Am I going to have to start a new category—Invasion of South America—similar to our much advanced ‘Invasion of Europe’series?
This is just a short news item initially from the Latin America Herald Tribunebut published here in a Somali publication.
Looks like we will be needing this map for future reference.
BOGOTA – Colombian police detained 37 undocumented immigrants from Cuba, Somalia, Ghana and India in Nariño province on the border with Ecuador, officials said Friday.
The immigrants, who had entered the country over the border, were detained in two groups, the first at a police checkpoint on the Pan-American Highway, and the second at a bus terminal in Pasto, the provincial capital, according to a communique issued by Colombia Migration.
Among the 37 detained were 13 Cubans, 9 Ghanaians, 8 Somalis and 7 Indians, all of whom received food and medical care.
After their detention, all were deported across the Rumichaca International Bridge between Colombia and Ecuador.
This group looks like they may have been working their way northward to Central America (on toward the US?).
BTW, We are taking ‘refugees’ from Colombia. According to statistics at the Refugee Processing Center we admitted to the US 277 “refugees” from Colombia in the first 4 months of this fiscal year. Colombia is the only South American country we take refugees from at the present time. Who are they?
Editor’s note: If you have a look at the map I just directed you to, you might initially be confused. This is a map of “processing countries” so it tells us nothing about the nationalities of those processed there. For example, note that Somalia is not a processing country however, we have received 3,536 Somali ‘refugees’ in the US in the last 4 months alone (at the nationality map).
Presidential material? Are you confident he could keep us safe and wouldn’t put his big money donors before you, the American people?
I told you about them here (Globalists seek to change Nebraska and the ‘heartland’ with immigrants) last fall. Michelle Obama is on the board and they had just put out a study about how to change the ‘Heartland’ by bringing in more immigrant labor. Here is one thing I said then:
Reports like this one—Growing the Heartland—will be used as propaganda to convince American towns and cities that it is inevitable (and necessary!) that third-worlders will be moving in. It is really all about global corporations, like meatpackers, needing cheap and abundant labor, and Leftists needing Democrat voters!
Here is the news at Breitbartabout Bush’s speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (I won’t give the hat tip, but just what the hat-tipper said of this news: “What a pantload!”):
On Wednesday, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush reiterated that immigration reform is “hugely important” for America even though the country’s middle class, as Bush acknowledged, is getting more squeezed.
“Immigration reform for our country is so hugely important. Race is not a national identifier in this country. We’re 34 flavors. We’re as diverse as diverse can get,” Bush said during a question-and-answer session after his foreign policy address at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “And that is a huge strength looking over the horizon right now, where multiculturalism kind of creates pockets of despair in Europe in many cases.”
This makes no sense! If multiculturalism creates pockets of despair in Europe, it will surely do that here—it is such a crock to promote this “melting pot” myth. We won’t melt when the numbers are too high!
Bush, who has been praised by top GOP 2016 donors [it is all about the money!—ed] for leading on the amnesty issue, said “the United States has this potential of being young and dynamic again” and, “if Europe embraced that similar kind of approach, I think that they could see some economic growth as well.”
But his response to an audience member’s question on the “permanency of poverty” displayed that his support for massive comprehensive amnesty legislation may make it tougher for Americans to move up the economic ladder.
Is Norquist the puppetmaster?
The Grover Norquist connection……
For new readers and those who may have forgotten (I won’t let you forget!). Jeb Bush joined Grover Norquist and other RINO Republicans in telling the GOP to embrace MORE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT, here, last year.
Human Rights First praised the signers of Norquist’s letter (remember Refugee Resettlement not only supplies third world laborers for big businesses, but tens of thousands each year are Muslim supposed ‘refugees.’). Here are those ten RINOs:
Washington, D.C. – As Republican leaders in Congress work through the party’s immigration reform priorities, ten of the nation’s most prominent Republican leaders released a statement today that urges the party to recommit to upholding the United States’ position as an international leader in protecting refugees fleeing oppression and seeking asylum. The statement is signed by former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez; former Florida Governor Jeb Bush; former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge; Kansas Governor Sam Brownback; former Senator Mel Martinez; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Suhail A. Khan, chairman of the Conservative Inclusion Coalition; Jim Ziglar, former Commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); Alberto Mora, former General Counsel of the Navy; and Dr. Paula Dobriansky, former Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs .
Breaking News! Norquist says he isn’t a Muslim agent of any sort:
And, check this out today, Norquist comes out swinging against those he calls “stalkers” who question his connections to Islamist movers and shakers.
Click here for our complete Grover Norquist archive which goes back to at least 2008 (maybe 2007) when Norquist was promoting the resettlement of Iraqi refugees to the US.
We told you about how the former prisoners were presto-chango turned into refugees by the US State Department, here, in December.
