Sorry to focus so heavily today on ‘Invasion of Europe’ news, but that seems to be where the action is.

From the Independent: (Be sure to see the photo which I can’t import—these women don’t look so nasty to me! Their sign says: ‘enough uncivilised immigration’)
Racial tensions have exploded in Rome’s suburbs after locals chanting pro-Mussolini slogans attacked an immigrant holding centre. Police responded with baton charges and tear gas.
Locals are calling for the building in the Tor Sapienza district to be closed after blaming the migrants it houses for “insupportable” levels of street crime in the area.
But the nastier side of the protests were apparent on Tuesday night with hundreds of people chanting: “The blacks have to go,” and dozens more shouting: “Long live Il Duce (Mussolini)”.
The violence in Tor Sapienza began simmering on Monday night with hooded men throwing stones at the Sorriso reception centre in Viale Giorgio Morandi. On Tuesday night the situation escalated dramatically. At around 10pm around 50 people, at the head of a 250-strong crowd, attacked the centre with rocks and petrol bombs. At least 14 people, including four policemen, were injured in the clashes that saw cars and rubbish bins set alight and used as barricades. Some residents claimed the police over-reacted. “They charged us suddenly, for no reason, while were standing still on the pavement. We wanted protection from the forces of law and order, but instead they attacked us,” one local, Eliana, told Ansa news agency.
The 36 African and Bengali refugees inside pleaded with police to be led away to safety, according to Corriere Della Sera newspaper. A few hours earlier one of the refugees was attacked in the street.
The ugly developments are the latest sign of a wave of anti-immigration sentiment sweeping Italy, with populist political leaders appearing to profit from, even encourage it. Matteo Salvini, head of the xenophobic Northern League, has seen his ratings rise after appearing in a T-shirt bearing the phrase: “Stop Invasion”.
But, now hold on, go to the last paragraph and we learn that the refugees aren’t pure as the driven snow…..
The violence at Tor Sapienza is the latest in a series of racially-motivated confrontations in the capital in the past few months. In September there were several clashes between refugees and locals in the Corcolle district. Around 40 migrants attacked two buses with stones and threatened a female driver, after claiming they were not allowed on public transport. Locals responded by launching vigilante patrols.
I wonder what level the migrant population must reach before violence comes to the streets.
LOL! Remember that story we had from Italy in August—Refugees protest against boring Italian food! It is tough being a refugee in Italy these days.
Go here for our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’ And, especially see this post on the rise of the European right. Can Europe still save itself?