Yesterday the Daily Calleralerted us to another section of the monster “comprehensive” immigration reform bill that relates to the already existent DIVERSITY Visa Lottery. Yes, you have the right. We have another LEGAL immigration program that brings in 50,000 or so “diverse” immigrants a year so that we assure what?—DIVERSITY in our immigrant populations.
We need to be sure we have a representative sample of people from Kyrgyzstan in America. Diversity is beautiful! Right?
Regular readers here may know that Virginia Republican, Robert Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has for years tried to kill this ridiculous fraud-ridden lottery.
Here is what the Daily Caller reports on the “reforms” to be made via the Gang of Eight bill to the Diversity Visa Lottery:
The Senate’s pending immigration bill would give an advantage to people seeking to immigrate from Kyrgyzstan, the former Soviet republic that provided passports to the two ethnic Chechens who allegedly bombed Boston.
As part of a compromise that would replace the current “Diversity Lottery” program, countries with low rates of immigration to the United Sates — including Kyrgyzstan and Russia — would be awarded five points.
The five-point bonus could have a significant influence on who gets to live among 310 million Americans, because only the top-scoring applicants in the bill’s new merit-based immigration system would be granted green cards.
This system would give a person with a Kyrgyzstan passport an advantage over otherwise equally qualified people from countries like Mexico, the United Kingdom, Canada and Brazil. Those countries do not qualify for the bonus because they send large numbers of people to the United States.
The same bonus is also offered to people from a series of unstable countries that are not covered by the Diversity Lottery, a State Dept. program that annually offers 55,000 green cards to people in countries that send few immigrants to the United States.
Those countries include Egypt, Libya, Somalia and Tunisia, as well as countries alongside the war-wrecked Chechen homeland in the Caucasus mountains.
We have resettled over 100,000 Somalisthrough Refugee Resettlement, so why are they allowed to participate in the Lottery?
All of our posts on the Boston refugee bombers are here.
Readers this post is a repeat of one I wrote last week. I promised to reprint this information every week until the deadline for testimony—May 8th—arrives.
You have virtually no voice in the decision about bringing refugees to America—where they come from and in what towns and cities they will be placed. However, each year the US State Department hears mostly from federal resettlement contractors (nine majorand approximately 300 subcontractors) to help them determine who (and how many) will be resettled. The contractors have a vested interest because they are paid by the head (by you, the taxpayer) to resettle as many refugees as the State Department lets them have.
Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM, revolved into her job from a resettlement contractor position at the International Rescue Committee. Before that she was at the State Department!
The State Department will be looking to set its (the President’s) goals for FY2014 on May 15th.
You can send testimony too! Here is what you need to do, be sure to pay attention to the last part about copying your testimony to your elected officials. (Your US Representatives and Senators have pretty much abrogated their roles in questioning this program.)
And, one last thing—The Boston Chechens were not the first refugee/asylee terrorists who have entered the US and been caught, just the most successful so far.
My post from last week:
Every week from now until May 8th, I’m going to repeat this post!
Do not be silent!
The US State Department holds a hearing, usually in May, largely populated by the refugee contractors telling sob stories and looking to boost the number and variety of refugees (not to mention the contractor’s income) to be admitted to the US in the upcoming fiscal year. My report on last year’s hearing is here.
Last year, and maybe for the first time ever, critical comments outnumbered those looking to add more refugees to already overloaded cities and states. Let’s do it again!
The meeting’s purpose is to hear the views of attendees on the appropriate size and scope of the FY 2014 U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.
Your testimony can be long or short, detailed or general, but get something in by the deadline of 5 p.m. May 8th!
Address testimony to: Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, US State Department, Washington, DC.
Reference Federal Register Public Notice 8241
E-mail or fax to Delicia Spruell:
Persons wishing to present written comments should submit them by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 via email to or fax (202) 453-9393.
Now listen-up, this is important! If you don’t copy your testimony to your elected officials, you can be sure your testimony to the State Department will never see the light of day!
