According to the Somaliland Sun, the new government of Somalia recently turned back an airplane carrying Somali youths being deported from the Netherlands and Sweden (were some of them the Somalis who terrorized Sweden back in May?).
I looked around a bit for another source on this news and didn’t find it. In February the Dutch Government was thwarted in an attempt to send back a few criminal types, so I’m not sure there was a recent plane carrying Somali deportees from two countries (it strikes me as strange that the two countries coordinated such a flight).
Nevertheless, this is being reported at Somali websites (emphasis is mine):
Somalilandsun – An airplane carrying Somalis deported from Holland and Sweden has recently been turned back from Mogadishu airport
The Somali nationality and Immigration directorate have recently returned back an airplane carrying Somali youth deportees from Holland and Sweden , according to local Somali websites .
General Abdillahi Gaafo who is the director of Immigration said that ” it is illegal to send youth back to the country without any notification to the Somali government and without indicating the reasons behind their deportation”. Any forced return of Somalis by these countries should be prior to talks between these countries and Somalia and with prior agreement by the Somali government on the return of deportees to the country, the general concluded .
Holland has earlier been condemned for sending Somalis back to the war-torn country and the EU high courts have prevented many Somalis from being forcefully deported to Somalia by the Dutch government .
So, if it’s true, then the Dutch and Swedish governments need to try notifying first and see what happens.
Readers, think about this. All over the world, Africans are leaving Africa and Middle Easterners are trying to get out of their hellholes. How is this ever going to stop in the decades to come? Sad to say, but in my view, the invasion of the West is only going to get worse.
You might want to check out Juicy Ecumenism a blog at The Institute on Religion and Democracy on the issue of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops receiving millions of tax dollars every year to resettle refugees. I wasn’t familiar with it, but blogger Marjorie Jeffrey cites RRW and pulls in other information about the USCCB pushing the Gang of Eight bill (S.744) through Congress. A lively discussion follows in the comment section.
You might want to join the discussion!
Our extensive archive on the USCCB and its entanglement with the US government and dependence on taxpayer dollars is here.
Welcome to Cleveland! While ‘Welcoming America’ is busy trying to persuade Cleveland that diversity is beautiful and that they need more of it, some of their diversity has figured out how to scam the US taxpayer out of $2 million!
First have a look at the news from La Prensaabout how bringing more diversity to Cleveland will improve the economy:
Embracing a more proactive immigrant friendly vision for Cleveland, Global Cleveland partnered with MetroHealth Medical Center and Welcoming America to lay groundwork to transform the city. Nearly 250 guests attended the movie and post discussion at MetroHealth Medical Center on July 16, 2013.
And here we have David Lubell again out hocking that Shelbyville propaganda film! Lubell’s organization was recently hired by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to sell reluctant cities on the idea of “welcoming” refugees. La Prensacontinues:
‘Welcoming America’ trying to sell Cleveland on increasing immigrant diversity to save itself from the same fate as Detroit!
“We often dismiss people with fear,” said David Lubell, executive director of Welcoming America, which is a critical mistake in the effort to transform the mindset of a community. Welcoming America is a national nonprofit organization working to improve immigrant integration by direct engagement through individual and group efforts to create local initiatives that facilitate cultural understanding and ease transitions.
Lubell said all communities are different; some have less distance to do and working with Global Cleveland and other partners Welcoming America will determine where the city stands to best address its needs. Lubell said there is intense competition brewing amongst cities to become the most immigrant friendly city in the United States and attract global talent.
Global talent! That is a good way to describe the major (many are Muslim or Middle Eastern) network of bright convenience store food stamp scammers! Cleveland is about to lose three of its most talented Arabs.
EBT Nation! LOL! We use this graphic when I can’t find a photo of the perps!
BROOK PARK, Ohio – Three Brook Park men have been indicted for defrauding the food stamp program out of $2 million at four Cleveland stores.
The United States Attorney’s Office of Northern Ohio said brothers Saed and Maher Wahdan, along with the help of Nidal Jaber, accepted food stamps for ineligible items like beer and cigarettes.
All three men have been indicted on counts of conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud, food stamp fraud and unlawful redemption of food stamps.
U.S. Attorney for Northern Ohio Steven Dettelbach said that attempts will be made to recover stolen money.
“The food stamp program has provided nutritious food to thousands of hungry families over the years,” he said. “We will continue to work to recover money stolen from the program and eradicate waste, fraud and abuse of government programs.”
