Taxpayer-funded basketball will save America (haven’t we tried this before?).
Thanks to Cathy for sending it, but I’ll let you read it yourself at When taxpayers are expected to come up with grant money for yet another “program” to keep Muslim kids busy and supposedly away from the Islamic imperative to join the Jihad, it is not only the $$$ that concerns me, it is that the message becomes it is all America’s fault. If they go off to fight with Al-shabaab or ISIS it is because we don’t give them enough stuff!
It is never about the indoctrination going on in the neighborhood mosques—no never!
Ah the joys of multiculturalism brought to us by one more foreign-owned meat packing company….
Peter Jok Atem, 32 charged with murder
Longtime readers know that meatpackers love their cheap immigrant labor and are changing the face of small town America by luring refugee and other immigrant laborers to towns across the country for jobs that they sayAmericans won’t do. This is one of many posts on the subject here at RRW.
Senator Jeff Sessions told us here that BIG Meat is behind the amnesty push.
The alleged murderer is most likely a refugee as the State Department and its contractors bring many from the Sudan to your communities. Immigrants from some cultures apparently can’t take a joke so I guess we will soon need re-training in what is funny and what isn’t in our diverse workplaces.
“Prosecutors say an employee at a Franconia meat-packing plant was stabbed to death after feuding with and pranking his co-worker.
Danny Vazquez, 25, is dead for pulling a prank on African immigrant co-worker. Didn’t Mopac see this coming? Photo and more here:
Peter Jok Atem, 32, was charged with first-degree murder Thursday, a day after he allegedly stabbed 25-year-old Danny Vazquez at the Mopac plant on Souder Road.
The Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office said Vazquez on Tuesday had tried to pull a chair out from under Atem. An employee who witnessed the prank told detectives that Atem said he was “going to get you for that.”
A Mopac employee told detectives that Atem and Vazquez had been “having words back and forth . . . for the past six months,” the complaint says. [Mopac is owned by JBS (Swift) a Brazilian owned company.—ed]
Atem, who was born in Sudan and lives in Lansdale, has no criminal record of violence. But in cases from 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 he was charged with driving under the influence, driving an unregistered vehicle, and disorderly conduct, and was evicted by his landlord.”
Click here for more meatpacker-generated criminal, cultural and societal problems.
While everyone is lately concerned about a few thousand Syrians entering the US, most Americans don’t know that we have resettled over 100,000 Iraqis here since the beginning of the Obama Administration. In 2014 we admitted 20,000 and three quarters of those were Muslims.
Did you get Iraqis dropped off in your state?
Primary resettlement states for Iraqis FY2008-FY2013. California and Michigan hit the jackpot. But which is the wisest state and the real winner—Wyoming with zero!
Now the news on the latest radicalized refugee…...
From the Detroit News (hat tip: Joanne). You know what is very amusing (sort of), most of the other news accounts of this case yesterday left out the word “refugee” and simply said, “An Iraqi man living in East Lansing….” I guess the other media outlets went to an Obama-certified language school. Kind of like when Obama called those poor beheaded Egyptian Christians simply Egyptian “citizens.”
An Iraqi refugee living in East Lansing is facing charges for allegedly lying to federal officials about returning to the Middle East to fight with Islamic extremists.
Al-Hamzah Mohammad Jawad, 29, who has a green card, was scheduled Tuesday to fly from Detroit Metro Airport to Amman, Jordan, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court.
When U.S. Customs and Border Protection interviewed him on the jet way, personnel “became alarmed when Jawad could not explain his future travel or why he purchased a one-way ticket one day prior to his departure.”
They escorted him to an interview room and contacted an FBI special agent, the court document said.
During an interview with the agent, Jawad initially said he was traveling to visit his mother, a professor in Amman, but within minutes acknowledged his ultimate destination was “Iraq to conduct jihad” since a childhood friend recruited him to “join, train and fight with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq,” the complaint said.
Federal officials said Jawad entered the U.S. as a refugee on March 18, 2013.
Here is an idea, just let these Jihadi wannabes get on the plane, but revoke their US passport. Do we really need frustrated Islamic radicals in the US or even just plain old nut cases?
Steyn: “You have to choose between liberty and mass Muslim immigration.”
