What are those "highest level of security checks" refugees are subject to?

We don’t know and we have never been told! 

But, don’t you think it’s about time that the US Department of Homeland Security and the US State Department let the public know!
We are expected to have faith that the State Department (with the enthusiastic approval of the 14 members of the Senate Jihad Caucus) can bring in 65,000 Syrians and we’ll be just fine—no wannabe jihadists among them now? No children will grow up to be jihadists (like the Somalis)?

Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, one of 14 Senators (Senate Jihad Caucus!) who sent a letter to Obama recently asking for the Administration to admit 65,000 Syrian refugees to the US ASAP! Can Senator Kaine guarantee our security? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/05/22/14-us-senators-tell-obama-bring-more-syrians-to-america-65000-is-a-good-number/

That is the issue that jumped out at me when Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) got his second communication from the US State Department to his second inquiry about what was going on in his district.
Once again Leo Hohmann of World Net Daily is on top of the story.  He begins here with some background.  Emphasis is mine:

Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy’s efforts to shed light on the government’s secretive refugee resettlement program continues to play out in letters between himself and the federal agency responsible for resettling thousands of foreign refugees in U.S. cities and towns every year.

Since his letters haven’t produced many answers, he’s now calling for a meeting with State Department officials.

Gowdy, R-S.C., started asking questions in April about how refugees are distributed to various cities, the impact on local job markets and public services, and who makes the key decisions, among other points of interest. His questions came after it was revealed that Spartanburg, a city in his home district, was selected to receive 60 to 65 refugees over the next year, mostly from Syria. Unable to answer all of the questions posed by some nervous constituents, Gowdy fired off letters to Secretary of State John Kerry.

After getting a response from Kerry that he said was “wholly inadequate” and “vague,” he demanded more specifics on May 4. On Wednesday, he received a second response, which he called a “non-response.”

The State Department secretly selected Spartanburg sometime last year to be one of its designated “receiving communities” for Syrian refugees, 92 percent of whom to date have been Muslim people that the FBI has said will be virtually impossible to safely screen for terrorist connections.

South Carolina’s Gov. Nikki Haley’s refugee coordinator then quietly approved the Spartanburg resettlement in December – again with no public input or notice.

Details of “security checks” are “classified!”  And, we are supposed to take it as an article of faith from Obama’s State Department that we will be kept safe!

It is time for us to be told the details of how the security screening is accomplished and not just with the Syrians, but also with the Somalis!
The truth is that some Somali young man shows up in a boat on Malta or in Malaysia and we accept who he says he is and bring him to the US as a refugee.  There cannot possibly be any high level security check!  If there is, then tell us how it is done!
Hohmann continues:

“As noted in our previous correspondence, all refugees … are subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States,” states the latest letter to Gowdy, dated June 1. “The specific details of these checks are classified.”

FBI terrorism expert Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the agency’s counter-terrorism unit, has said that screening refugees from a “failed state” like Syria is beyond the capability of U.S. intelligence because the U.S. has no military presence in Syria and does not have access to reliable police or intelligence records. Steinbach testified publicly to this fact at a Feb. 11 hearing before the House Homeland Security committee.

Yet, the State Department continues to tell congressmen and the public that refugees are rigorously screened. The contradicting statements from the FBI and the State Department continue to trouble those in Spartanburg and elsewhere who have been pushing back against a refugee program they see as secretive and unaccountable to anyone, and the government hides details by working through a maze of private nonprofit “contractors.”

There is much more, read on here!
LOL! And, on this accountability issue, notice (in the latest State Department letter) that the US State Department is shifting responsibility to World Relief Spartanburg leader Jason Lee.
For new readers wishing to catch up on the Spartanburg/Rep Trey Gowdy issue, go to our first post on the controversy, here, in March.  We have been updating it regularly.

Rep. Trey Gowdy gets 2nd response from US State Department on refugee plan; wants a meeting

We’ll have more on this tomorrow, but here is a press release from South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy about the plan by the UN/US State Department and contractor World Relief to begin moving refugees into Spartanburg, a small city in Gowdy’s district.
***Update***  More here on June 4th.
For new readers, go here for our original post (almost three months ago) with updates on how the controversy has evolved.

Gowdy wants a briefing from Julia Frifield, Asst. Secretary for Legislative Affairs at the US State Department. Check out her bio! She was previously Chief of Staff for US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/218067.htm

Date: June 3, 2015

Amanda Duvall

Gowdy Invites State Department to Brief SC Delegation on Refugee Resettlement

Washington, DC -Congressman Trey Gowdy (R- SC) issued this statement regarding the State Department’s non-response to his follow-up questions on the Spartanburg refugee resettlement:

“The State Department’s response to our office’s 14 follow up questions was again sorely inadequate and failed to provide answers. Additionally, our office met with World Relief in April, contrary to State’s most recent letter. Because the State Department was wrong on this account, and because our office did not receive answers to our questions during that meeting with the resettlement agency, we are inviting State Department Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield to provide a briefing to the South Carolina delegation on this issue.

“From the beginning, our interest in this issue has not been to advocate for an outcome, but to ensure transparency and get answers to constituent questions. We will continue to pursue those answers through a face-to-face briefing with the State Department.”

Click here to see the letter.
Again, for new readers, here is a post from a month ago where we reported on the first response Rep. Gowdy received from Sec. of State John Kerry’s office.

Sioux Falls, SD Somali community: No ISIS-wannabes hiding here!

There must be people getting nervous in the Sioux Falls, SD area about the large number of Somalis resettled there mostly with the help of the Lutherans (again!) and the possibility that ISIS will infiltrate their youth, or else we wouldn’t be seeing a story like this one.
Something is fishy about the African Community Center of Sioux Falls.***  The AP story here mentions them at the end.

