Alaskan island residents looking to become first American climate refugees

The people who chose to build their town on an island are now whining that the bad old USA needs to save them as the island is supposedly sinking.
News flash! Islands submerge and often reappear again over centuries the world over as part of the dynamism that is our planet.
Back in the ’70’s I wrote a report about islands off the coast of Virginia that had whole towns on them (hotels, schools, cemeteries) that began to be uninhabitable by the early 1900’s as they were buffeted by major east coast storms (before cars were widely used! before global warming!).  The people simply recognized that it would be foolish to stay, and moved inland.   They didn’t cry out to the federal government to save them from their original choice.

Now we have these whiny Alaskan islanders who wonder if the federal government will leave them there to die!

Alaska’s Kivalina Island.

Here is the news at HNGN:

Kivalina is located on a very thin barrier reef island between the Chukchi Sea and the Kivalina Lagoon, in the northwest of Alaska, above the Arctic Circle. And it may not be there in a decade, thanks to climate change.

In approximately 10 years, the village of Kivalina in northwestern Alaska could be submerged, giving its approximately 400 residents the ubiquitous honor of becoming the first climate change refugees of America, so much so that the U.S. government says it may be too dangerous to live there.

Waahhhh! Is the US government going to leave us here to die?

“If we’re still here in 10 years time we either wait for the flood and die, or just walk away and go someplace else. The U.S. government imposed this Western lifestyle on us, gave us their burdens and now they expect us to pick everything up and move it ourselves. What kind of government does that?” Swan (a local elected official) asked while speaking to the BBC.

You pick it up and move it yourself!  And, maybe whaling is going the way of the buggy whip anyway!
One more case in the PR campaign that is building for governments (the US taxpayer mostly!) to take care of ‘helpless’ people worldwide while they bash America!
See our category—Climate refugees for more on this newest excuse for the redistribution of wealth and people.

Somali 'refugees' want Swedish citizenship so as to travel back and forth to Somalia!

Invasion of Europe news….

This story from Sweden highlights a question we have too?

Swedish Somalis
Demonstrating what a sham the refugee program is throughout the world! Somalis want to travel back and forth between Sweden and Somalia.  So how persecuted were they in the first place?

If Somalis are so fearful of persecution in Somalia that they expect refugee status in first world countries, why are they traveling back there (to their supposedly dangerous homeland) for business and pleasure?
Heck, Somalis in America are doing it too!  We have a Somali woman in Minnesota running for the presidency of Somalia, and we have the UN sending Somalis out of UN camps and back home to Somalia, so why should any western country need to take in one more Somali to partake of welfare generosity in places like Sweden and the US?
Here is the news from where we learn that Sweden has at least 50,000 Somalis living in the country (hat tip: Joanne):

Mohamed Husein came to Sweden from Somalia in 2009, along with his wife who claimed she was attacked by terrorists in their homeland.

Mohamed is now unhappy that he can not fill in an application for Swedish citizenship yet. He is eager to able to travel back to the country he claims to have fled, where his life supposedly is in danger – to visit his mother and establish business contacts.

– I can not travel outside the EU and I can not visit my mother in Somalia, says Mohamed.

He explains that with a Swedish citizenship, he would be able to develop an export and import company.


To most readers the obvious obvious question should be – why should Mohamed be given Swedish citizenship in two years if he believes that he can travel back to Somalia now?

And Mohamed is not unique. Approximately 9 out of 10 who are granted asylum in Sweden do not meet the conventional criteria to be classified as refugees.

Many regularly travel back to the country they claim to have fled.

Last year about 1000 Somalis were stranded in Mogadishu, after their tour operator, Fly Olympic, suddenly went bankrupt when they were on holiday in Somalia, from Sweden.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.  And, if you want to learn more about how Sweden (the welfare state) is killing itself, go here for our extensive archive on Sweden.

Related!  Just in, Swedish asylum seekers from Eritrea arrested in fatal (apparently random) stabbing of mother and son in store.

