Iraqis were tortured, that’s why they aren’t doing well in America

So they are not fitting in real well because they have mental problems.  It’s not that we brought too many into a feeble economy with few jobs?  It’s not that they came with high expectations of streets paved with gold? It’s not that they don’t really want jobs they consider beneath them?  It’s not that some of them were thugs in Iraq?  (Unemployment among Iraqis resettled in the US is in the vicinity of 50% and 95% are on food stamps, here.)

But, their problem assimilating stems from torture.   That is what the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health is reporting, here.

Iraqi refugees face difficulties resettling in the US, which may be partially due to high rates of torture. This study determines the rates of torture experience, primary and secondary, among Iraqi refugees in the US; and the association to physical and mental health symptoms on arrival. A retrospective review was conducted in 2011 on the post-arrival health screens of Iraqi refugees resettled in Utah in 2008 and 2009. Measures included reports of torture experience as defined by the United Nations; reports of physical and mental health symptoms at the time of screening; and association of torture to the presence of symptoms on arrival.

Does this explain the case of those Iraqi refugees who tortured and raped a woman in Colorado a while back, here?

So, it’s a good thing Obamacare is around so we taxpayers can pay for the mental health treatments needed by the poor tortured souls.

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