At the end of Steyn’s “Morning After” column (morning after the Islam-inspired terror attack in Copenhagen). Emphasis is mine:
I said above that waiting inside multiculturalism’s Trojan horse was Islam. Not “Islamism”, or “radical Islam”, or “extremist Islam”, or “violent extremism” or “extremist radicalism” or “radicalist violentism” or anything else: just Islam. As I wrote yesterday:
This is usually the point at which we’re expected to do the not-all-Muslims-want-to-shoot-you-dead shtick. And that’s true. But Islam itself has no feeling whatsoever for the spirit of free speech.
The more Islamic a society gets, the less free speech it has – the less intellectual inquiry, artistic achievement, contrarian spirit. Most western Muslims are not willing themselves to open fire on synagogues or Lars Vilks, but they help maintain the shriveled definition of acceptable expression that helps license the fanatics of Copenhagen and Paris. Muslims in Europe, North America and Australia will pay lip service to “free speech”, and then promptly re-define it as excluding speech that “blasphemes” or “insults” their faith – which is to say them.Which is to say the great vulgar, brawling, free-for-all of free societies does not apply to them. So, when, say, France’s Muslim population reaches 20 per cent, you will need to have the support of three-quarters of the remaining 80 per cent to maintain even a bare popular majority in favor of free speech.
Is that likely? Or will there be more and more non-Muslims like the wretched quisling Welsh bishop, the Right Reverend Gregory Cameron, frantically arguing that if you hadn’t been so “offensive” you wouldn’t have caught their eye? Islam and free speech are, as His Miserable Grace implicitly recognizes, incompatible. And ultimately, therefore, you have to choose between liberty and mass Muslim immigration.
The reaction of David Cameron and Helle Thorning-Schmidt suggests they have made their choice. I think, somewhere deep down, they know it’s a recipe for slow societal suicide. And I wonder if, even deeper down, they also know that it won’t be that slow.
By the way, Obama’s (hug a Muslim) speech yesterday tells us that the man is in dreamland—that somehow the US is going to simply ‘melt’ all of our Muslim immigrants in some giant magical melting pot and we will all live happily ever after.
As a secularist, Obama has no understanding of the Islamic imperative that drives the ‘religion’ and is simply naive, or he is complicit in advancing the Islamic agenda in America. Which is it?
New readers: Please read ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’Get it here.
I had this story almost ready to post yesterday, when my internet connection dropped, so surely you have seen the news by now. LOL! So what has taken ISIS and the media so long to figure out what we have been writing about for weeks, months!
And, don’t forget that Obama’s girls (the “humanitarian Vulcans”)—Hillary, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power—are largely responsible (along with the UN) for the now failed state of Libya because they were the primary cheering squad involved in the get-Muammar Qaddafi movement when Obama was his usual indecisive self, see our 2011 post with links for more information. So much for the ‘brilliant’ Ms. Power’s “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine.
Here is how we concluded that 2011 post:
Protect! It would be so ironic if one of Obama’s national security advisers, Samantha Power, and her scheme (with George Soros) called the “Responsibility or Right to Protect” would destroy far more lives then it saved. But, I guess that’s what happens when we put immature ideologues and community organizers together in the White House.
ISIS is planning a campaign to dominate Libya before sending fighters to southern Europe disguised as illegal migrants to wage more terror there, according to a published report.
ISIS taking control in Libya (only a little over 200 miles to the “Crusader states.”)
The Daily Telegraph, citing a British anti-terror group that claims to have seen letters written by the group’s supporters, said that ISIS hopes to use militiamen from its current strongholds in Syria and Iraq to overrun Libya before embarking on a campaign targeting both Europe’s mainland as well as maritime shipping.
The letter is written by an ISIS propagandist using the name Abu Arhim al-Libim. He describes Libya, which has descended into chaos in the wake of the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi, as having “immense potential” for the jihadists.
“It has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat,” the man writes. He also points out that the country is replete with weapons, many of them seized from Qaddafi’s forces by rebels as the regime collapsed.
In describing the possibilities of attacking Europe, al-Libim discusses the number of ships brining migrants across the Mediterranean Sea illegally, then says “If this was even partially exploited and developed strategically, pandemonium could be wrought in the southern European states and it is even possible that there could be a closure of shipping lines and targeting of Crusaderships and tankers.”
Interesting that here is that word Crusader again. Is ISIS using Obama lingo. Is Obama helping them with their talking points!
Stop US refugee resettlement from Malta!
Again!!! If you are in America and thinking this is Europe’s problem, never forget that the US State Department is bringing illegal alienswho arrive on Malta (a Crusader state!) to the US as refugees for your home towns!
Go here for our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.