Merkel blasts anti-immigrant rioters, Hollande wrings his hands

Invasion of Europe news…..

Update:  Merkel suspends EU rules so that more Syrians can STAY!
Have a look at the latest from Europe.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel harangues German citizens concerned about the future of their culture and country and socialist French President Francois Hollande says ‘golly gee, guess we better do something.’  What the heck!  They have been doing nothing to stop the tide of illegal aliens (mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East) in to Europe and they wonder why this crisis is escalating!

Merkel and Hollande
Don’t count on Merkel and Hollande to save Europe!

Stop the (damn) boats!  They should have listened to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott months ago.  I personally think it is too late now!
Readers! Don’t let it become too late for America!
From Bloomberg Business:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande condemned anti-immigrant riots in Germany, while pressing all European Union countries to help deal with the continent’s tide of refugees.

Meeting for the first time after the political summer break, the leaders of Europe’s two biggest economies elevated the refugee crisis to a top priority Monday, placing it alongside challenges such as the conflict in Ukraine.

“There are moments in European history when we face exceptional circumstances, and these are exceptional circumstances that will last,” Hollande said alongside Merkel before they met for talks in Berlin. “So rather than wait and then cope on a day-to-day basis, we must get organized and strengthen our policies.”

There is much more, but no time to snip it.  Please read it all, here.
Be sure to see the part of the story where the ‘refugee’ from Afghanistan says he is more scared in Germany than he was in Afghanistan!  So, what does that tell you about what sort of an ‘asylum seeker’ he really is?  He is just one more economic migrant as are most of those flooding in to Europe.
See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by going here.

Backpedaling on the numbers of refugees expected in North Dakota

Editor’s note:  I am still out of the country and trying to post when I get a minute. I see I have a boatload of e-mails and will try to get to those as soon as possible.  I apologize for not responding sooner.

It was only a few weeks ago that WDAY-6 News was reporting that the number of refugees expected in North Dakota this fall was going to jump, but now following controversy that those statements generated, it seems that Lutheran Social Services North Dakota is moving quickly to say, oh, no!, the numbers will be ‘normal.’

LSS north dakota
Gotta keep the refugees flowing into North Dakota because LSS has a fancy new building to pay for. LSS is paid by the head to resettle refugees AND they receive other federal grants for all sorts of additional “programs” for their special charges. From a recent FORM990 we learned they received over $10 million in government grants.

In this article at Inforum, a spokeswoman for LSS says that people (citizens, taxpayers) don’t understand how this all works and that is how they/we get confused.
But, here is the deal, the reason people can get confused is that these agencies have been for 35 years(!) working in SECRECY, so is it any surprise there could be confusion.
There should be a least one public meeting a year in each refugee receiving community where the resettlement agency, the feds and city and state elected officials explain to the community who and how many they will be expected to “welcome” to town in the coming year.
How about a public meeting in Fargo or Grand Forks where LSS does explain how the whole program works!
Here is Inforum:

GRAND FORKS – Refugee resettlements in Grand Forks are expected to remain the same as in previous years, according to Lutheran Social Services.

The city can expect four to 12 refugees to arrive here by October, said Katie Dachtler, resettlement services supervisor. The total number expected is on par with previous years, she said.

Varied reports on the expected number of refugees to arrive this fall in the Fargo area led to the perception by some that the cities would have more refugees than each could handle by October, sparking harsh online comments and a petition asking LSS to stop further placement unless it’s approved by a vote from Cass County residents. As of Friday afternoon, the petition had gained 3,037 signatures.

Read the whole thing and follow links.
Be sure to see the section on the ‘Somali Community of Grand Forks’ which is what previously was called an ECBO (Ethnic Community Based Organization) ‘non-profits’ funded largely with tax dollars.  ECBO’s help THEIR people get a start, help them find “resources,” help them get registered to vote, and then act as political spokespersons if some problem arises with THEIR people.  
Now they are called Ethnic Community Self Help groups.  Here is one recent list of grantees at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.  The Grand Forks Somali ECBO is not listed here, but has certainly received start-up money from some federal or state agency.   I could not find any financials on the group.  Concerned citizens in North Dakota need to do some research on this group and others like it.
The big question is why should taxpayers fund groups that seek to promote special treatment for THEIR ethnic “community.”
We have a category on ECBOs here, but haven’t had much news archived there lately.
This post is also filed in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category, here.

