EU Court of Human Rights says NO to “push-back” plan in Malta

Update July 16th:  Catholic Ireland takes ten Somalis from Malta, here.  It’s a good thing the EU is stepping up.  This is not America’s problem.

You knew this would happen.  The government of Malta would not be able to send a message to the thousands waiting in North Africa to board boats and make a run at Italy and Malta.  Don’t try it, you will be returned to Africa is message needed now.

This, below from Voice of America, is an update to my post yesterday.  If you are a new reader here at RRW we follow Malta’s illegal alien troubles closely (and have for over 5 years) because the US State Department has been bringing some of those African migrants to the US in a perversion of international refugee law.

Jesuit Refugee Services—a leader of the pack?

I feel for Malta and the Maltese people because they are a tiny country overloaded with not just illegal aliens, but apparently a large and noisy group of NGOs sucking off government funds (EU tax payer money too) just as the US refugee contractors do in America.  Those Europeans opposing the cultural annihilation of Europe do not have the resources to battle the human rights industrial complex in the media.

Voice of America:

LONDON — Malta has been forced to cancel the forced return of dozens of Somali migrants to Libya, after an emergency ruling by the European Court of Human Rights. The EU has criticized the attempted repatriation, but Malta has accused its European partners of a lack of solidarity. It comes after the Pope visited an Italian island earlier this week that’s received thousands of migrants.


Maltese authorities had intended to send two planes back to Libya carrying 45 Somali migrants who had arrived Tuesday.  But the European Court of Human Rights issued a ruling banning the repatriations.

The migrants must be given the chance to apply for asylum, says Katrine Camilleri, a Maltese lawyer from the Jesuit Refugee Service.*


Authorities say more than 400 migrants have arrived on the island in the past week, including babies, pregnant women and three men with gunshot wounds. Most are Eritrean or Somali.


Malta has accused the European Union of a lack of solidarity in failing to help with the refugee influx.

The United Nations says around 8,400 refugees have landed in Italy and Malta so far this year – double the number in the same period last year.

The article goes on to gush about the Pope going to Lampedusa here to put a guilt-trip on the world.  Update:  Maybe Pope should stay home and continue cleaning up child abuse in the Vatican!

Learn more here about the Jesuit Refugee Services which is getting EU funds to give “vulnerable” refugees “psychosocial” support.  How about the members of the EU taking some of the needy migrants to their countries and give them their psychosocial support there—in London, Paris and Berlin?

*How many “refugees” has Ms. Katrine Camilleri welcomed to live in her home?  Does anyone know?

Click here for an archive going back more than five years on the Maltese mess—a mess the US helped to make by offering free tickets to America for some of the African illegal migrants.

Be sure to see this story about an Italian diplomat and UN workers being arrested for trafficking Somalis between Libya and Malta—guess the business is back up and running!

Excessively high Bhutanese suicide rate in US comes up in alerts again

I think this is probably the same report we have mentioned previously, but since we have so many new readers lately and a lot of recent news on Bhutanese (Nepalese) refugees, it’s best to repeat it rather than to have some readers not know about it.

Bhutanese refugees in Atlanta.

For several reasons, mostly joblessness and family stress over money, Bhutanese refugees are killing themselves at higher rates than most people in the world.   Tell me again why we are going to legalize 11 million illegal aliens and bring in more immigrants when legal refugees can’t find work?  And, why are resettlement agencies actually lobbying for more job competition for their own refugees?

From the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) for the week of July 5, 2013:

During the period February 2009–February 2012, the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported 16 suicides among the approximately 57,000 Bhutanese refugees who had resettled in the United States since 2008. In 2012, the office requested assistance from CDC and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center to identify risk factors that might be associated with suicidal ideation among Bhutanese refugees. In collaboration with the Massachusetts refugee health center, CDC conducted a survey of randomly selected Bhutanese refugees in four U.S. states with large populations of resettled refugees*. The results indicated significant associations between ever having expressed suicidal ideation and current self-reported symptoms of mental health disorder (e.g., anxiety, depression, or posttraumatic stress disorder) and postmigration difficulties (e.g., family conflict or inability to find work). The findings highlight the need for development of culturally appropriate community-based interventions for suicide prevention and standard procedures for monitoring and reporting suicides and suicide attempts in the Bhutanese refugee population.