This news could not come at a more opportune time (for a little chuckle), just as State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harftells us that jihadists or wannabe jihadists just need a job and some upward mobility.
Too busy to work? One of the detainees (aka refugees) was recently in Argentina lobbying for the country to take some of his Gitmo pals who are still being held by the US government.
That is what Uruguay has offered and now we hear that the “refugees” have rejected their offer of work, a roof over their heads and cultural and language lessons as not being enough!
President Mujica says of them—these are not gritty, hardworking immigrants like the earlier ones who came to Uruguay. If they were humble people of the desert they would be stronger!
From the Associated Press at Epoch Times (hat tip: Robin):
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay—Controversy is flaring over the six Guantanamo detainees taken in by Uruguay for resettlement, with even the man who pushed through the plan, President Jose Mujica, seeming to criticize them for lacking a work ethic.
The men were locked up for more than a dozen years at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba before they were brought to Montevideo in December. Mujica agreed to accept them as a humanitarian gesture and said they would be given help getting established in a country of 3.3 million people with a total Muslim population of perhaps 300.
The government has offered them a residential facility to study Spanish, learn about Uruguayan culture and integrate to their new home.
But Syrian refugee Abu Wa’el Dhiab recently complained that the men have “walked out of a prison to enter another one.”
In a TV interview, Dhiab expressed thanks to Uruguay, but said it needs a plan for helping the ex-detainees, who need “their families, a home, a job and some sort of income that allows them to build a future.”
A labor union that has been helping the men says, however, that they have turned down job offers.
Mujica recently visited the home where five of the six men are staying and asked them to start working. After his visit, the president said on his radio program that the former detainees are far from the ancestors of Uruguayans, who he said were gritty, hard-working immigrants.
“If these people were humble people of the desert, poor people, they’d surely be stronger and more primitive, but they’re not,” Mujica said of the former prisoners. “Through their hands, features and family histories, it seems to me that they’re middle class.”
We have a little archive growing on Uruguayhereand just this morning created a new category—South America—for increasing refugee news from there.
Now the Department of Health and Human Services has announced his replacement (at least for now) and has chosen Ken Tota already holding a position in ORR to step into the job.
In keeping with the modus operandi in the refugee resettlement industry, Tota (see his bio) came to his federal job from one of the contractors.
Before entering civil service, Ken was the Cuban Haitian Program Coordinator for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in Washington, DC and Miami, FL.
He had also worked on the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ program at ORR.
These people just move shamelessly through the revolving door between government granting/contracting agency and private NGO contractor (some have moved back and forth several times!). There really should be a law to make this practice completely illegal!
Here is the recent announcement of Tota’s appointment:
Dear colleagues:
As you may know, Eskinder Negash stepped down from his position as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) at the end of January.
ORR Deputy Director Ken Tota will be Acting Director for ORR until a new Director is appointed.
In addition, Carl Rubenstein is stepping in as Acting Director for the Division of Refugee Assistance (DRA), following Mitiku Ashebir’s recent retirement.
ORR would also like to announce a new ORR Chief of Staff, Kate Wolff who will be working in the Office of the Director focusing on response planning and interdepartmental communications strategies. Kate brings five years of experience working at the Department, most recently as Special Assistant to Secretary Sebelius.
You may find a full directory of ORR Staff posted on our website, or call us at (202) 401-9246.
We have been writing ad nauseum about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ via primarily the Mediterranean Sea, and now thankfully so is much of the mainstream media. Thanks to all who sent this story — ISIS wants to flood Europe with 500,000 through North Africa to Italy.
However, here is a new angle on the invasion:
Traffickers moving Syrians and Iraqis through Brazil to Europe!
The Federal Police is investigating a people trafficking route through Brazil for Syrians and Iraqis fleeing war and persecution in their home countries.
The refugees, who use false passports, are trying to arrive in Europe. Part of them are fleeing the war in Syria. The other, persecution at the hands of the militant group Islamic State (Isis).
The suspicion is that some of the false documents are being produced in Rio, and there are concerns that federal police officers may be involved in the scheme.
Officially, the Federal Police says it is investigating “the possibility that there may be some kind of logistical support to people traffickers in Brazil.”
The police say that at least 60 people used or attempted to use false passports – most of which were Israeli – to leave the country in recent months.
Look at this complicated route at right!
Apparently the two countries facilitating travel to Brazil are the UAE and Turkey!
Notice that one route takes them through Brazil to Uruguay and then back to Brazil!
Legitimate refugees are not going to have the resources or the savvy to pull something like this off.
And, what is to stop them from heading to the wide-open US southern border?
For our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series go here. And, we have just made a new category ‘South America’ as we are increasingly seeing ‘refugee’ news from there.