Germans hardening on Muslim immigration; large number want halt to mosque construction

Germans demonstrate against ‘Salafists’ in Cologne in October. Photo and story:


According to this report there are 4 million Muslims in Germany (about 5 % of the population) while the US (supposedly) has only about 2.7 million.  CAIR claims 7 million in the US, but that would still put the US Muslim population below 3%.  I’ve been theorizing that 3% is a tipping point of sorts.  What do you think?  I would really like to know what some of you think about a tipping point and when it occurs.

From OnIslam (emphasis mine):

CAIRO – A new study on German perceptions of immigrants to the European country has shown a widespread view that Muslims are not German patriots, blowing away decades of integration of the four-million Muslim community.

“We wanted to find out what happened here after the immigration and who now belongs to the national collective” sociologist Naika Foroutan, Director of Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), was quoted by Deutsche Welle.


According to Der Spiegel, 27 percent of respondents think that Muslims are more “aggressive than themselves”, while 30 percent believe that Muslims show less importance to education.

A fifth of respondents expressed a negative opinion about Muslims making demands in Germany, with about 20 percent seeing it as a sign of disrespect and 17 percent seeing it as a sign of ingratitude.


Moreover, 70 percent of respondents believed that the number of Muslims living in Germany was higher than it actually is.

Almost a quarter even believe that more than 21 percent of the population in Germany is Muslim, while in reality there is around five percent.


Sharing negative connotations about Islam and Muslims, a big percentage of respondents to the study rejected construction of new mosques.

The study showed that 42 percent demanded restricting the building of mosques.


Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country.

A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors.


The report (a 2012 study) indicated that 9 percent of Germans have adopted extreme right-wing beliefs, up from 8.2 percent two years ago.

For our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here. We have a lot on Germany too, here.  Will the 20,000 or more Syrians that Germany is about to resettle push it over the edge? We will be watching.

RRW weekly round-up for the week ending December 6

Didn’t get around to the usual weekly summary last week (the last week of November) but am excited to report that November 2014 is our top month ever in terms of the number of visitors arriving every day!   (RRW was launched in July 2007)

This past week’s top three posts were (our daily top posts are in the right had side bar):

1)  Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands

2)  Why are we taking refugees from South Africa?

3)  Our fact sheet

Top ten countries this week (excluding the US) are as follows in descending order:




South Africa







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Kansas City: Somali Christian (?) may be charged with hate crime for killing Somali Muslim

Here is a story that will make your head spin.  In the first version I read from two days ago it sure sounded like some crazy white guy who hated Somalis intentionally killed a Somali teen with his SUV.  CAIR was immediately on the scene.

Ahmed Aden charged with murder of Muslim Somali teen told police earlier that “people from Islam were going to kill him.”

Then after looking for an update, we have this story from late last night at the Kansas City Star that tells a different story.  Turns out the man arrested for the intentional killing of the teen is another Somali, supposedly a Christian one (very rare) who believed that the Muslim Somalis were out to kill him.

Isn’t diversity beautiful!

Kansas City, by the way, is (no surprise) a preferred resettlement community.  Check out who is bringing Somalis to Kansas City by going to this handy list.  One of the contractors operating in KC is a Jewish organization.

Kansas City Star:

Before suffering gruesome and fatal injuries Thursday, Abdisamad Sheikh-Hussein helped lead the evening Muslim prayers at his mosque near downtown.

“He asked for mercy for humankind and asked for humans to follow the righteous path,” remembered Ali Abdi, the assistant director of the Somali Center of Kansas City and its mosque.

But Abdisamad, 15, received no mercy minutes later as he stepped off the curb at 1340 Admiral Boulevard and headed toward a car. A Chevrolet Blazer speeding eastbound sideswiped the car and struck Abdisamad, nearly severing his legs.

The Staley High School sophomore died later at a hospital.

The driver of the SUV, Ahmed H. Aden, a 34-year-old Kansas City truck driver, told police after his arrest that he had been searching for men who’d threatened him nine days earlier. And he said he planned to kill those men if he found them, according to court records.

Aden told police that he intentionally struck Abdisamad, but he had mistaken the teen for one of the men who had threatened him.

