Somalis line up to return to Mogadishu from Kenyan refugee camp, yet we are still bringing them to the US from the same camp! Why?
So why are we still hauling them into the US by the thousands every year?
(UNHCR) – More than 100 Somali refugees from Kenya flew into the Somali capital Mogadishu on Wednesday, marking a new chapter in the voluntary return process.
Earlier in the day, two planes, carrying 116 people, took off from Dadaab camp in Northeastern Kenya. Dadaab is the largest refugee settlement in the world and hosts about 333,000 Somali refugees.
The voluntary returns came after the Tripartite Commission formed by UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) and the Governments of Kenya and Somalia, agreed to step up support for voluntary repatriations of Somali refugees.
The Commission met on 29 July and decided to scale up assistance to Somali refugees in Kenya wishing to return home and agreed on a strategy that envisaged the voluntary repatriation of some 425,000 Somali refugees over a five-year period. Beside Dadaab, other Somali refugees live in Kakuma refugee camp and in major towns and cities across the country.
Despite continuing security challenges, refugees have started to return to Somalia. Between December 2014 and early August, 2015, some 2,969 Somali refugees returned to the districts of Luuq, Baidoa and Kismayo, with UNHCR support as part of a pilot phase which has now ended.
Still more have returned spontaneously without receiving assistance from UNHCR…
I guess these are the brave and resourceful Somalis who want to help make their country a better place to live! Look at the data! We have admitted 7,044 Somalis to the US just this fiscal year! Wouldn’t it make more sense for the UN to educate them in Dadaab and send them HOME to rebuild Somalia rather than drop them off as meatpacking cheap (slave) labor in the American Midwest or reliable voters to support the likes of Rep. Keith Ellison.
Heck, we even have a Minnesota woman running to be President of Somalia!
Is it time for that repatriation fund?
How about a bill in Congress that would fund the return of Somalis to Somalia (throwing in a little start up money) and let them go home!
And, at the same time, stop new ones from coming in!
That is something every thinking person could get behind! Gee, if Rep Ellison truly cared about the Somalis and rebuilding their homeland he should introduce this bill! This might even be a bill that could reach across the aisle!
If I knew how to do stuff with graphics, it would be very cool to show you how many towns are within a hundred miles of Toledo. So the best I can do is show you this map and as a point of reference. Bowling Green is about 30 miles from Toledo. Every town you see here (and beyond) could be getting refugees anytime soon!
Do you know why I still wouldn’t call myself an expert on the refugee resettlement program after 8 years? It’s because only bits and pieces of how it works slip out inadvertently in news stories as the UN/US State Department and their resettlement contractors (the Volags)work hard to keep as much secretive as possible.
And, there is another thing too, I have come to find out that all the different players at all the levels of action on this program, from local to state to federal and throughout the government agencies and throughout the contracting agencies, don’t have a good handle on what each other is doing.
I’ve been told that some on the ‘inside’ follow RRW so they know the full scope of what they are doing! But, that is subject for another day and so back to Toledo, OH.
This is a news story(meant to be warm and fuzzy) from the The Blade where we learned some interesting tidbits.
If we have any ‘Pockets of Resistance’ forming in Toledo, looks like this is a pretty new program and thus you should demand a public hearing before it gets too entrenched! The most important tidbit of news that I want you to pay attention to is the mention that the subcontractors can resettle within a 100 mile radius of their office. I knew this from hearsay, but I don’t think I have ever seen it in print! So, all of you concerned about whether your town could get refugees, go here to the federal list of subcontractors and see if your town might be within that 100 mile radius and thus fair game to be colonized! The Blade (emphasis is mine):
Corine Dehabey is the first welcoming face for refugees who are resettled in the Toledo area.
Ms. Dehabey, resettlement coordinator for US Together in Toledo, is also the primary facilitator for their adjustment to the area.
The organization has been quietly and steadily resettling refugees in the Toledo area for a little more than a year, the only agency in the Toledo area doing so.
The refugee community is a small but growing regional population, Ms. Dehabey said. She has placed 11 families in the Toledo area, including two before US Together opened its Toledo office in May, 2014.
Ms. Dehabey opens an average of one case a month, she said, though arrivals can be sporadic. Refugees have arrived from Vietnam, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Burundi.
During the three-month stint, refugees take classes in financial literacy, mock interviewing, and other job skills. Cases are closed typically after three months, but that does not signal the end of the agency’s relationship with families. [By the end of three months they turn the refugees over to the social services–taxpayer funded services–available in your town—ed]
“We say, ‘We close the case but we don’t close the door,’ ” she said. “I still have cases that ended six, seven months ago, and they’re coming in for services here, services there.”
