Chipotle Mexican Grill 'partners' with refugee contractor IRC

chipotleOne more reason to drive right by your local Chipotle restaurant.  They fund the Left!  The Wiser Shopper sent us this information.
Chipotle gave the International Rescue Committee (IRC) $500,000 in one recent year (see here). They also gave The Nature Conservancy (an organization I know an awful lot about and it isn’t good!), $100,000 in another year.
We have an extensive archive on the IRC, click here.   Especially don’t miss the latest news (not reported by the mainstream media) that the IRC has had federal funding suspended while being investigated for corruption in Turkey.

Four cases of active TB reported in refugees in Indiana!

TB AlertYikes! Literally moments after posting my previous post on Tuberculosis in the US refugee population, up pops another shocking report from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart with the news that yes, indeed, there is active TB in the refugee community (at least in Indiana!).
Just a reminder, in 2007, it was news from Indiana, from Ft. Wayne to be exact, that alarmed me and was part of the inspiration for me to continue writing this blog.  See that original post here (Ft. Wayne freaking out!).
Now to Breitbart:

Four refugees sent to Indiana by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement in 2015 were diagnosed with active tuberculosis once they arrived in the Hoosier State, according to the Indiana Department of Health.

Active tuberculosis (TB) is infectious, while so-called “latent TB” is not infectious. But 10 percent of those infected with latent TB develop active infectious TB.

In 2015, almost 400 migrants with latent TB settled in Indiana, according to state records. The state’s TB rate had declined for the 54 years up to 2010, but it now increasing as more migrants settle in the state.

Continue here.  You don’t want to miss this!
Be sure to note the large percentage of refugees who arrived in the state and were never health-screened at all after arriving.

More on Tuberculosis in the US refugee population, government is keeping info. secret

Update: Four cases of active TB reported in refugees in Indiana, here.
I was about to quit posting for the day and try to answer some e-mails when I spotted yet another story about TB on the rise in America and it is pretty clear that the rise is a result of the increase in the immigrant population.

In 2013 there were 100 multi-drug resistant cases of TB in the US. How many today? 80% of those were people who were born elsewhere.

We have reported on the work of reporter Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart on the subject (here and here), and now here is a story at World Net Daily by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vilet you should read. She says:

Yet there is another serious threat [in addition to terrorism—ed] to Americans not being adequately disclosed to the public by government agencies and most media outlets: the invisible invaders traveling with humans that carry bacterial, viral and fungal diseases rare or eradicated in the United States.


In 2014 I wrote three separate nationally released articles on the risks of these disease issues to alert Americans of the new threats. That same year, the Centers for Disease Control warned its own workers to expect a rise in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in the refugees and detention centers for illegals.

But CDC, charged with protecting Americans from spread of serious disease, did not make this information public. Thus, the American public was unaware of the disease danger lurking in their communities and schools.

Continue reading here.

They will always tell you when you are over the target!

This growing story, about health risks involved with refugees permitted entry to the US even when they carry diseases or parasites, scares the you-know-what out of the leaders of the refugee industry.
In just a couple of hours (local time), there will be a protest of a TV station in Fargo, ND by refugees and their advocates claiming the station and one reporter are stoking “fears about refugees by unfairly labeling them a public health risk.”
They want the TV station to apologize.
The story, here, quotes a medical professional assuring readers that all refugees are screened for TB before entering the US!  LOL! they may be screened, but they aren’t rejected if they are positive!
We have written often over the years about the risks and costs of refugees with TB and other diseases (and mental health problems) admitted to the US. Visit our health issues category here for much much more.

Testimony to the US State Department from Coya in Maryland

Editor: I am still combing through my hundreds of e-mails to find the testimony you sent to the US State Department in response to the DOS request for public comment on the “size and scope” of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY2017.
The day before the deadline for submission of testimony I noticed (maybe you were all ahead of me and noticed!) that the dates were wrong in the Federal Register.  I happened to see a comment sent by lawyers to the DOS asking that the comment period be re-opened because citizens, who might like to have testified, didn’t think the notice was for a comment period this year, but for last year.   See here.
Here is reader Coya quoting Teddy Roosevelt….

