Ho hum! To tell you the truth I’m getting sick of these cases where we generously give “refugees” from Muslim countries asylum and they turn around and become killers, rapists or jihadists and taxpayers then must pay for an expensive trial and support them for years in prison.
Really, there should be a special fund set up in the US State Department budget to pay for the trials and prison time! I know, I know, it is still taxpayer money, but maybe if it had to come out of the State Department’s hide they might choose refugees more wisely from the list the UN gives them!
From Banning-Beaumont Patch (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

Two Southern California men who planned to commit “violent jihad” against American troops by joining terrorist groups in Afghanistan were each sentenced Monday to 25 years in federal prison.
Sohiel Omar Kabir, 36, of Pomona and Ralph Kenneth DeLeon, 26, of Ontario, were convicted last September following a nearly month long trial at the federal courthouse in downtown Riverside.
Kabir was found guilty of two counts of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and one count each of conspiring to kill American troops and conspiring to receive military training from al-Qaida.
In pronouncing sentence for Kabir, Phillips said it was “hard to understate the seriousness of the offense.”
“It wasn’t just talk,” she said. “We’ve seen all too often how little it takes for young men to cause havoc and loss of life. Just because his plan didn’t come to fruition — it doesn’t reduce the seriousness of what he intended to do.”
Kabir’s attorney, Federal Public Defender Jeffrey Aaron, argued for a 10- year prison term, citing mitigating factors, including what he said was his client’s low I.Q. Phillips was not swayed, pointing out that Kabir’s own family had acknowledged he was intelligent, though admittedly “lazy.”
The judge said Kabir had been given every break after his family fled to the U.S. as refugees and were given asylum.
“He is an example of someone who betrayed the hospitality extended to him by this country,” Phillips said.
I haven’t forgotten that I have to say more about the Uzbek alleged terrorists we have let in, but I truly am sick of these stories!