You must put cc at the bottom of your testimony and list the following:
~Your member of the House of Representatives (look up their addresses!)
~Your US Senators
~Any elected officials in your state who may be interested
Also, send to (and list on your testimony):
~US Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security. Go herefor list of Subcommittee Members. You will be listing and mailing to the Subcommittee, however, if your US Senator is on that subcommittee then please be sure they are listed prominently on the testimony you send to the State Department. Mail to: U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510. Mail your testimony to the Subcommittee even if your Senator is not on it!
~House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Go here for a list of all the Subcommittees and see if your Member of Congress is on the Subcommittee. But, even if he or she isn’t then still send your testimony here(addressed to the Subcommittee): 2138 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515, p/202-225-3951.
When sending anything to your US Senators or Members of Congress always ask a question so that hopefully it forces them to answer your letter! You might ask them to put pressure on the State Department to have this “hearing” held in several locations around the country!
If you plan to attend the hearingin Washington on May 15th (location and time details in my previous post), you need to let Ms. Spruell know by the same deadline.
Persons wishing to attend this meeting must notify the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration at telephone (202) 453-9257 by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, to reserve a seat.
Send me a copy of your testimony and indicate whether or not I have permission to publish it!
I made a special category for testimony last year, here. So, check it out and see what others said last May.
Readers, I have so much more to report on the “refugee” bomber boys, but virtually no time today (LOL! I’m the farm laborer around here!). However I wanted to quickly post this update story about the Somali youth (all just youngsters in the mainstream media) in Maine (also a member, we presume in good standing, of the religion of peace) whose rape case has been dragging on because no one who admitted him to the US as a refugee actually knew how old he was. More of our great screening of refugees from terrorist countries.
Ladies, how would you like to wake up and find this ‘youth’ in your bedroom? Photo Tim Greenway / Staff Photographer, Portland Press Herald
For background, here are our earlier reports. Here is AP (thanks to a reader for sending it last Friday).
PORTLAND (AP) — An 18-year-old Portland man has pleaded guilty to breaking into a 50-year-old woman’s apartment as she slept and raping her. [Guess she didn’t keep a gun!—ed]
Mohammed Mukhtar had sought to be tried on the charges as a juvenile. But under a plea agreement reached Thursday, the refugee from Somalia will face eight years in prison and could be deported after release.
He is being held without bail pending sentencing next Thursday in Cumberland County Unified Criminal Court.
The Portland Press Herald reported that Mukhtar pleaded guilty to charges including gross sexual assault, burglary and aggravated criminal trespassing.
The case went back and forth from juvenile court to adult court because of confusion over Mukhtar’s age. His lawyer said he was 17 at the time of the attack.
He could get up to eight years in prison (I thought rapists were getting 20 years these days?) before being deported. Heck, why not just deport him now with others we are sending back to the ‘new’ Somalia. And, save us some money!
Besides being “crazy,” did US immigration officials know that he was a “political activist” in Russia?
Mom’s mugshot when she was busted for shoplifting at Lord & Taylor last year.
There is so much news flying around now about the Boston bomber brothers Tsarnaev that it’s hard to sort through it and pick out what’s important and what isn’t. But this little nugget in the Huffington Post (hat tip: Jeff) is something I want to share here because it goes to the question of how much screening did this family have before being given asylum in the US?
The mainstream media and Muslim apologists are going to make the case that the brothers unpredictably just went off the deep end, but as more information comes out about this family the bigger issue is what sort of people are we letting into the US in the first place?
A woman who went on many occasions to the Tsarnaev apartment for a facial treatment relates this account of what the mother (Zubeidat Tsarnaeva) said happened in Russia before they came to America. Incidentally, Zubeidat had reportedly been fired from her spa job and was doing facials at home—LOL! you know this had to be in violation of health laws in Massachusetts!
