Thanks to Brenda Walker at Limits to Growth for her post yesterday (and reader Joanne) for sending it our way.
Note that the fake refugees are expected to pass through Turkey and remember that the US State Department announced last month that we would be taking large numbers of Syrians from Turkey.

The Syria/Turkey border is in such chaos that no one knows who is ISIS and who isn’t!
From The Jerusalem Post:
BERLIN – Islamic State combatants disguised as Syrian refugees fleeing the war-torn country want to enter Europe to launch terrorist attacks.
The German mass circulation Bild am Sonntag reported on Sunday that the “Americans succeeded in decoding locked communications of the ISIS leadership.”
The information from monitored ISIS conversations, also known as Islamic State, revealed that the terrorists cannot use airports on their way to Europe because of the strict control. Government officials confirmed the Bild am Sonntag report.
An official for German’s Interior Ministry told the paper that Germany stands in the “focus of jihadist terrorism,” but there is no indication at this time of any concrete attacks.
The Bild am Sonntag wrote,“In view of the chaotic conditions on the Syria-Turkey border, it is nearly impossible to catch ISIS-terrorists in the wave of refugees.“ German security authorities estimate that 450 radical German Muslims have traveled in the direction of Syria. An official from Germany’s intelligence told The Jerusalem Post that it is difficult to track radical German Islamists leaving Germany for Syria because they do not need a visa to first land in Turkey. The southern Turkey border has been the principal point of entry into Syria for jihadists seeking to fight Assad’s regime and create a caliphate state.
Read all of Walker’s post here.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series here. Germany has been the most “welcoming” country in the West to Syrian refugees. Being a do-gooder nation won’t save them from the likes of ISIS!