Carrot-tasting classes for refugees cut due to ‘unaccompanied minors’ taking all the federal cash

Update:  No sooner had I posted this then an update arrives:  The money has been restored and carrot-tasting class will resume! (Click here for the happy ending!)

One thing we have to thank these ‘unaccompanied alien minors’ for is exposing the three-decades-old Refugee Resettlement program of the US State Department to public scrutiny.

Here is yet another whiny story, this one featuring refugees in Washington state under the care of contractor World Relief.  I bet you didn’t know you were funding classes so that new refugees could discover the joys of eating carrots in America.  And, now this special program may be cut because the invading “children” are gobbling up all the federal cash.

Caption from the Inlander: “Rwandan refugee Emmanuel Rucyahana, right, tries a carrot during a nutrition workshop at World Relief Spokane. Funding for workshops like this one has been redirected to address immigration at the southern border.” Photo: Young Kwak

This is my question—are there no Evangelical Christians (World Relief is an Evangelical federal contractor) or Catholics who could use their charitable time and teach refugees the vital information about carrots and thus leave the federal taxpayer out of the loop?

From the Inlander:

“We came here because we have to save our lives,” she says, sitting next to her husband. Now, they’re tasting raw carrots from a paper boat, seated at a long table surrounded by posters about the Founding Fathers, with people chatting in four languages. [Where is Saturday Night Live or Jon Stewart!—ed]

Refugees like Farwah Rubab and Syed Mubashar Abbas from Pakistan come here, to World Relief’s headquarters in Spokane, for answers. Not only do they get help finding housing, schooling and jobs, but they can attend workshops on the essentials: banking, interacting with law enforcement and today, cooking healthy food.


Though the much-covered influx of unaccompanied children at the southern border is 1,500 miles away from this classroom, the two are unavoidably linked by a pot of federal funding increasingly under stress.

Last month, the federal government halted funding to states for “refugee resettlement assistance” — the money that pays for these classes — because it needed that money to address needs at the border. In Spokane, World Relief, a nonprofit that helps resettle refugees, uses its $89,500 allotment to pay staff to help refugees apply for permanent residency and to organize these classes. The nonprofit Catholic Charities gets $35,500 from the contract to provide similar services. About $1 million in funding was cut for the current quarter.

Boo-hoo-hoo!  If this keeps up there may be staff layoffs!  Offices may close and the trickle down could crash the economy of Spokane (and refugees will not enjoy the culinary delights of America, the healthy delights of course!).

As I have said previously, no sympathy here for the contractors***.  They lobbied Congress for amnesty for illegal aliens, what did they think might happen if tens of thousands of new ones arrived overnight.  Did they think that the Washington money tree would just grow more money?

***The federal refugee resettlement contractors (I suspect grant recipient big dogs Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs  are now devouring all the federal cash):

Our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ goes back several years, click here for all of those posts.

Syracuse: Catholic Church becomes mosque update

Reader Caroline sent us this detailed update on the latest from “welcoming” Syracuse written by Jenna Bowen at American Thinker.

We first told you about how a beautiful Catholic Church is being converted to a mosque as the Muslim refugee population there continues to grow, here.

This is going to happen to your “welcoming” city too as the Muslim population increases through immigration—it is inexorable demographic change!

Dr. Yusuf Soule in front of the new mosque.

Here is the latest news (Syracuse embraces mosque and wants more ‘refugees’):

Since my original article discussing how an abandoned Catholic church was being converted to a mosque in Syracuse, NY, that city has embraced the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary with open arms.  In April, a local publication, the Syracuse New Times, published an interview with Dr. Yusuf Soule, the executive director of the Northside Learning Center, who bought the church and rented it to a still unidentified group of Muslims.  In no news report has the group who transformed the church into a mosque been identified as anything other than a “new Islamic society.”

Read through the update and then at the end see that the Mayor is now asking Obama to send the ‘unaccompanied alien children’  (the Catholic church calls refugees!) to “welcoming” Syracuse.

Fourteen years after the attack on the synagogue, Temple Beth El is closed, the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary has replaced Holy Trinity Church on the city’s North side, and everyone is stumped why there is an alarming increase in violence on Syracuse’s Northside; an area overloaded with Dr. Yusuf Soule’s “refugees.”

In fact, the city is in such good shape that Syracuse’s mayor, Stephanie Miner, is telling President Obama to send illegal immigrants from the border up to her city. “The entire Syracuse community wants to help,” she wrote him.  Indeed, they probably couldn’t find a more appropriate environment to relocate to.

