Our Minnesota readers will be angered (or rolling on the floor laughing) at this news!

From the Star Tribune (hat tip: Robin). Emphasis is mine:
Despite a self-professed sense of acceptance of newcomers and a well-worn notion of “Minnesota Nice,” the state does not provide some of the most basic protections to the more than 350,000 immigrants and refugees living here, a new report claims.
From public safety policies that force immigrants to live in fear of deportation to some of the worst racial disparities in the nation in income, health, and educational outcomes, the failures undermine the state’s values and squander the potential resources newcomers can contribute, according to a report from the Advocates for Human Rights, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit.
The study, “Moving from Exclusion to Belonging,” looks at a number of federal policies that the report says have combined to create a sense of exclusion. Those include what it calls “meager provisions” of a maximum 90 days of assistance for refugees after arrival, and a six-month wait before asylum seekers become eligible to apply for a work permit.
“Laws, policies and practices exclude immigrants and refugees from full participation in our community and violate their human rights,” said Robin Phillips, executive director for the organization.
And, then you might want to revisit this old post from 2011, ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis‘, where we learned that it was due to the “welcoming” social services in Minnesota that US resettlement contractors (Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief) have been pouring them into Minnesota for more than 25 years! We recently learned that secondary migrants are flooding into Minnesota as well.
This is one of the strategies we see all too often—Leftists write reports and then use them as news hooks.