CPAC 2014: Trump was out in front (virtually alone) on immigration issue

Yesterday Ann Coulter tweeted this little walk down memory lane about the premiere (supposedly) conservative conclave held in Washington, DC each year known as CPAC.
For the record, we have written often on CPAC, but will not attend primarily because CPAC ‘leaders’ including Grover Norquist have worked hard for many years to keep discussions on immigration to a minimum and have outright banned those who want to discuss the Islamist threat to America.
Go here for our archive of posts on Grover Norquist.  BTW, while pushing his amnesty agenda, Norquist worked very closely with the office of Senator Marco Rubio in helping craft that now discredited ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill, but I’m digressing.
Here is a piece (3/7/14) written by Jon Feere at the Center for Immigration Studies (tweeted by Ann Coulter yesterday) which chronicles how Trump was alone among a list of Republican leaders and Presidential wannabes in addressing immigration.

Trump was talking about our borders, our sovereignty and the future of the Republican Party long before he decided to jump into the Presidential race, and he must have been very unpopular (with the ‘leaders’ at CPAC) with this message! 

From Feere at CIS (emphasis below is mine):

Nearly every speaker at the first day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) avoided any discussion of immigration or amnesty, a sign that Republican politicians are starting to understand that conservative voters have very little interest in doubling legal immigration and amnestying illegal aliens.

Of all speakers, which included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal, only one speaker spent any time on immigration policy: Donald Trump. He came out strong on sovereignty and garnered strong applause for noting “we’re either a country, or we’re not; we either have borders or we don’t.” Trump also noted that amnesty is a benefit for the Democratic Party, while calling out Rubio:

When you let the 11 million — which will grow to 30 million people — in, I don’t care who stands up, whether it’s Marco Rubio, and talks about letting everybody in, you won’t get one vote. Every one of those votes goes to the Democrats. You have to do what’s right; it’s not about the votes necessarily. But of those 11 million potential voters which will go to 30 million in a not too long future, you will not get any of those votes no matter what you do, no matter how nice you are, no matter how soft you are, no matter how many times you say ‘rip down the fence and let everybody in’ you’re not going to get the votes. So with immigration, you better be smart and you better be tough, and they’re taking your jobs, and you better be careful. You better be careful.

Pope calls rejection of migrants "an act of war"

Invasion of Europe news….

Pope Francis has been chastising Europe for years now for not welcoming the hordes of migrants arriving on European shores and across its eastern borders.  There is nothing new here.   Apparently he must have gone to Lampedusa again.
I wonder how many migrants have been ‘welcomed’ to live at Vatican City? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is quoted as saying: “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living,” which brought howls of criticism from members of the ‘human rights industrial complex.’

From the UK Independent:

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.Pope Francis has called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war”.

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.

No surprise, the Independent goes on to criticize David Cameron quoting the Mayor of Calais calling Cameron a racist and then says this (below).  Frankly, at the moment the UK is holding firm and trying to save itself from the invasion that is washing across southern Europe and into Germany and most of the rest of Europe.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond caused further controversy on Sunday when he told the BBC he believed “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living”. Amnesty International condemned the remarks saying they were “mean spirited” and “shameful”.

For more in the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW, go here.

Before you get too excited about Presidential candidate Ms. Carly

Sorry, if I will offend some of you, but I am pretty much a one issue voter.  The future of America is not going to hang on what happens to Obamacare or any other social program.

The future of America and indeed the future of Western Civilization hangs on one thing only—what we do about immigration and specifically what happens with the migration (the Hijra) of Islamic supremacists the world over.

Carly Fiorina, former chairman and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co. and chairman of Good360, listens at the Bloomberg Link Economic Summit in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, April 30, 2013. The Bloomberg Washington Summit gathers key administration officials, CEOs, governors, lawmakers, and economists to assess the economy and debate the path beyond the fiscal cliff. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Carly Fiorina, former chairman and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co. Time to admit she was wrong!

Fox News seems to be making sure that Carly Fiorina moves up in the polls.  Yes, I agree, she spoke well in the debate last week.  But, I won’t let you forget what she said right after 9/11.  It’s not her facts (or her lack of facts) that is a problem, it is her judgement in uttering the words she spoke.
Here, Gates of Vienna, reposts an article that was written in June.  It begins:

“There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world.”

And so began a mythical, deceptive tale by Carly Fiorina, when she spoke in praise of Islam within a mere two weeks of their bombing of the World Trade Center. The concern is not that she was attempting to deceive others, but that she, a person who aspires to the presidency of the United States, was herself deceived regarding the true nature of Islam, and that she has never retracted her statements.

Continue reading……
We will be waiting for Ms. Fiorina to tell us how wrong she was!
By the way, she has a C- score on immigration at NumbersUSA.