violence began this time when Rohingya men gang-raped a Buddhist girl, but they don’t ever tell you that—ed]

The visit, part of a November 17-20 swing through Southeast Asia, would be the first U.S. presidential trip to Myanmar, also known as Burma. Obama is going ahead with the visit despite rights groups’ criticism it is premature because reforms have yet to be consolidated after decades of military rule.

A top official with a leading rights organization provided details of the meeting on condition of anonymity. Roughly half a dozen activists took part in the talks at the White House.

They left the meeting satisfied that Obama intends to push hard on human rights and political and economic reform in closed-door talks with reformist President Thein Sein and in his public remarks, including a speech.

Here is what they are really aiming for—helping build the image around the world of victimized Muslims (again)!

But a Reuters investigation into a wave of sectarian assaults on minority Muslims in western Myanmar painted a troubling picture: the attacks were organized, central-government military sources told Reuters. They were led by nationalists in Myanmar’s Rakhine state tied to a powerful political party there, incited by Buddhist monks, and, some witnesses said, abetted at times by local security forces.

The “hawk” has her own White House blog:

Power, considered a “humanitarian hawk” within the administration, wrote a blog on the White House website last week signaling that Obama would use the Myanmar trip to pressure the government to do more on human rights.

So what does she say in her blog post?

Yesterday’s announcement that President Obama will become the first U.S. President to visit Burma marks an historic step in the United States’ engagement with Burma. In the past year, since President Obama first noted “flickers of progress” in Burma – and since Secretary Clinton became the most senior U.S. official to visit since 1955 – we have seen continued progress on the road to democracy.

After listing a litany of ‘improvements,’ she launches into what they are really pushing with this trip—-the meme that the poor victimized Rohingya need saving from the evil Buddhists.   Her wording below leaves readers believing  that the death and homelessness is all on the Muslim side—she is a liar!

We are clear-eyed about the challenges that Burma faces. The peril faced by the stateless Rohingya population in Rakhine State is particularly urgent, and we have joined the international community in expressing deep concern about recent violence that has left hundreds dead, displaced over 110,000, and destroyed thousands of homes.

The Arab Spring was a disaster for freedom of religion and human liberty, but you wouldn’t know it from reading the “hawk.”   They’ve exhausted and destablized Africa and are now headed to Southeast Asia to bring them “democracy” Obama-style whether they like it or not!


In May 2011, as the Arab Spring took hold, the President noted that America’s interests are served when ordinary people are empowered to chart their own political and economic futures. And to governments, he made a promise: if you take the risks that reform entails, you will have the full support of the United States.

President Thein Sein should tell Obama, thanks but no thanks!   And, besides, we can not guarantee your safety here.

Remember, you read it here first—-Obama sells out Burma to the Islamists/Muslim Brotherhood!  And, as chaos ensues we bring more Muslim refugees to the US from Burma to save them from mean monks.

For everything you need to know on the Rohingya, we have 125 previous posts on the subject in our special category, Rohingya Reports.   See one post in particular from 2009 about Rohingya being listed as linked to Islamic terrorist groups in Southeast Asia—a list subsequently removed from the State Department’s website.

Australia: Islamophobia on the rise says new study

Seems that regular folks in Australia are leery of employing Muslim immigrants after terrorist attacks in the US and in Bali.  Imagine that!

Note to friends of mine who have said they want to move to Australia after the recent US election—you are dreaming.  They have the same problems we do with a growing population of non-western, largely third world immigrants.  My google alerts are filled daily with stories about recent illegal boat arrivals of mostly Muslims and hunger strikes by asylum seekers that have the government and the people of Australia in regular turmoil.

Get with the program—it is always your fault!  It has nothing to do with events like this one in Australia just this past September—Muslim kids carry signs demanding beheadings.

Tell me, what have supposedly ‘moderate Muslims’ done to disavow and stand up to the so-called hijackers of their religion—nothing!  But, you bad ol’ westerners don’t want to hire them because you are Islamophobic.

Here is the report from

A NEW report paints a devastating picture of Muslim unemployment in Australia and links workplace discrimination to terrorist attacks such as the Bali bombings.

The report says that reducing the deep-seated hostility toward Muslims by a minority of Australians was hard to achieve in an atmosphere created by an open-ended war on terror.

The Newcastle University report was completed last year and quietly released on the Immigration Department’s website.

Using Census data, it found that the jobless rate for Muslim men was more than double the national average and that only 57 per cent of Muslim males aged 15 and older had jobs compared with 68 per cent of all working-age men.   [They must have some generous welfare program—ed]

The seven-person research team, led by Prof Terry Lovat, said that Muslims faced workplace barriers including poor English proficiency, difficulty having overseas qualifications recognised and cultural and religious issues.

But they said that Muslims were also viewed as “others” by employers, and they suffered rising discrimination in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the 2002 Bali bombings.


“Since the terrorist attacks Islamophobia is on the rise in Western countries, including Australia,” he said.  [By the way, if you haven’t noticed there are lesser attacks and many foiled attacks every day in the West.  It is not just some ancient history attacks like 9/11 that have people “Islamophobic”—ed]

The report’s authors called for a long-term concerted campaign to change societal attitudes that are reflected in workplace discrimination.

How come NO ONE ever asks the Muslims to change?  (click here)

For more on Australia, see our whole category here.

Senator Rand Paul looking for “eventual path to citizenship” for illegal aliens

Update:  Some national Tea Party groups are coming out for AMNESTY, Freedom Works is one, I wrote about it here at my other blog.   Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity do not speak for the majority of Tea Party-minded grassroots.