Between January 2008 and March 2012, the three men attempted to commit more than $2 million in food-stamp fraud through four of their businesses that were held under different names to conceal Saed Wahdan’s prior food stamp convictions, authorities said. Those stores were One Stop Beverage, 5105 Franklin Blvd.; Bridge Deli and Beverage, 4700 Bridge Ave.; Franklin Beverage and Deli, 4719 Franklin Blvd., and Scott Food Mart, 951 Linn Drive.
The three men used their businesses to exchange customer food stamps for cash and other unauthorized items. They also bought food stamp cards from customers to use at other grocery locations to get inventory for their stores and for their personal use, according to the indictment.
The indictment seeks to forfeit the businesses run by the Wahdans.
Food stamp fraud is a side interest of mine at RRW. We have an extensive archive on cases like this one (click here).
As each year passes and our archive grows I still hold out hope that some real investigative reporter will dig into this story—how do all these immigrants acquire these Mom & Pop grocery stores and then go into the food stamp fraud racket? And, every time I hear the likes of Lubell say immigrants are entrepreneurs and open shops, I can’t help but think of these food stamp scammers.
Related Update July 31: Abbott beware, three of Obama’s “brains” arriving to help Rudd get re-elected, here.
Australia is awash with boat people mostly from Muslim countries like Afghanistan. What to do with them is really a pivotal issuein upcoming elections. Here in The Australian’s “Talking Points” section are two suggestions.
Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott
WRITING about the influx of illegal immigrants across the southern border of the US, columnist Michelle Malkin bluntly referred to it as an invasion. That is what Australia is experiencing now, and Tony Abbottis right in planning to put a top general in charge.
One solution to the problem of asylum-seekers is to airlift them to the nearest UN refugee camp where they can take their turn in line with all those who have been waiting.
At the same time, Australia should request wealthy and stable Muslim countries to take their share of those fleeing from violence. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Gulf Emirates are wealthy and stable and import large numbers of workers. They should be expected to take their share.
I don’t know about Qatar and the Gulf Emirates, but Saudi Arabia takes no refugees. In fact there were many reports about the Saudi’s immediately sending Somalis, who were caught in SA, back to Mogadishu when it was controlled by the terrorists. The UNHCR is skittish, to say the least, about pressuring the ethnic nationalist Saudis.
Update: A reader just reminded me of a post I wrote in Aprilabout the UAE passing off their illegal immigrants to the US.
Way back in 2007, when Muslim refugees were being brought to the county where I live by the Virginia Council of Churches, I remember former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett asking logically ‘why aren’t they going to Saudi Arabia?’ Why of course, excellent idea!
Always remember, this is not about the poor and downtrodden (that is the pretense!), it is about Al Hijra!
Let me know if you are having trouble viewing the photo—it just disappeared for me.
Georgians were among the earliest to adopt Christianity as a state religion. The neighboring Armenians were first. (Vano Shlamov/AFP/Getty Images)
Egypt’s long-persecuted Coptic Christians are getting out of dodge—out of Egypt in spite of the removal of the Obama Administration’s pals, the Muslim Brotherhood, from the seat of power.
They are being welcomed in Christian Georgia.
From the Global Post(thanks to a reader for sending it):
TBILISI, Georgia — Ever since ouster of Egyptian strongman President Hosni Mubarak two years ago, Adel has faced a difficult dilemma: Leave behind a relatively cushy life in Egypt or stay and risk discrimination and violence as religious and sectarian tensions rise.
“In Egypt, it’s difficult to get visas to the U.S. or Europe,” 50-year-old Adel says. “We didn’t chose Georgia, Georgia is choosing us.”
He’s not alone. Christian minorities from both Egypt and Syria are starting to look to the South Caucasus countries of Georgia and Armenia as a refuge from violence and uncertainly.
The choice isn’t as random as it may seem. Sandwiched between Turkey, Iran and Russia’s predominately Muslim North Caucasus regions, both Georgia and Armenia have ancient Christian traditions dating back to the 4th century.Their churches are closely related to the Copts and other Eastern Christian confessions.
Muslim Brotherhood is the reason they are moving out. Even out of power, the MB is dangerous!
Adel, who asked that his last name not be used for fear of reprisals against his family, said that although Christians faced discrimination under Mubarak’s long rule, the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power in 2012 has increased pressure on religious minorities and led many of Egypt’s estimated 5 million to 15 million Copts to look for the exits.
Although he supports the Egyptian military’s ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood government earlier this month, he says he fears the Islamist organization will be “just as dangerous out of power.”
Read it all. The photo and caption are from this Global Post story as well.
Oh, yuk, see this from The Economist only yesterday where the EU is pressuring Georgia to have “European values.”