Read more here.

Related:  Reader Cathy sent us a good article from late July also at American Thinker entitled “They’re not refugees.” It makes me very happy to see that the whole refugee program is being scrutinized by other media outlets as a result of the effort to label the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ as refugees. But, is it too late?

For additional reading, I see we have a bunch of posts on crimes and other problems with refugees and immigrants in Syracuse going back several years, click here.


VDARE: Ethiopian refugee allegedly brutally murdered 97-year old military vet last month

You can read the whole dreadful story by Nicholas Stix at VDARE, here (Hat tip: Ed).  This is the opening paragraph:

Mugshot of murder suspect Ngor Makuey

War On Whites? As the United Nations, the Main Stream Media, and the President of the United States all demand Americans award “refugee” status to tens of thousands of illegals, let’s remember the brutal murder of Rupert “Andy” Anderson, an American veteran allegedly killed by an Ethiopian “refugee” just this month. Ngor Makuey, who has been arrested for the murder of the 97 year-old man and the attempted murder of his 94 year old wife, is an immigrant allowed into this country because of his family’s flight from violence. He used this kindness as an opportunity to bring slaughter to once-peaceful towns.

Read it all.

One more refugee crime case where in addition to the pain and suffering he caused, not only did we pay for his resettlement, but taxpayers will pay for his trial and incarceration for life.  I think the cost of criminal trials of refugees and the cost of their time in prison should come out of the US State Department’s budget and out of the contractors’ hides.  Of course it is still all your tax money, but at least it might cause the resettlement industry to be more careful about who they bring to your towns and cities.

By the way, we have 1,556 posts in our ‘crimes’ category, here.  Happy reading!

Top posts (top countries) for the week ending August 8th

A few weeks ago, we started a Friday round-up of sorts to bring to your attention the posts that garnered the most visitors in the preceding week.  You can see those previous reports in our category entitled blogging.

1. The most read post of the week was:  Our fact sheet

2. Owners of dogs which killed jogger were asylum frauds, should have been deported by now

3.  And just posted yesterday, the most important news of the week in my opinion:  US State Dept. contractor resettles first Syrian Sunni Muslims to Georgia

Top ten countries this past week in the number of visitors from outside the US (last week’s top ten are here—July our top month in seven years!):





South Africa

Malaysia (new this week in the top ten)


Jamaica (new this week)


Denmark (new this week)

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Because you have a right to know what the government and their contractors plan for your community!  And, because you need to know that border invasions are happening around the world.

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And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!

It occurs to me that I do see everyone’s comments to posts because we do screen them (no foul language, no threats), so if you have something you want me to see, I don’t at all mind if you send the link as a comment to a post, even if it’s a little off-topic.

Philadelphia: Afghan convenience store clerk alleged to have terror ties

We don’t know if he is a refugee, but even so, he presumably got in here through one of our misguided legal immigration programs.  And, when the feds are at it they should check if any food stamp fraud was going on at the convenience store (was any of your money sent out of the country?).  LOL! Maybe he came across one of our borders?

Party of Islam.

Be sure to see our complete archive on EBT fraud by mostly Muslims trafficking in food stamps, here.

Feds allege he lied. So what else is new?  From (hat tip: Robin):

A convenience store clerk was charged today in federal court with immigration fraud for failing to disclose his ties to a terrorist group on an application for U.S. citizenship.

Hayatullah Dawari, 62, is an Afghan citizen who has lived in Northeast Philadelphia since 2008.

Dawari allegedly has a connection to Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an anti-Western insurgent group active in Afghanistan and Pakistan, said federal prosecutors. HIG, which is closely associated with al-Qaeda and the Taliban, took credit for a 2008 assassination attempt on Afghan President Hamid Karzai and has advocated for the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state, according to published reports.

In May 2013, a spokesman for HIG announced the group planned to step up its campaign of violent jihad to include more suicide attacks, according to the federal indictment.

Dawari, a permanent legal resident of the U.S., applied for citizenship in November 2013. On a required questionnaire, Dawari checked a “no” box when asked if he had ever been “a member of or associated with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society or similar group in the United States or in any other place?” The question requires the applicant to note any and all affiliations with professional, non-professional or religious organizations.

By the way, we brought (to a town near you) just over 600 “refugees” from Afghanistan this year so far, here.  Wow! Just noticed we have resettled over 7,000 Somalis as of July 31 as well!  Yikes!