Learn more about Justin Heinz’ report ‘Foreign Fighters’ here: http://securitydebrief.com/foreign-fighters/#axzz3bznzqJRd

From the Daily Republic (emphasis is mine):

SIOUX FALLS (AP) — Nearly 2,000 Somalis live in Sioux Falls, yet members of the city’s large immigrant community say they aren’t nearly as concerned about potential recruiting for the so-called Islamic State group as those in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

That may be because the smaller numbers make it harder for those immigrants to be isolated, according to one expert. Much of the Somali population in Minneapolis never fully assimilates, partly because Somalis tend to congregate in closed communities, Justin Heinz, who co-authored a recent report exploring the ongoing terrorist recruitment and radicalization in the Twin Cities’ Somali community, told the Argus Leader.  [I’m guessing the message hasn’t reached South Dakota that the Obama Administration has banished the word ‘assimilate.’—ed]

A lack of assimilation probably is less likely in Sioux Falls because there aren’t any charter schools solely for Somali students, isolated Somali neighborhoods or replica malls, Heinz said.

Many of the Somali children in Sioux Falls are younger than those in the Twin Cities, according to Said Yusuf, a local businessman who’s originally from Somalia.  [So could we have a problem when the youngsters grow up?—ed]

“We’re a small community. Everyone knows each other. That is the difference here,” Yusuf’s wife, Sofia Mohamed, said.

“They were Muslim. They were interested in pushing back against Kenya and Ethiopia’s influence in their country. So there was this nationalistic pull,” he said. [This has been a standard talking point, but it is all wet—they go back and fight for Islam (radicalized in local American mosques) not for their homeland of Somalia against the Ethiopians. The fighting-for-their-country theory falls apart when you consider their attraction to ISIS.–ed]

At least a dozen Somali-Americans have left Minnesota for Syria, where al-Shabaab has shifted its focus after developing a relationship with ISIL, in the past 17 months, according to law enforcement officials.

“Once they stopped going to Somalia, parents and friends (in the Twin Cities) couldn’t understand the draw,” Hienz said. “Why go to Syria, where they have no ethnic or cultural ties? Why was there this shift in destination?” [Can you say jihad!—ed]

See more here.
*** The African Community Center of Sioux Falls says on its website that it is a non-profit ‘advocacy’ group and that there are 20,000 African immigrants in Sioux Falls! The organization is collecting money and applying for government grants yet they have apparently never filed a federal Form 990 tax return (or none is available for some unexplained reason).
Here they describe their “vision:”

African Community Center of Sioux Falls, INC provides advocacy, information, culturally specific support, and social services for the approximately 20,000 African immigrants currently living in Sioux Falls SD. Upon resettling in the US, Immigrants often suffer from poverty, lack of education, high unemployment, the inability to speak English, and difficulty integrating into American society. ACCS’s goal is to provide the support and guidance that immigrants need to overcome their barriers to stability & prosperity. [Suffering from poverty? High unemployment?  I thought the resettlement contractors brag about how self-sufficient the refugees quickly become?—ed]

No Form 990?  Are they even a legal non-profit, has anyone checked?
Looking for something to do?  If you live in South Dakota, please investigate this group as well as the local resettlement contractor there which is Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota.  What a surprise!  We just wrote about them yesterday, here.
By the way, Barbara Day, the State Department person in charge of resettling refugees in your towns and cities came from LSS (revolving door?).

Surprise (not!): ISIS-related terrorists found among UN-chosen Syrian refugees destined for Norway

Just as we have been warning! 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is picking our refugees too!  And, here in Norway they have discovered Islamic terrorists among the chosen!

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, is selecting the Syrians for your towns. They are doing a lousy job for Norway, what about for us?

When House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul speculated a week or so ago that the Syrian flow to America could be a “jihadi pipeline,” he was right!  The 14 Senators of the ‘Jihad Caucus’ are willing to put you in danger when they demand that Obama admit 65,000!
From The Local (hat tip: Joanne):

Several refugees sent to Norway under the UN’s quota system turned out to have close links to the terror groups Islamic State (IS) and the al-Nusra Front, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) has revealed.

According to the service, between five and ten of the 1,000 Syrians chosen to go to Norway by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), were discovered to have links to the one of the two terror groups.

“Unfortunately, there are some who try to exploit and abuse the refugee agency,” Police Superintendent Svein Erik Molstad told Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. “We have discovered more quota refugees with ties to the al-Nusra front and IS,” he said.

Look at this! Norway sends its Security Service to the Middle East. Is that where the terrorists were discovered and intercepted?  Do we send the FBI to UN camps as well?

PST investigators have so far made two trips to the Middle East, where it works with Norway’s Foreign Ministry to vet refugees passed to Norway under the UN’s quota system.

According to Molstad, the investigations have also uncovered refugees with backgrounds in Syria’s feared secret police, as well as others suspected of carrying out war crime’s during the country’s ongoing civil war.

Although PST is now working in the Middle East, its officers neither interview nor have other direct contact with prospective refugees.

Dagbladet has also learned of Islamic extremists using refugee reception centres as recruiting grounds for terrorists.

Let’s do the math.  If the Norwegian secret service found 10 of 1000 UNHCR refugees with terror connections, that is 1% of the total.  If we admit 65,000, 1% is 650 (LOL! Check my math!).  650 with terror ties could sure cause a lot of mayhem here in America.
If you are new to RRW, our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here, and we have a pretty extensive archive on Norway as well, here.