They killed themselves in Nepal at a pretty high rate too (must be something in their culture, or, LOL! in their genetic makeup?)

 ….the annual suicide rate among Bhutanese refugees resettled in the United States was calculated by investigators as 21.5 per 100,000; the age-adjusted suicide rate using the U.S. 2000 population as the standard was 24.4 per 100,000. Both estimates were higher than the estimated annual global suicide rate for all persons of 16.0 per 100,000 (1) and the annual suicide rate for U.S. residents of 12.4 per 100,000 (2), but were similar to the prearrival suicide rate in Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal of 20.7 per 100,000 (3).

*The four states are these:  Arizona, Georgia, New York, and Texas.  But, since we have brought nearly 70,000 Bhutanese to the US, there are many other resettlement states experiencing challenges with joblessness and just plain overload of George Bush’s refugees.  Yesterday, we heard from Bhutanese in Manchester, NH, here.

Photo: There are many more photos of Bhutanese refugees in Atlanta, here, along with a story about them.

Will Malta “push back” latest batch of illegal alien Somalis to Libya?

Has Malta finally had enough?

This is old news—as of yesterday, thanks to reader Charles for alerting us.

(Note: we’ve had cable problems where I live so didn’t get this up sooner.  The NGOs might well have stopped the proposed push-back by now.)

Some of this latest group of Somalis which arrived on Malta yesterday may be sent back to Libya. My suggestion—send them to Somalia! Photo: Times of Malta

From the Times of Malta:

The authorities have booked an Air Malta plane to ferry migrants to Mitiga airport in Tripoli an midnight and 4am, informed sources said this afternoon.

The development comes as the prime minister confirmed earlier this afternoon that the government was considering all options, including the possibility of sending back to Libya migrants who arrived today.

By 5.30pm tens of NGO volunteers gathered outside the back entrance of the police headquarters in Floriana to stop trucks from leaving.

Earlier, they complained that their representatives had not been allowed access to the group. The migrants, totalling 102, arrived this morning and are being held at police headquarters. It is understood that only the men – about 70, will be sent back.

Earlier, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said:

“All options are being considered in the national interest, but no decision had been taken, Joseph Muscat told

“This is not push-back, it is a signal that we are not push overs,” Dr Muscat said when questioned. When asked whether the government would repatriate the migrants if that action was illegal, Dr Muscat reiterated that all options were being considered.

Readers, it’s only common sense that every time a boat arrives and the migrants get tickets to America or some other European country (which has been part of the pattern for Malta–US State Dept. policy) they will keep coming!  Send them back a few times and the word will spread.  Who wants them to stay?

A group of 11 non-governmental organisations said this afternoon that the government must not return the migrants who arrived in Malta this morning to Libya.


“We, the undersigned 11 NGOs, are shocked that the government is even considering sending back to Libya the group of migrants that arrived this morning. The group of 102 included 41 women and two babies. All are Somali, which means they could very well need protection.


The NGOs said that it was certain that the migrants would face gross human rights abuses if returned to Libya.

So don’t send them to Libya—send them to Somalia. 

We are all aware that Somalia is improving and that their new President even came to America to encourage Somalis to return and re-build their own country.  And, besides even at the height of Somalia’s terror problems, wealthy Muslim Saudi Arabia was flying illegal Somali Muslims back to Mogadishu and I don’t recall a single NGO squawking about that!

