At the time, they called it a “food fight” that erupted in the cafeteria, got out of control, students were injured and the police were called in. We spent a lot of column inches reporting on it here in February 2013. Please read that post then come back here.
Now, reader Paul alerts us to a settlement reached when the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Division settled a claim by CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). The stunning thing about this “discrimination” story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune last week and analyzed by Scott Johnson at Powerline blog is that one would have to be clairvoyant to know that the original incident was between American blacks and Somali blacks—nothing racial about it!
By the way, over the years I have had readers tell me that Somalis think of themselves as superior to African Americans. Meanwhile the dumb resettlement contractors, thinking they are stirring the good ol’ American melting pot, merrily place the African refugees in low-income black neighborhoods thus helping further the cultural tension.

Here is blogger Johnson at Powerline blog:
A cafeteria food fight turned into a riot at South High School in Minneapolis in February last year. The school’s security officers were insufficient to the task. Police officers dispatched to the scene sprayed mace and placed the school on lockdown to get a handle on the situation. Three or four students and a staff member ended up in the hospital.
What was all the excitement about? The Star Tribune discreetly reported that parents and students ascribed the hostilities to “racial tensions between Somali-American students and others.” Who might those others be? For some reason, the Star Tribune’s two reporters were unable or unwilling to get to the bottom of the story.
Fortunately, the British press was not quite so inhibited. The (London) Daily Mail reported that the fight was “between Muslim and black students.”
CAIR never lets a good opportunity go to waste and the media here acts as a willing accomplice by skirting the truth. I can just see the mainstream reporters’ heads spinning when the reality doesn’t fit their agenda. ‘But, but, but, they are all black African brothers, they are all supposed to just get along!’ Right? ‘Islam is the religion of peace!’ (That is what they told me in college anyway says my imaginary reporter!). Blah, blah, blah.
Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? See our January 2011 post to learn who brought them to the “welcoming” city in the first place.