Did you see this? Muslim Brotherhood launches US political party

March launch of the new Muslim Brotherhood party in Washington. http://www.religionnews.com/2014/03/14/new-organization-unites-american-muslims-one-coalition/

It actually was launched last month, but I saw it this week when Investor’s Business Daily published a hard-hitting opinion piece.

What is the most important thing they need to be successful?  Numbers!   How are they getting their numbers?  Immigration, of course, and refugees represent the greatest stream of new Muslim voters into the US.

There may, however, be a little bit of silver lining to this news.  Perhaps Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan might work through the new party and stop trying to subvert the Republican Party.

The Islamists will have their own party!  Their goals would be out in the open.


Islamofascism: With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.

‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.

“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.

This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within.”

A Trojan horse!

Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.

There is more, read it all.

Speaking of Trojan horses, this is a very good time for you to read or re-read”The Modern Day Trojan Horse:  Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.’

Hendi gets an award from FBI director in 2008! http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/partnerships_and_outreach/community_outreach/dcla/2008/baltimore08

Do you remember Yahya Hendi? 

If you do, you have been with RRW since our first summer in 2007.

We wrote about him here.  He is (was?) an Imam in Frederick, Maryland and the Muslim chaplain at Georgetown who traveled to Saudi Arabia to report that he predicted that by 2015 there would be 30 Muslim mayors in America.  Of course his time-table is way off, but nonetheless, he revealed the aim.  He said there weren’t enough converts to get the number of voters needed, so what else is there—immigration!

As I have mentioned many times regarding this 30 Muslim mayors comment, can you imagine the uproar if someone said, ‘we want 30 Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic (any religion) mayors heading US cities.’  There was never a peep about Hendi’s stated goal.

Photo above:  That is Nihad Awad (CAIR director) standing behind the new head honcho, Oussama Jammal, of the US Council of Muslim Organizations.

We have a lengthy archive on CAIR, here.  They are heavily involved with issues relating to refugees, especially with the Somalis.   And, they were a key player in the hate crime hoax in El Cajon we mentioned here yesterday.

***Update***  Ladies! Let’s have a laugh at CAIR!  Here!

Abrams and Schwartz want further relaxation of security screening for Syrian refugees

In a highly criticized move, the Obama Administration already relaxed security screening aimed at bringing in thousands of Syrians.  Now Elliott Abrams and Eric Schwartz have penned an op-ed saying it wasn’t enough.

Elliott Abrams

Frankly, some serious wrangling must be going on within the Administration because as far as I can tell, Obama has not YET opened the floodgates to Syrian refugees and thus we are seeing the public relations push—as we mentioned in the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society story the other day.  (Incidentally, that story was viewed by 33,328 readers via our facebook page!)

Who are Abrams and Schwartz?   According to the USA Today op-ed:

Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, was a deputy national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration. Eric P. Schwartz, dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, was assistant secretary of State for population, refugees and migration in the Obama administration. They are members of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

We have a lot on Eric P. Schwartz, a Soros protege and one-worlder, on our pages, here.

Eric P. Schwartz

Abrams and Schwartz at USA Today:

Last month, as Syria’s civil war entered its fourth year, bloodshed continued without pause and the number of refugees continued to swell. Those are among the reasons that the Obama administration took an important step to sustain a U.S. tradition of protecting refugees, including Syrians fleeing their country. But the administration can do more.

The United States has long provided haven and resettlement to those escaping tyranny.

They then go on to describe the waiver from terrorism bars the Obama Administration has already put in place and say it isn’t enough:

There are other categories of refugees who still fall afoul of current law, such as former combatants who never acted against U.S. interests and have laid down their arms, and individuals who provided “insignificant” support for groups that the U.S. has designated as terrorist groups. The administration should consider expanding its waiver to include these groups.

Abrams and Schwartz say they only want a few thousand Syrians to be admitted, but therein lies the rub.  The US State Department had bandied about the possible resettlement of 2,000 this fiscal year, but the resettlement contractors are pushing for from 12,000-15,000 this year (to be repeated again next year and the year after…).

BTW, we are already 6 months into the 2014 fiscal year which began on Oct. 1, 2013.  And, just a reminder: the contractors are paid by the head for each refugee they resettle.

In case you are wondering, Abrams and Schwartz never mention the persecuted Syrian Christians.

This is how you snooker the low-information Americans who read USA Today:

We are not suggesting that the United States admit waves of new refugees. While there are more than 2 million Syrians outside their homeland, the U.S. resettlement program for Syrians is focused only on several thousand of the most vulnerable.

LOL! It is only a few thousand and only the “vulnerable” they say.  What is “several thousand?”

As I said the contractors and the open borders lobby must be running into some resistance on the Syrian refugee resettlement issue or Abrams and Schwartz wouldn’t be penning this piece.

Just as Americans are weary of war, I believe they are weary of taking in the world and putting the masses on US taxpayer-funded welfare, not to mention putting our security at risk!

You need to be letting your Representative in Congress or US Senators know, you have had enough!

El Cajon: Murder trial begins for Iraqi refugee at center of 2012 fishy hate crime story

Kassim Alhimidi, right, leaves after a memorial for his wife, Shaima Alawadi at a mosque, March 27, 2012, in Lakeside, Calif. http://abcnews.go.com/US/husband-arrested-murder-iraqi-american-family-claimed-hate/story?id=17682675

Diversity is strength alert!