So who are the NGOs opposing push-back?  I see the Jesuits are busy as usual.  They were behind pressuring the US into taking some of the previous Somali illegal aliens to your towns and cities in America.   And the ‘People for Change Foundation’ sounds suspiciously like a George Soros enterprise.

These claims are backed by the research of solid human rights organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.”

Aditus foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta), Migrant’s Network for Equality, SOS Malta, Malta Emigrants’ Commission, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants, Organisation for Friendship in Diversity, Koperativa Kummerc Gust and People for Change Foundation said…

Everything you need to know about the mess in Malta can be found in our lengthy Malta archive, click here.

People with high IQ’s are destroying Western Civilization by embracing the “deadly ideology of multiculturalism”

Baron Bodissey, at one of our favorite blogs, Gates of Vienna (hat tip: Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum) posted a refreshingly heretical piece yesterday in which he first discusses the treatment of the Heritage Foundation’s recently let-go (shamefully by the very same Heritage Foundation) Jason Richwine because he dared to write a Phd thesis on race and IQ, and then associate himself with a report on how the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill will hurt the American economy.

An aside:  I’ve had this news kicking around in my posting queue for a few days where researchers have discovered that there is an ethnic difference in immune response to TB.  I don’t see anyone having a hissy-fit over the possible genetic correlation of race and how one’s body deals with Tuberculosis, yet all hell breaks loose over the issue of racial differences in IQ.

The questions Bodissey raises are ones that underlie much of what we discuss here at RRW on a daily basis as we report on real life stories that demonstrate how stupid we really are.

In Bodissey’s piece (after his lead-in about Richwine and academic studies on IQ and race) he goes on to suggest that people with high IQs are really very stupid (excepting the Chinese and Japanese) and poses this question (emphasis below is mine):

Is IQ a useful measure of intelligence, as expressed by an entire culture?

My contention is that it is not.

The two dominant racial groups in Western culture — Caucasians of European descent and Ashkenazi Jews — contrived the deadly ideology that is now known as Multiculturalism. They received no measurable assistance in this project from black Africans, or Arabs, or Trobriand Islanders. The Chinese and the Japanese, who seem to have put their high IQ scores to better use, have foregone the pleasures of Multiculturalism. This pernicious ideology is entirely the work of Caucasian and Jewish academics.

Through its implementation of the Multicultural ideal, the West is manifestly in the process of destroying itself. Within a few decades the European nation-states will no longer exist. We may already have passed the point of no return. With full deliberation we, the white race, prepared this cultural apocalypse. It was not the races with lesser IQs who did this to us; we did it to ourselves.

Some people have difficulty accepting this conclusion, and ascribe our current disaster to the manipulations of the Bilderberg Group, or an international Jewish conspiracy, or the Freemasons, or the Illuminati, or some other secret cabal that has somehow manipulated the well-meaning citizens of the West into signing up for their own doom.

But this only pushes the problem to a new level: how can some of the most intelligent people on the planet be so easily manipulated into doing such stupid things? The Chinese and the Japanese — who are also intelligent — have up until now failed to fall for this scam. Why have Westerners succumbed? [The Japanese may still succumb—the UN and the human rights industrial complex have been putting pressure on the Japanese to welcome diversity as readers of RRW know—ed]


What does intelligence mean, if intelligent people deliberately and methodically collaborate in their own destruction?

Given the cataclysm currently faced by Western Civilization, the concept of intelligence as measured by IQ seems to have little remaining empirical utility.

Please read the whole thing, there is a lot to think about.

One commenter, Aaron, suggests it’s not all whites and Jews who are to blame, just those with a Leftist ideological world view.  Yes, maybe, but then one wonders how come Rightwingers (Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Grover Norquist, etc.) have fallen for the concept of a multicultural nirvana that flooding America with immigrants is supposed to bring.

I don’t really wonder!  The only nirvana most of that bunch is concerned with involves cold hard campaign cash—Western Civilization be damned.  Norquist is another matter.