In my last year of college I was getting a facial from her, and asking her about why she had originally come to the United States with her family about eight or 10 years previously. She told me that she and her husband had been lawyers and political activists in Russia. They had fled the country after “something that her husband did.” Her daughter had recently been divorced at this time, and her daughter’s ex-husband had taken their child to Russia, refusing to return him. Finally the child was returned. When my mom asked Zubeidat how they had gotten the child back, she told her that ‘her [Zubeidat’s] husband was crazy’ and everyone knew it. When he threatened the daughter’s ex-husband’s family, they returned the child.
I guess everyone (but US immigration officials) knew he was crazy. We are still waiting for more details on how this bunch received asylum. Were they resettled by a refugee resettlement contractor? Or, did they arrive here and ask for asylum and go before an immigration judge? There will be records that are surely being unearthed. If you find out the details before me—-please send the info. my way.
And, here is what else I want to know: If they were so persecuted back in Russia, then why did the parents return to Russia?
One more thing! The Gang of Eight amnesty bill introduced in the Senate last week has a refugee section we will be telling you more about—it makes it easier for morerefugees to get into the US, less screening and elimination of the requirement that you have to prove you were personally persecuted—great huh!
BostonMarathon bombing archive of our previous posts is here.
Send a message to the US State Department
The next hearing on how many (and which refugees) to bring to America in FY2014 is in May. Go here to see how you can send in testimony. You do not have to be an expert on the program and testimony can be short (civil please)!
I mentioned yesterday that Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr didn’t pull any punches in his criticism of our ‘humanitarian’ refugee program that is responsible for the Tsarnaev brothers good fortune in America. This is what Carr said in an opinion piecein the Boston Herald today, thanks to Judy for sending it.
Hey Howie, don’t hold back! (emphasis below is mine)
So once again, no good deed goes unpunished.
Uncle Sam lets another bunch of leeching future terrorists into the country who have absolutely no business being here, gives them “asylum,” making them immediately eligible for welfare, and this is the thanks we get?
They turn into mass murderers.
We bring in thousands of Muslims from a primitive society that has been battling Christians for centuries, and put them into a peaceful Christian society — what could possible go wrong?
This is what I was thinking about yesterday, with much of the city under what amounted to martial law. Once more, law-abiding American citizens were paying the price for the insane immigration policies that have so damaged this society in recent years.
You can see the decay everywhere — in the emergency rooms, in the courts, in the welfare offices and, yes, in the epidemic of senseless murders. The only difference this time was one of the bloodthirsty fiends was actually a naturalized U.S. citizen.
And then these “refugees” started killing the generous Americans who supported them for years in their indolence.The young Tsarnaev even got a $2,500 scholarship from the City of Cambridge — which is why I never, ever gave a dime to the Cambridge scholarship fund when I lived there.
I know you’re not supposed to paint with a broad brush, unless you’re a liberal, in which case you are not only permitted, but expected to make Adam Lanza the poster boy for 100 million law-abiding legal gun owners.
But please, before the Kool-Aid drinkers in the Senate try to get amnesty for at least 12 million undocumented Democrats, can somebody please consider how many more of these Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs we really need? [Does Mr. Carr know the Gang of Eight bill will allow more refugees into the US more easily and with less screening?—ed]
A better question: How many of these jihadist “refugees” can we as a society survive?
Look at the chaos and the tragedy these Chechens have inflicted on the people of Boston this week. Who asked them to come here? What exactly do they contribute to the culture? They have had everything — absolutely everything — handed to them.
Obviously, no other country in the world wanted these sharia-crazed Stone Age Muslim terrorists.
There is just a bit more (here) because I couldn’t resist posting most of it. Carr seems to have some firsthand knowledge of the program.
I guess I better make a whole category for the Boston Marathon bombing so that readers may access all of our posts more easily. Surely there will be more ….
Send a message to the US State Department
The next hearing on how many (and which refugees) to bring to America in FY2014 is in May. Go here to see how you can send in testimony. You do not have to be an expert on the program and testimony can be short (civil please)!
And, don’t forget! Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, buy it and read it!