Now why would they do a thing like that? Wouldn’t you think that they would need these young people in Mexico—aren’t they Mexico’s future?
Yes, they are—right here in the USA! They are Mexico’s pipeline to American money!
Can you say remittances!
It is cheaper to assure Mexicans can stay and work in America by paying their legal bills than to have them come home empty-handed.
I remember first hearing about the desire of some Central American governments to keep Temporary Protected Status alive for Salvadorans (for instance) during the Bush years. Bush even acknowledged in one news report I saw (can’t find it now) that the remittances sent ‘home’ to El Salvador kept the country’s economy propped up!
Why do you think Central American governments turned a blind eye when the ‘UACs’ stormed the US border this summer?

Here is the news I’m seeing everywhere about this Mexican dirty trick. From Breitbart (via Drudge):
The government of Mexico is paying to help its citizens who are living illegally in the United States avoid deportation.
According to a report from National Public Radio, the Mexican government through its 50 consulates around the United States has been helping to fund low-income illegal immigrants to apply for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA — which shields illegal immigrants from deportation and allows them to work in the U.S.
NPR’s report details the story of Tania Guzman, an illegal immigrant who said the cost of applying for DACA worried her, but she was able to afford it after her pro-bono lawyer from Public Counsel told her she could access financial help from the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.
Mexico paid for all Guzman’s attorney fees and application fees, according to NPR. In the end Guzman told NPR she paid just $50.
The report explains that since 2012, the year DACA began, the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles has assisted more then 260 Mexican illegal immigrants apply for protections under DACA.
Julian Escutia, an official with the Mexican Embassy in Washington, told NPR that it does not keep track of how many illegal immigrants’ DACA applications they fund, and that funding is “on a case-by case basis.”
“Our main objective is the well-being of our nationals wherever they are,” he said. “So what we want for them is that they are successful and really continue contributing to this country [the U.S.],” she told NPR. [What a joke, it is all about the money for Mexico!—ed]
It is about remittances! See this detailed report from the World Bank from this past spring entitled:
‘Remittances to developing countries to stay robust this year, despite increased deportations of migrant workers, says WB’
The next time you see one of those economic reports (promoted by the likes of “Welcoming America”) purporting to show that immigrants are an economic plus to a city—that they are working, paying taxes, starting businesses, and drawing federal welfare bucks to a city—check to see if the report includes how many US dollars those same immigrants are sending out of your city to their “home” country. I wager that figure is never included in the analysis!
Regarding the graph: Go to this Congressional report and see that in 2010 (a slow economic year!) $48 Billion US dollars in remittances flowed out of the country to the developing world. I’m sure there are newer figures available, and that the number is much greater, but these graphs give you a good idea.
Also, see this post I wrote at PTPR in 2013—Money the principle driver of foreign governments’ interest in US “immigration reform.”
For all of our coverage of ‘Unaccompanied minors’ go here.
Update of sorts! It is an older article, but a reader reminds us of this story from last month that is further evidence of Mexico and the Obama Administration protecting Mexico’s workers in America (US Signs Agreement with Mexico to Protect Mexican Workers–Including Illegals).