Before you dismiss this headline as a story about one more squishy and frightened Republican figuring that pandering to illegal Hispanics will get him somewhere in electoral politics, please read it here at Politico.

Paul’s proposal has implications for Refugee Resettlement, Temporary Protected Status, the Diversity Visa lottery and a whole host of other LEGAL immigration programs.

First readers need to know that there are all sorts of people calling themselves Tea Party (including that Islam apologist Grover Norquist).   There are also Ron Paul Libertarians who link up from time to time with Conservative Tea Partiers and have some issues in common.  Both strains believe in smaller government and thus lower taxes as a common theme. On some other issues the differences are significant.

Politico sets the stage:

He’ll push to loosen marijuana penalties, legalize undocumented immigrants and pursue a less aggressive American foreign policy.

In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

In an interview with POLITICO, Paul said he’ll return to Congress this week pushing measures long avoided by his party. He wants to work with liberal Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy and Republicans to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for pot possession. He wants to carve a compromise immigration plan with an “eventual path” to citizenship for illegal immigrants, a proposal he believes could be palatable to conservatives. And he believes his ideas — along with pushing for less U.S. military intervention in conflicts overseas — could help the GOP broaden its tent and appeal to crucial voting blocs that handed Democrats big wins in the West Coast, the Northeast and along the Great Lakes.

Paul says to “assimilate” the Hispanics here illegally already, but demand a trade-off.

The trade-off—-stop all LEGAL immigration until the illegals are assimilated!

Paul plans to inject himself into the middle of the GOP’s emotional immigration debate in the wake of Romney losing swing states with heavy Latino populations like Florida, Colorado and Nevada. Paul is working on a novel plan that he says would “assimilate” many of the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the country. Those individuals, he said, could apply for legal status, but immigration would then be clamped down in the interim. He also says his plan would toughen security at the border.

“I want to show what conservatives would or can accept,” he said in describing his plan. “If we assimilate those who are here, however they got here — don’t make it an easy path for citizenship. There would be an eventual path, but we don’t make anybody tomorrow a citizen who came here illegally. But if they’re willing to work, willing to pay taxes, I think we need to normalize those who are here.”

Paul said the “trade-off” would be “not to accept any new legal immigrants while we’re assimilating the ones who are here.” Asked if he is concerned about the ripple effect that could cause around the world, Paul said the details over which countries would be affected are still in the works.  [Senator Paul, I’ll help you identify those countries!—ed]

Paul has also been a leader in attempts to cut foreign aid—a bread and butter issue if there ever was one for many of the so-called non-profits involved around the world.

(Can you hear it?  The wailing and gnashing of teeth from the refugee industry?)

Longtime readers might recall that Senator Paul had a hissy-fit of sorts when he found out Iraqi terrorists had been resettled in his home state of Kentucky here last year.

Obama must be getting ready to give temporary refugee status to Guatemalans

It’s called Temporary Protected Status and we’ve talked about it many times on these pages.  So what makes me think so?  I wrote a post about Guatemalans wanting TPS, here, at my other blog and just in the last two days dozens and dozens of readers are arriving there by googling the subject and finding that February post (be sure to read it to better understand TPS).

With TPS immigrants get to stay indefinitely, get work permits, get DRIVERS LICENSES*, and are not even deported for killing someone as we learned from this tragic case in California.

From the Pasadena Star News:

DREW Rosenberg became a victim of San Francisco’s sanctuary-city policies on Nov. 16, 2010. The second-year law student was riding his motorcycle in rush-hour traffic when a car driven by an unlicensed driver made a left turn and hit him. That evening, Don Rosenberg of Westlake Village, received the phone call every parent dreads. His precious son was dead.

Then another nightmare unfolded.

As Rosenberg investigated driver Roberto Galo’s background, he discovered that San Francisco’s sanctuary-city policies have served as an enabler for dangerous drivers.

The murderer had Temporary Protected Status!  Search as I might I could not find Galo’s nationality mentioned, but I am guessing he is Salvadoran (they’ve had TPS for over ten years!).

It turns out that as a legal immigrant with “temporary protected status,” Galo was eligible for a California driver’s license. He just never got one. After his car was impounded, he paid a $220 fine and walked away. That’s chump change. The fine for driving illegally in a car pool lane is $481.

More proof the city doesn’t take driving without a license seriously: A judge reduced the felony manslaughter charge to a misdemeanor. A jury found Galo guilty of manslaughter and driving without a license. His sentence: six months in prison, three years’ probation.

Rosenberg told me, “(By that time), my wife and I really didn’t care if he was sentenced to a day. Our focus became: Convict him of the two misdemeanors, and deport him. That’s a worse punishment than whether he spends a couple of months in jail.” In that Galo returned American hospitality with a readiness to flout American law, deportation seemed both just and in the interest of public safety.

Then came the next body blow. Rosenberg asked Rep. Henry Waxman’s office to make sure Galo would be deported. Waxman aides tell me that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told them that Galo was guilty of only one crime of moral turpitude – manslaughter.

The US government won’t deport him.

And, everyone! please stop saying legal immigration is o.k. but illegal is what you oppose!  That buffoon Sen. Lindsey Graham said that very thing, here, on Sunday while talking about the latest push for so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’

Graham said the overhaul would have to be done in such a way that “we don’t have a third wave of illegal immigration 20 years from now. That’s what Americans want. They want more legal immigration and they want to fix illegal immigration once and for all.”

* With those DRIVERS LICENSES you can be sure they are registering to VOTE.  However, keep in mind! TPS has no path to citizenship (yet!).