According to this report there are 4 million Muslims in Germany (about 5 % of the population) while the US (supposedly) has only about 2.7 million. CAIR claims 7 million in the US, but that would still put the US Muslim population below 3%. I’ve been theorizing that 3% is a tipping point of sorts. What do you think? I would really like to know what some of you think about a tipping point and when it occurs.
From OnIslam (emphasis mine):
CAIRO – A new study on German perceptions of immigrants to the European country has shown a widespread view that Muslims are not German patriots, blowing away decades of integration of the four-million Muslim community.
“We wanted to find out what happened here after the immigration and who now belongs to the national collective” sociologist Naika Foroutan, Director of Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), was quoted by Deutsche Welle.
According to Der Spiegel, 27 percent of respondents think that Muslims are more “aggressive than themselves”, while 30 percent believe that Muslims show less importance to education.
A fifth of respondents expressed a negative opinion about Muslims making demands in Germany, with about 20 percent seeing it as a sign of disrespect and 17 percent seeing it as a sign of ingratitude.
Moreover, 70 percent of respondents believed that the number of Muslims living in Germany was higher than it actually is.
Almost a quarter even believe that more than 21 percent of the population in Germany is Muslim, while in reality there is around five percent.
Sharing negative connotations about Islam and Muslims, a big percentage of respondents to the study rejected construction of new mosques.
The study showed that 42 percent demanded restricting the building of mosques.
Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country.
A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors.
The report (a 2012 study) indicated that 9 percent of Germans have adopted extreme right-wing beliefs, up from 8.2 percent two years ago.
For our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here. We have a lot on Germany too, here. Will the 20,000 or more Syrians that Germany is about to resettle push it over the edge? We will be watching.