Germany: violent protests erupt over new asylum center in town near Dresden

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..
From the UK Independent:

To give you some idea of what Germany is faced with as the government tries to find relocation sites for tens of thousands.

Up to 1,000 protesters have clashed with police in eastern Germany in riots reportedly sparked by the arrival of 250 migrants.

Police said protesters shouting “foreigners out” and carrying banners against the “asylum flood” threw bottles and stones at busloads of asylum seekers arriving in Heidenau, near Dresden.

At least 31 officers were hurt in violent scuffles as police used tear gas to disperse crowds.

Peaceful demonstrations began after news spread that the town was welcoming a large number of refugees who are set to be housed in an empty building. (then they turned violent)


Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the influx of asylum seekers is the biggest problem Europe currently faces. Germany, which has relatively liberal asylum laws, is taking in more refugees than any other European country, many from war-torn countries like Syria and Iraq.

There is also another bit of news from the UK.  It seems that immigration has surpassed concern for the economy as the number one issue on peoples’ minds there.
More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news here.

Macedonia: Syrian refugee "…tell Brussels we are coming, no matter what" as thousands break through the border

Invasion of Europe news…..

From Reuters:

Many thousands who have arrived in Greece from North Africa and the Middle East are not staying but moving northward on their own!

GEVGELIJA, Macedonia (Reuters) – Thousands of migrants stormed across Macedonia’s border on Saturday, overwhelming security forces who threw stun grenades and lashed out with batons before apparently abandoning a bid to stem their flow through the Balkans to western Europe.

Some had spent days in the open with little or no food or water after Macedonia on Thursday declared a state of emergency and sealed its borders to migrants, many of them refugees from war in Syria and other conflicts in the Middle East.

But by nightfall on Saturday, thousands had crossed the frontier, milling around the border town of Gevgelija where busses had converged from all over the country and trains left in quick succession to take them north to the next leg of their journey through Serbia.

There was no official word from the government, but the level of organization suggested authorities had opted to move the migrants on as quickly as possibly, having tried and failed to keep them out with razor wire, teargas and stun grenades.


Thirty-two-year-old Saeed from Syria said of the blocked border: “We know this was not Macedonia and the Macedonian police. This was the European Union. Please tell Brussels we are coming, no matter what.”

So where will they be moved to?  Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, where?
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

IBD Opinion: Trump would crack down on Muslim immigration

Presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn’t said much on the subject, but from personal experience I know the subject interests him.

Trump in Alabama
I’ve been told to watch Trump’s Alabama speech, but have not had time yet while traveling. See it here:

Here is a hopeful-sounding opinion piece from Investors Business Daily from a few days ago.
Muslim immigration is a national security issue (where have I heard that before!):

Border Security: There are two ways Islamofascists plan to conquer America — one by violent jihad, the other by mass immigration, or “al-hijrah.” Our president has aided the latter. Donald Trump wants to stop it.

Lost in all the coverage of the GOP presidential hopeful’s plan to seal the Mexican border is his proposal to curb Muslim immigration, which Obama is dangerously abetting through liberalized refugee programs. In fact, this administration has been ushering in immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries at the rate of more than 100,000 a year.

Citing national security, Trump would stop the flood of immigrants from Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Muslim countries posing a terrorist risk.

“Additionally,” he said in his five-page immigration reform proposal, “we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm.”

“From the 9/11 hijackers to the Boston bombers and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us,” he added.

Trump is right. This is a national security issue. Importing more hard-core Somali families and male Saudi students raises our risks of being attacked.

There is more, go here.
At least he is willing to talk about it which is more than can be said of any other Presidential candidate!  Oops!  Except Rand Paul who a couple of years ago thrilled me by speaking out on the refugee program (after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were found living in his home town of Bowling Green, KY).  Senator Paul wanted to know why we were bringing all these refugees in from countries like Iraq and signing them up for welfare.  To follow Paul on the subject, type Rand Paul into our search function and see his ups and downs on the subject over the last few years.  (No time to find the links for you while still traveling.)