Jackson County prosecutors charged Aden with first-degree murder, armed criminal action, leaving the scene of an accident and unlawful use of a weapon.


Aden, whom sources described as a Somali Christian, now is the target of both a state murder investigation and a federal hate-crimes probe, authorities said.

Members of the Somali community said that Aden long was known to have made frequent and violent threats against Muslims and the mosque, occasionally even threatening the mass slaughter of worshipers.

CAIR representative:  anti-Muslim graffiti on Aden’s car

Moussa Elbayoumy, chairman of the Kansas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said a member of the mosque has a photo of Aden’s SUV, taken about two months ago, showing anti-Muslim graffiti, reading, “Quran is a virus disease (worse) than Ebola.”

Read on, some of those interviewed at the mosque think it had nothing to do with a Christian v. Muslim issue but that Aden was just crazy.

One more long prison term that US taxpayers will have to fund.

Swedes fearful their welfare system won’t survive the Middle East migrant onslaught

Middle Easterners make up 30,000 of Sodertalje’s population of 90,000!


The story is being reported at one of America’s left-leaning news outlets—National Public Radio.  In this case, we are told that the “refugees” flooding into Sodertalje are mostly Syrian and Iraqi Christians—very needy ones.  The unemployment rate is high for the immigrants who must first learn to speak Swedish and there is a desperate shortage of housing.

Sweden’s migration board projects that 95,000 people, many of them refugees from Syria, are expected to arrive in 2015. That would be a record in this country of 10 million people, which already has taken in more refugees, relative to its population, than any other country in Europe.

But the arrival of so many refugees is testing the country’s famously tolerant identity.

Swedes voted out centrist Prime Minister Frederik Reinfeldt this September after he gave a speech asking people to “open their hearts” to those fleeing war.

Instead, an anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, won seats in parliament and helped bring down the center-left government of Prime Minister Stefan Lofven earlier this week.

One member of the Sweden Democrats, Linus Byland, told reporters they would fight any government proposal that would increase funding for immigration.

“There was a sense that our government didn’t have a clear plan for how to manage immigration,” says Boel Godner, the mayor of Sodertalje. “And the question that has come up lately, is, can the welfare system bear us all? What’s going to happen to everyone who comes here? No one has given the answer to that yet.”

Sweden’s cradle to grave welfare system can’t possibly bear them all, so I guess we all sit back and learn an important lesson about what happens when a country runs out of other peoples’ money.

See our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  And, see all of our posts on Sweden, here.

Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands

Dutch citizens protest ISIS and the spread of Islam in the Netherlands. Photo:


…..and it wasn’t Geert Wilders saying it this time.

From Breitbart which has been doing a good job of reporting on the invasion and Islamification of Europe:

A Dutch right-wing member of parliament called for a purge of mosques in the Netherlands during a debate on the integration of Muslim and Turkish minorities.

“Dutch unity, identity and culture are being wrecked by immigration and incubation. We do not want Islam in the Netherlands,” said Machiel de Graaf, a member of Dutch anti-immigration and anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV), during a debate on integration in the Netherland’s House of Representatives, reports Hurriyet Daily News in Turkey.

He called for closing down all mosques in the country, emphasizing that the Netherlands would be better off without mosques, the Assyrian International News Agency reports.

According to de Graaf, Muslims in the country are not integrated into Dutch society and refuse to be assimilated.***

They also threaten Dutch identity and culture by having more kids, he added.

Members of the social democratic parties at the debate were quick to criticize the PVV deputy’s remarks, urging him to retract his words.

Although the PVV has been highly critical of Muslims and other immigrants in the country, this is the first time one of its members demands shutting down all mosques.

This last line caught my eye:

Muslims represent about five percent of the Dutch population, 2009 estimates show.

Pew Research has the number at 5.5% in 2010 (probably over 6% now).  It might not seem like much, but I’ve been looking at some demographic studies and my non-professional guess is that, at a 3% level, Muslim immigrants begin to push for Sharia law and other concessions from the host society.

In a geographically large country like Australia or the US that 3% figure applies to a city’s population where the Muslim population has begun to grow.

***By the way, mosque-building and refusing assimilation are integral to the Hijra.

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.