Remember this from April of  2012: an Iraqi man whose wife wanted a divorce apparently created a fictional hate crime to cover up the bloody murder of his wife.

This all happened at about the same time as the Trayvon Martin story was making headlines.

This is what we said on April 1, 2012:

CAIR and the Muslim grievance lobby are trying oh-so-hard to elevate this tragic murder of a young Iraqi mother in California to be on par with the Trayvon Martin circus in Florida.   I’ve been reading about the case elsewhere and there is something fishy about it.

The Reuters story at the time even dragged in the scumbags at the Southern Poverty Law Center!

Now, on Tuesday, at the Times of San Diego:

Opening statements are scheduled for Tuesday in the murder trial of an Iraqi immigrant accused of fatally beating his wife in their El Cajon home after she asked for a divorce.

Kassim Alhimidi, 49, is charged with killing Shaima Alawadi, 32, also an Iraqi immigrant.

The defendant was arrested on Nov. 8, 2012, by El Cajon police in what was first thought to be a hate crime. His wife was found mortally injured with at least six head wounds in their Skyview Street residence eight months earlier.

First-responders found a note in the home that read, “This is my country, go back to yours, terrorist.”

How many Iraqis in America?  Who knows?  Remember there were earlier waves of Iraqis being resettled here prior to the latest huge wave.

From 2007 until April 30, 2013, we resettled 84,000 Iraqi nationals to the US.   So, by now we have surely surpassed the 100,000 mark with more on the way.  From the USCIS:

Since the inception of the program in 2007, 203,321 Iraqi nationals have been referred to the USRAP for resettlement to the United States. USCIS has interviewed 142,670 Iraqi refugee applicants; approved 119,202 for resettlement and, 84,902 Iraqi refugees have arrived in the United States.

Our Iraqi refugee category has 609 previous posts archived.  The most recent one, before today, is the South Dakota Iraqi sex trafficking sentencing, here.  Keeping our court systems busy!


Wyoming: County GOP says NO to refugee program for the state

Demonstrating that the issue of whether Wyoming should become a UN/US State Department resettlement site is becoming a political hot potato—the Natrona County GOP has said No to the scheme.

New readers, click here, for all of our previous posts on Republican Governor Matt Mead’s invite to the feds to help the state plan for refugee resettlement for possibly Gillette and/or Casper, Wyoming.

The federal government and its contractors are running out of ‘welcoming’ sites for dropping off refugees, so Wyoming represents fresh territory!

Natrona County includes Casper.  We spotted this tiny bit at the end of this story at the Casper Star Tribune (btw, the Tribune has editorialized in favor of refugee resettlement):

Other measures adopted by the party at the county convention:

*The party opposes the introduction of refugee camps or participation in refugee resettlement programs in Wyoming.

Wyoming is the only state without a formal refugee resettlement program. Gov. Matt Mead and others are trying to learning more about refugees and evaluating options to possibly create a plan in Wyoming for refugee resettlement.

If you missed it, be sure to see Don Barnett’s excellent op-ed also at the Casper Star Tribune.

Two Burmese suspected murderers apprehended coming back into US from Mexico

This is a very strange story from the Border Patrol to the Laredo Sun (hat tip: Gary) and I surely can’t guess why two Burmese (they have to be refugees we resettled in the Dallas area) are caught coming back into the US.

Apprehended walking back across the Gateway to the Americas bridge into Laredo.

Here is the whole short news account (emphasis mine):

LAREDO, TEXAS –U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Laredo Port of Entry apprehended two men wanted in connection with a homicide that occurred in Dallas, Texas on March 24, 2014.

“The importance of the work that our CBP officers do in conducting interviews with individuals that present themselves requesting admission into the U.S. can be underscored with the apprehension of these two individuals who were being sought for their alleged involvement in the death of a man in Dallas, Texas,” said Jose R. Uribe, Acting Port Director, Laredo Port of Entry. “Through the collaboration between our federal and state partners, this case was able to be brought to light, resulting in the interception of these men to face the charges that are alleged against them.”

The arrests of the fugitives occurred yesterday Thursday, March 28, 2014 at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge when CBP officers encountered two 18-year-old citizens of Burma that arrived as pedestrians. A CBP officer at primary inspection referred pedestrians A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe, both resident aliens residing in Dallas, Texas who did not present any identity or citizenship documents for a secondary examination. During the examination, CBP officers verified both A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe’s identity, citizenship and confirmed that they were wanted by the Dallas Police Department on outstanding warrants of Murder and Tampering with Evidence. After confirming the warrants were active, CBP officers turned both men over to FBI and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents for transport to Webb County Detention Center pending extradition by Dallas authorities.

The alleged murderers are very likely refugees resettled by the US State Department and its contractors in Texas. That is how most Burmese have come to live in the US.  LOL! They don’t “find their way” to Texas as news accounts so often report.

Here is one accounting of how many we have resettled over the last 12 years from Burma and camps in Thailand.  They are still coming.

*Burmese refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 97,713

*Chin Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 30,453

*Karen Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 57,962

*The rest ethnic groups from Burma in the US since 2001: 9297

This last number above would include Burmese Muslims/Rohingya. Our most horrible Burmese murder case (so far) was the one in Utah where a Burmese Muslim man raped and murdered a little girl.