To the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard

Originally, the Refugee act was to provide qualified refugees a pathway to permanent residence as persons of special humanitarian concern to the United States. The key word is qualified. We cannot properly vet the refugees. We should not place all American citizens at risk.

Prior to the passage of the Refugee Act, a refugee in the United States had to wait two years to apply for adjustment of status. The refugee also had to show that he or she had fled (or stayed away from) any communist-dominated country or country within the Middle East and was unwilling or unable to return due to fear of persecution. This must be adhered to in the strictest sense.

The influx of Syrian refugees would change the voting demographics in the US and to convert America into an Islamic nation.

I whole heartedly agree with President Teddy Roosevelt when he said:

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Any other means of bringing masses of people to America is an invasion and misuse of the Refugee Act of 1980 and could be considered an act of treason.

This is the fourteenth testimony in our series leading up to the deadline for comments to the Dept. of State on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived to see what your fellow citizens have said.
I intend to keep posting testimonies, a few a day, until I have exhausted my long list! I had no idea so many of you would respond to my offer!  But, thank you for your hard work!

Congolese refugees are going to Ogden, UT, volunteers needed, but whites should not apply

Catholic Charities in Utah is recruiting volunteers who look like the Congolese!
Many people believe that Utah is resettling refugees through the Mormon church.  Although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints encourages the resettlement of refugees, including Muslim refugees, it is actually the Catholic Church in charge here.
An aside: every time I see something from Utah I wonder who had the bright idea to place a Burmese Muslim refugee in an apartment complex filled with Burmese Christians.  The end result was the brutal murder of a little Christian girl and now the taxpayers of Utah get to pay for Esar Met’s life in prison.

Aden Batar
Former Somali refugee Aden Batar runs Catholic Community Service’s program in Utah.

We have been writing about new resettlement sites lately (Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Ithaca, NY) as the federal government and its refugee contractors are scrambling for new places in which to seed third world diversity.  Now it is Ogden Utah’s turn.
From the Standard Examiner:

OGDEN — Diverse populations of Ogden: You are wanted.

The community is invited to a meeting for future volunteers to gear up to welcome refugees from the Congo beginning sometime this summer.

A refugee resettlement conversation is planned for 6 p.m to 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 23, at the Marshall White Center, 222 28th Street in Ogden.

“We want to involve Ogden’s diverse communities with this initiative,” said Jenny Gnagey, community awareness building specialist for Catholic Community Services and also an assistant professor of economics at Weber State University. “We want to be able to connect these refugees with people that look like them.”


“Each year, Catholic Community Services resettles 600 refugees from all around the world in the state of Utah,” Gnagey said. “This summer we are expanding our resettlement efforts to the Ogden community. In the coming year, we expect that Ogden will receive approximately 20 primarily Congolese refugee families.”

They must have problems in Utah with landlords fearful of renting to refugees or they wouldn’t be saying this:

Catholic Community Services also is looking for landlords who will rent to these families.

The rental agreement comes with supervision of Catholic Community Services to assure that the families fulfill their obligations.

“If you rent to a refugee and they have any issue, we will be there to support them,” Batar said. “We want to assure landlords that they don’t have to worry.”

Batar wants future landlords to know that the refugees coming to Ogden are legally documented new American citizens.  [To be accurate, they aren’t US citizens until they go through the citizenship process—ed]

For more, continue reading here.
Most of the Congolese refugees entering the US right now are from the DR Congo. We committed to taking 50,000 of them, here in 2013.
Below is a map (source: US State Department Refugee Processing Center) of where 20,967 of them have been placed in the last 4 years.  (Over 29,000 yet to be placed by the State Dept. target date of 2019!)
Please note that only a small number (846) are Muslims, but many Christian faiths are represented.  I wanted to mention that here because there are some misunderstandings flying around that all of our refugees are Muslims, they aren’t!
However, remember as we learned here, many from the DR Congo are women with (costly) mental health needs, and they likely won’t be supporting their families anytime soon.
DR congo map