Demonstrating that the issue of whether Wyoming should become a UN/US State Department resettlement site is becoming a political hot potato—the Natrona County GOP has said No to the scheme.
New readers, click here, for all of our previous posts on Republican Governor Matt Mead’s invite to the feds to help the state plan for refugee resettlement for possibly Gillette and/or Casper, Wyoming.
Natrona County includes Casper. We spotted this tiny bit at the end of this storyat the Casper Star Tribune(btw, the Tribunehas editorialized in favorof refugee resettlement):
Other measures adopted by the party at the county convention:
*The party opposes the introduction of refugee camps or participation in refugee resettlement programs in Wyoming.
Wyoming is the only state without a formal refugee resettlement program. Gov. Matt Mead and others are trying to learning more about refugees and evaluating options to possibly create a plan in Wyoming for refugee resettlement.
If you missed it, be sure to see Don Barnett’s excellent op-ed also at the Casper Star Tribune.
This is a very strange story from the Border Patrol to the Laredo Sun (hat tip: Gary) and I surely can’t guess why two Burmese (they have to be refugees we resettled in the Dallas area) are caught coming back into the US.
Apprehended walking back across the Gateway to the Americas bridge into Laredo.
Here is the whole short news account (emphasis mine):
LAREDO, TEXAS –U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Laredo Port of Entry apprehended two men wanted in connection with a homicide that occurred in Dallas, Texas on March 24, 2014.
“The importance of the work that our CBP officers do in conducting interviews with individuals that present themselves requesting admission into the U.S. can be underscored with the apprehension of these two individuals who were being sought for their alleged involvement in the death of a man in Dallas, Texas,” said Jose R. Uribe, Acting Port Director, Laredo Port of Entry. “Through the collaboration between our federal and state partners, this case was able to be brought to light, resulting in the interception of these men to face the charges that are alleged against them.”
The arrests of the fugitives occurred yesterday Thursday, March 28, 2014 at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge when CBP officers encountered two 18-year-old citizens of Burma that arrived as pedestrians. A CBP officer at primary inspection referred pedestrians A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe, both resident aliens residing in Dallas, Texas who did not present any identity or citizenship documents for a secondary examination. During the examination, CBP officers verified both A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe’s identity, citizenship and confirmed that they were wanted by the Dallas Police Department on outstanding warrants of Murder and Tampering with Evidence. After confirming the warrants were active, CBP officers turned both men over to FBI and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents for transport to Webb County Detention Center pending extradition by Dallas authorities.
The alleged murderers are very likely refugees resettled by the US State Department and its contractors in Texas. That is how most Burmese have come to live in the US. LOL! They don’t “find their way” to Texas as news accounts so often report.
Here is one accounting of how many we have resettled over the last 12 years from Burma and camps in Thailand. They are still coming.
*Burmese refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 97,713
*Chin Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 30,453
*Karen Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 57,962
*The rest ethnic groups from Burma in the US since 2001: 9297
This last number above would include Burmese Muslims/Rohingya. Our most horrible Burmese murder case(so far) was the one in Utah where a Burmese Muslim man raped and murdered a little girl.
Photo by John Cross: Mustafa Jamale, an aide to U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, speaks Monday at Minnesota State University during a panel talk on political activism in East African communities.
That is the subject of a panel discussion held this week at Minnesota State University.
MANKATO — For a time, Somalis in Minnesota had something of a suitcase mentality as many wondered if their time here was temporary, said Hashi Shafi of Minneapolis.
For that reason, and because it was something of a foreign concept, many people didn’t participate in American democracy.
“To unpack our suitcases takes time,” said Shafi, director of a civic education nonprofit in Minneapolis.
But unpack they have, as evidenced by the Somalis who are organizing their communities politically.
Shafi and two other East Africa natives visited Minnesota State University Monday for a panel discussion on political activism among Somali and Ethiopian immigrants.
It is very difficult to find population numbers for Somalis in the US now, so this next bit of information is useful:
There are an estimated 100,000 Somalis and 30,000 Ethiopians in Minnesota.
New readers might wish to visit this older post—Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?—still one of our most-read posts at RRW. Guess who resettled the Somalis in Minnesota? If you guessed any one of these, you are right: US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, and World Relief (evangelicals)!
Cardinal Sean O’Malley offers communion to people on the Mexican side of the international border, Tuesday, April 1, 2014, in Nogales, Ariz. Matt York / AP
Brenda Walker writing at VDAREgives us a thorough report on the US Catholic Bishops’ publicity stunt at the Mexican border yesterday.
Calling Rush Limbaugh, read this! The only issues where Catholic leaders are on the supposed ‘conservative’ side are abortion and gay marriage, for everything else they are the far Left! Obama does not need to win them over!
Walker (Conspirators in Cassocks) begins (emphasis mine):
Catholic bishops have accelerated their anti-American Open Borders crusade to fluff up their scandal-scarred morality cred in the Main Stream Media and to nudge “immigrants” (legality immaterial) to attend the church that supports ethnic separatism and disdains assimilation. Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley and several bishops celebrated a photo-op Mass near the border today (April 1) to underline their dedication to “immigrants.” These conspirators in cassocks were also scheduled to tour a local shelter and visit with the Border Patrol.
Then she asks the questions MOST Americans ask:
They emphasized the suffering of the illegal invaders—with no recognition that successful invaders steal jobs that should by law go to Americans; and no mention of America’s 20+ million unemployed.
O’Malley et al.’s deeply selfish and solipsistic view of morality: Hispanic foreigners (Catholic) should be cut extra slack—even though their law-breaking hurts innocent Americans.
Why is the American taxpayer*** supposed to support law-breaking just because the perps are poor foreigners? We have plenty of homegrown folks in poverty.
Read it all, it is a very complete accounting of the Bishops’ key role in opening US borders to legal and illegal migrants. Walker also mentions the sad story in Syracuse (25,784 people saw this post on our facebook page—wow!).
Rush read this, conservatives do not suck from the government teat!
***American taxpayers are footing the bill for almost the entire Bishops’ migration fund (here).
This is where the USCCB Migration and Refugee Services gets its money—mostly from the US taxpayer! From their most recent published annual report, here(p.11).The USCCB is effectively a federal agency! They are the largest of the nine major federal refugee contractors.
Revenue (in rounded numbers)
Federal grants/contracts: $66 million
Refugee travel loans (your tax dollars too): $3.6 million
Total revenue: $71 million (which leaves less than $1.5 million from private charitable giving)
If ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’ should get through Congress, the Bishops federal take will quadruple as they become the “service provider” for the millions of newly amnestied.