I’m feeling pretty done with Europe, there seems to be no fight left in any of them (if there ever was any fight in the Swiss). See previous post this morning.
Residents of Swiss village outraged! So what are they going to do about it?
Check this out from the Daily Mail (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
A village of just 1,000 residents in Switzerland has been forced to raise taxes because an African refugee and her seven children cost the local authority £40,000 in benefits every month.
Hagenbuch, in the Swiss canton of Zurich, is understood to be spending close to a third of its total annual budget on the family after they arrived from Eritrea in East Africa three years ago.
The massive benefits bill covers day-to-day living expenses such as groceries and cleaning costs, as well as paying for four of the woman’s children to be housed in an orphanage and even bills for general entertainment – such as guided tours of local attractions and entry fees for the zoo.
This time it is alleged that traffickers, angry at the passengers, deliberately rammed the ship forcing it to capsize.
The USS San Antonio rescued illegal migrants here in 2013. Note that our men have donned protective clothing. bhttp://www.nbcnews.com/news/other/uss-san-antonio-rescues-migrants-mediterranean-sea-near-malta-f8C11409455
About 500 migrants are feared to have drowned after the boat carrying them from Egypt to Malta was apparently rammed and deliberately sunk by people-traffickers, an intergovernmental group has said.
The news – based on the accounts of two Palestinian survivors – emerged on the same day up to 200 more people were feared dead when another boat heading to Europe capsized off Libya.
Huge numbers of people are attempting to flee from Africa to Europe, with numbers sharply up this year, in part due to the continued violent chaos in Libya and Syria. More than 100,000 people have been rescued since January, the UNHCR, says.
And, then get this! After the Italian Navy rescues a bunch of illegal migrants, the traffickers slip back and re-take their ship to be used again.
Earlier this year a leading Libyan people smuggler, speaking anonymously to the Guardian, explained how he uses a different tactic to ensure the trafficking boat can be used again.
The man said that once the Italian military was en route to the ship he and his crew would decamp to a small rubber inflatable. Once the migrants are removed they return to the smuggling boat and return in it to Libya. [Italy might at least burn the damn ships!—ed]
I’m at the point of saying, Europe deserves what is happening to it—they are so dumb. If they just escorted some of the migrant boats back to Libya and Egypt thus blockading Europe, this whole business would end in a nanosecond. Of course, look who is talking as we similarly don’t close our US borders!
I guess what Holder is saying is that gobbling up land, overcrowding roads, and overloading sewer and water systems is O.K. if it is done for Allah. Note that this has stemmed from cases in Minnesota (the first state to fall to Islam?).
Hey, let’s distract them with the ISIS crisis while we establish the caliphate right here in America!
And, this is what I would like to know—where are the environmentalists who have spent decades putting land use laws in place?
The Grand Mufti of the Department of Social Justice (aka, DOJ) has issued a fatwa prohibiting states from using zoning laws to deny building permits for Islamic “culture centers” — Mosques with “youth centers.”
… as a grand jury investigates another Minneapolis mosque for radicalizing recruits for ISIL, the Justice Department is suing local officials for blocking a new extremist mosque in the area.
Attorney General Eric Holder sued St. Anthony, Minn., after the Minneapolis suburb rejected the Abu Huraira Islamic Center and its 15,000-square-foot mosque over zoning issues.
The mosque website openly endorses jihad.
The idea is to distract public attention by combating bloody Islamist organizations abroad and smooth the path for stealth jihad on the home front.
And, why do they need all these mosques and Islamic centers?
They need them to accommodate the growing Muslim immigrant population. They aren’t converting that many Americans, it is immigration that swells their numbers. It is called Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration (learn about it)!
The Center for Immigration Studies has had an on-going project of reporting which states have a high percentage of jobs going to immigrants while the native-born Americans working has declined.
Georgia Governor Deal asked for a reduction in the number of refugees going to the overloaded state. But, GA is still in the top ten receiving states. http://newsmanager.atlantaregional.com/anmviewer.asp?a=56685&z=21
The Gang of Eight immigration bill (S.744) passed by the Senate last June would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country, as well as legalized illegal immigrants, partly on the grounds that there is a labor shortage. Many business groups and politicians in Georgia supported the legislation. However, an analysis of government data shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in Georgia has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is the case even though the native-born accounted for 54 percent of growth in the state’s total working-age population. Perhaps worst of all, the labor force participation rate of Georgia’s natives shows no improvement through the first part of this year despite the economic recovery.
Among the findings:
~The total number of working-age (16 to 65) immigrants (legal and illegal) holding a job in Georgia increased by 400,000 from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014, while the number of working-age natives with a job declined by 71,000 over the same time frame.
~The fact that all the long-term net gain in employment among the working-age went to immigrants is striking because natives accounted for 54 percent of the increase in the total size of the state’s working-age population.
Georgia is in the top ten refugee resettlement states for the 11 months of fiscal year 2014 (which ends on Sept. 30th).
And, keep in mind, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal asked the US State Department to slow the flow to his state.
Compared to illegal immigration the numbers are small, but remember refugees have employment services (federal resettlement contractors) assisting them in finding work. Check out your state byclicking here.
Texas: 6,398
California: 5,666
New York: 3,733
Michigan: 3,677
Florida: 3,227
Ohio: 2,700
Arizona: 2,675
Georgia: 2,502
Pennsylvania: 2,497
Washington: 2,323
Not far behind are: Illinois, North Carolina, and Minnesota
This is long, but a must-read. World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann dug out more news (beyond what we have published) on the pending resettlement to America of thousands of Syrian Muslims.
Displaced Syrians will likely make up the next big wave of Muslim refugees coming to America.
“You know, we have real problems, they’ve disarmed the American people, misinforming them or not informing them at all,” Geller said. “There are no human rights under the Shariah for non-Muslims, and so the U.N. is deeply problematic. And we do their bidding.”
Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected more than 200,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq.
Syria could soon be added to the mix in the midst of that country’s brutal civil war. The Obama administration has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months, WND has learned, and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S.
In February, the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East.
Then on Sept. 4, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman hinted at her daily press briefing that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another predominantly Muslim nation – Syria.
“The United Nations high commissioner for refugees just this year started referring Syrian refugees to the United States for processing,” said Marie Harf. “Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up.”
Obama’s State Department is expected to present Congress with a list within the next two weeks that shows the total number of foreign refugees it wants to accept into the country over the next year and the countries from which they will come. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.
Be sure to see WND reporter Hohmann’s article from July in which he reveals the fact that ‘religious charities’ are federal refugee resettlement contractors operating almost exclusively on your tax dollars. Those Christian and Jewish quasi-government agencies will be responsible for bringing the Syrian refugees to your cities.
Our entire Syrian refugee archive is here. See especially the announcement made about Turkey, here.
An afterthought: If anyone in the refugee industry (the UN, the State Dept., ORR, or resettlement contractors) challenges assertions about the numbers of Muslim refugees vs. other refugees (of all other religions) we are bringing in, then tell them that the US State Department should be releasing to the public all of those statistics (which they keep closely held).