I’ve been remiss this past week in keeping up with the refugee problems facing other civilized countries because so much hot news has happened in the US. Turning now to Australia:
Foreign minister Julie Bishop met with Cambodian prime minister in February. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-23/an-cambodian-minister-says-australia-has-requested-cambodia-to-/5278248
You gotta hand it to the conservative government in Australia for coming up with creative ideas to stem the tide of illegal aliens trying to break into Australia.
It makes me laugh to think of the Middle Easteners trying to reach Australia by boat, and who want Australians to take care of them, to be sent to Cambodia! They will be safe there and isn’t that what they want?
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he would welcome a decision by Cambodia to accept asylum seekers from Australia.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is in Cambodia, where he has held talks with the country’s interior minister to follow up on an earlier request for the country to help resettle asylum seekers.
In February, the Cambodian government revealed that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had asked their country to accept some asylum seekers.
Hey, here is an idea! Since Mexico is the14th largest economy (by GDP out of 193 countries in 2012) in the world, let’s ask Mexico to take some of the tens of thousands of ‘asylum seekers’ who arrive on our borders!
Update April 6th: Saturdays in springtime are usually slow days here, but this post went through the roof yesterday, thanks to all who sent it around on facebook!
The US State Department and their Catholic contractor should be shaken by this one.
The crime is nothing new, but the reporting sure is!
Iraqi refugee could get 25 years for brutal rape
Here is what happened according to the Albany Times Union and reporter Robert Gavin (emphasis below is mine):
A jury needed less than two hours on Thursday to convict an Iraqi refugee of brutally raping a 19-year-old woman behind a trash bin in Colonie after meeting her at a downtown bar last year.
Salam Al Haideri, 24, of Niskayuna, faces 25 years in prison after the jury of nine men and three women found him guilty of predatory sex assault and first-degree rape.
Al Haideri and a friend had met the victim, whom neither man knew, at the Buddha Tea House club on North Pearl Street in the pre-dawn hours of June 2, 2013. The 4-foot-11 woman got in their car and, during the ride, Al Haideri touched her. She said she wanted to go home and she and Al Haideri argued. When Al Haideri’s friend stopped the car, Al Haideri yanked the woman out of the car and took her behind a trash bin behind “I Love NY” pizzeria on Central Avenue by Vly Road, Cleary said.
Al Haideri smashed the victim’s face into the pavement, ripped open her shorts and raped her for 12 minutes as she begged him to stop, Cleary said.
“This is an act of just pure anger,” Cleary told jurors. “When she started to fight back, he beat her into submission and then he took what he believed he was entitled to.”
Cleary showed the jury a photo of the victim smiling before she went out that night. She then contrasted that with an image of the woman at Albany Medical Center Hospital, where she lay bloody, beaten and bandaged.
“Someone just doesn’t come out of a consensual sexual encounter looking like that,” a man on the jury said after the verdict.
Breakthrough in media coverage!
Here is the most important part of the story at the Times Union, and for this we owe reporter Robert Gavin a debt of gratitude. When we first began RRW back in 2007 (and for years until most recently), stories like this one would describe the convicted rapist as an “immigrant who found his way” to Albany—the ‘R’ word was never mentioned!
Not only is the sacrosanct word “refugee” mentioned here, but the Iraqi criminal’s resettlement through a “federally funded program” and by Catholic Charities under contract to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is discussed!
Al Haideri is the third Middle East refugee — all brought to the Capital Region under the same federally funded resettlement program — to be convicted of a sex crime since 2010.
The conviction follows the sex crime convictions of Walid Nehma, 30, an Iraqi refugee who once was a housemate of Al Haideri, and Salah Mhawesh, 34, an Egyptian refugee. All three settled in the Capital Region with help of a program run by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany under a contract with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services.
In December 2009, Nehma struck a woman in the face, forced her to the ground, tore her pants open and tried to rape her as she screamed for help in a desolate area next to Capital Repertory Theater. He is serving a 5-year sentence at Great Meadow Correctional Facility in Washington County for attempted rape and is due to be released on Dec. 3. Mhawesh pleaded guilty in 2012 to first-degree sex abuse of a woman in his home on Central Avenue. He was sentenced to one year in the Albany County jail, which became time served.
When Al Haideri testified Wednesday, Cleary also questioned him about the assistance he received in jailhouse conversations with Jacqueline Foster, 73, of Niskayuna, his foster mother in the refugee resettlement program.
Al Haideri lived with Foster, who had also allowed Nehma to live with her family for a time.
Reporters and thus the public are beginning to understand how it is we have so many refugees living in especially “preferred resettlement sites” like Albany.
Note also the sickening story from Syracuseearlier in the week about a Catholic Church becoming a mosque—that conversion was attributed to an increase in the ‘refugee’ population there, so bit by bit (hopefully) the political correctness that has dominated the mainstream media and kept it silent about the Refugee Program of the US State Department/UN is disappearing.
LOL! The next step is to bill the US State Department for the refugee criminal trials occurring with greater frequency now! And, while they are at it they could foot the bill for his next 25 years behind bars as well (and maybe the Catholic Bishops could throw in some cash too!).