NH Mayor: Still too many refugees being placed in Manchester

We’ve written dozens of posts over the last few years about Manchester, NH and its refugee overload.  For those of you struggling with overload in your cities and towns, Manchester’s plight is instructive.  Once the US State Department and their resettlement contractors get an ethnic seed community established, it’s almost impossible to stop the flow.

In the case of Manchester, the Mayor and council went so far as to get a bill introduced in the state legislature to give them some rights to call for a moratorium if the city became too overloaded.  It failed. And, interestingly, now even some refugees are saying there are too many in Manchester and THEY CAN’T FIND WORK.  (Someone please tell Grover Norquist and the Gang of Eight—Senator Kelly Ayotte too—that there are immigrants in need of work in New Hampshire!).

From AP at the Nashua Telegraph (Hat tip: Joanne, others):

While many Bhutanese have transitioned well to life in U.S. – and they are all better off than they were in refugee camps – many, especially those older than 40, are struggling, Niroula [refugee featured in this article] said.

“Bhutanese are facing lot of challenges, because they are jobless,” he said.

The refugees aren’t the only ones having trouble coping with the transition. The growing number of refugees could be jarring for one of the least diverse states in the country. In the past decade, the number of immigrants in New Hampshire has grown by 36 percent, outpacing national growth by 6 percent.

Refugees are still a fraction of the population in the state’s largest city. A task force estimates there are 3,500 in Manchester out of a total population of 110,000. State Department figures show that between 2000 and 2010, almost 2,500 refugees were resettled in the city, just over half New Hampshire’s total during that period.

A central fear is that because services for refugees are frontloaded to their arrival, those who don’t transition well immediately are falling through the cracks. That could become costly for the city.  [Unfunded mandate?—-ed]

Mayor Gatsas: the city needs a break!

 In November 2011, Mayor Ted Gatsas, a Republican then newly elected to his second term, drew national attention after asking the State Department to stop resettling refugees to Manchester. In a recent interview, he said he still believes the city could benefit from a break in their arrival.

“We’ve got refugees in this community that don’t know the language, don’t have a job, and what I’ve been saying is let us catch our breath. Let us get these people into working society, so they’re good examples of the city of Manchester,” he said. “You can’t do that by bringing 300 more refugees on top of that.”

Surprise (not!):  Resettlement contractors don’t communicate with community!

They [Bhutanese/Nepalese] are the most recent wave of refugees to land in New Hampshire. Several thousand African and Middle Eastern refugees – mostly Iraqi, Somali and Sudanese – were resettled there in the first part of the last decade and continue to arrive in much smaller numbers.

During the last session, Gatsas led a failed push pass a bill at the state level giving municipalities the authority to enact a one-year moratorium on new refugee resettlement. Among the issues he raised at the time was poor communication between the city and the resettlement agency, though he said that relationship has improved.

Look out Nashua!  This is standard operating procedure, when the contractors get blow-back and big problems develop in a community, they simply start new seed communities not far away.

To take some of the pressure off Manchester, close to 50 will be resettled in nearby Nashua.

Contractors are keeping an eye on that other pocket of resistance—Tennessee—where there has been some success in getting the state to re-exert its right to say NO to the federal government.

Saba Berhane, director of the refugee services division with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, said the mayor’s request is unusual and most resettlement communities welcome refugees, despite occasional challenges. But lawmakers in Tennessee passed legislation limiting resettlement, though a moratorium provision was stricken. Most recently, the legislature there killed a bill to that would have required refugee resettlement organizations to reimburse the state’s costs related to refugees.

Manchester is overloaded! Even the refugees get it!  Why don’t the contractors?

…Bishnu Dahal, 53, said using a translator that the number of refugees is making it hard to find a job and she wouldn’t mind seeing new refugees settle elsewhere. Several others agreed.

Endnote:  We previously wrote about resettlement contractor—Carolyn Benedict-Drew—quoted in this article, here in April.