I have a friend who says that something is fishy at Dulles and here is some proof that she might be on to something.
From CNN (hat tip: Mark):
CNN has found an alleged war criminal from Somalia now working in the United States as an airport security guard.

Yusuf Abdi Ali was a commander during the Somali Civil War during the 1980s and has been accused of ordering the torture and executions of civilians in what has been called a genocide.
When CNN found out that he was living and working in the United States, they sent a crew to his workplace, Dulles International Airport in Northern Virginia, just minutes from Washington, D.C. The film crew found a man matching Ali’s description working security and began asking him questions.
Continue here.
Why so many Somalis working at airports?
Somali refugees are often placed in various jobs at airports, from ground transportation, to baggage handlers, and to food service with the help of refugee resettlement contractors.
One more thing, over the years we have had several stories here about war criminals (mostly from Africa, but also from the Balkans) who got into the US through the refugee program. See one of the most egregious cases we reported. So the next time you hear about what great security screening we have of refugees entering the US, know that it is BS.