The organization is filling a previous void for local services, Ms. Dehabey said. In the 10 or so years before US Together’s arrival in Toledo, any refugees settled here were handled through an agency in Ann Arbor.
Opening a branch in Toledo made sense, said Nadia Kasvin, director of the Columbus office and co-founder of US Together. Toledo was another metropolitan area to join branches in Cleveland and Columbus.
US Together is affiliated with Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, a national resettlement organization, which began plans to open an office in Toledo about five years ago. The Toledo office resettles people within a 100-mile radius of the city.
“We wanted to bring services here locally so that they’d have better access to case management,” Ms. Kasvin said. “There was clearly a gap in services.”
Toledo was also attractive because of the well-established Middle Eastern populations that would provide a ready-made community for new arrivals.US Together, which has operated in Columbus since 2003, looks to open an office in Cincinnati by the end of the year, Ms. Kasvin said. Across all locations, US Together places about 600 refugees per year.
There is more, continue reading here.
See our previous posts on Toledo,here. Toledo is getting Syrians! And, on Ohio, here. Remember in order for Ohio to have become such a large refugee resettlement state, Governor Kasich had to have been fine with it!
Also, we learned some time ago that any state that expanded Medicaidunder Obamacare was a “key indicator” about whether the state would become a priority resettlement state.
Addendum: I should have also remembered this important postabout US Together in Cleveland at Welcoming America Watch–Midwest and linked it when I wrote the post earlier today.
Rep. Brian Babin is a first term Congressman from East Texas.
Please take every opportunity this month while your members of Congress are home for the August recess to meet with them and urge them to co-sponsor theRefugee Accountability National Security Act of 2015 (HR 3314) introduced byTexas Rep. Brian Babin.
It is critically important that you send a message to your member that this bill is a necessary first step to begin reining-in this out-of-control LEGAL immigration program. It is just as important as the invasion of our southern border if we are to slow the colonization of our towns and cities.
And, remember! Rep. Trey Gowdy is chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the refugee program, he should be urged to hold hearings on the Babin bill!
Since the bill represents a moderate approach to reform, for some members signing on to HR3314 should be an easy decision. We will be watching closely to see who does, and by their absence, who does not, support it!
If you are ‘fortunate’ to live in a key primary state, be sure to also bring this important legislation and your concerns about refugee resettlement to Presidential candidates!
P.S. Take a minute to thank Rep. Babin!
Editor: This is another good comment from ‘7delta.’ The comment is in response to ‘Misterpaul’ (a thoughtful and concerned Brit) at our post on Fargo, ND, here. The Calais standoff has gone on for years, here is one story from 2013:
For additional background, you might also want to see our post last week on the crisis at Calais, here. And, this story about far-left anarchists helping to coordinate the migrant crisis there.
However, this isn’t just a message about Europe, it is a message to America.
Below is ‘7delta’ explaining what we all know is happening, but few dare to say (emphasis is mine):
I don’t think ISIS is worried about the loss of their youth from the Middle East. The value they place on their next generation is decidedly different than the West’s. Their goal is a worldwide caliphate, not doctors, lawyers, farmers, engineers or developing cures for cancer. The average jihadist is young and male. The average refugee is a 25-year-old male.
The average Globalist is old, white and psychopathic. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and actually believe they’ll rule the world. They need chaos. When blood runs in the streets, they think they’ll swoop in to “save us” from the mess they made and you and I will beg them to do it. Of course, every part and parcel of your history (and mine), upon which your freedoms were won, will belong to them. They’ll dole out what they think you need to be a proper serf. They believe they will be able to control the demons they’ve unleashed, then will be sitting pretty atop the ruins. It’s not the first time similar plans have been tried and not once, in all man’s history, do more than a handful find (a shaky and constantly under threat) success. The rest of the useful idiots are immediately lined up against a wall or thrown into the belly of a dank prison. Then…all the friends culled from their enemies’ enemies will turn on one another like ducks on a June bug. “Everybody wants to rule the world.”
Cynical, I know, but not much else explains the rank stupidity of political leaders overrunning their own countries with an incompatible belief system, except that it’s useful as a WMD. Divide and conquer.
Britain will regret allowing their firearms to be taken away. This time, the U.S. won’t be able to send any, like during WWII. I hate that. I really do, because you can bet your last penny the invading “youth” will be armed to the teeth. It’s there, for when the time comes.
Don’t waste any more time wondering why!
You know in your heart-of-hearts that all of this is true. Don’t spend one more minute frozen in fear of being labeled a racist or called inhumane, move on and proceed to save the next generation of freedom-loving people. Build the resistance to those who are out to destroy western civilization and at least go down fighting if we must!
For previous commentary from ‘7delta’ click here.
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