Top posts of the last week

rrw-logo-1I guess it should be no surprise that posts about Twin Falls, Idaho topped our list of the three most read posts this past week.
Here they are with one additional sleeper post that was virtually tied for number three:

Update on Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees

Is there a cover-up in Twin Falls, Idaho involving refugee boys raping a little girl?

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

And then this post from more than a year ago has been discovered by new readers and has crept up to the three top posts from this week in terms of visitor numbers, and thus deserves a mention:

Somalis colonizing Nacogdoches County, TX; internationally-owned Pilgram’s Pride meat packer drawing them there

In last weeks round-up of top posts we reported on a few ‘housekeeping’ items that should be of interest to any new readers who have begun following RRW this past week (there are many of you!).  Please visit last week’s round-up here.
Next week watch for not only the June round-up, but also a celebratory round-up on our 9th Anniversary!  To date, we have written 7,683 posts in the last nearly nine years!  Look for a big announcement!
Also, thanks to readers who sent a donation this week, as you may have noticed, I finally broke down and added a donation button (but will continue to have no advertisements!).   On that last point, you should not be seeing ads generated by wordpress on my blog posts since I some time ago got rid of wordpress’s “free” option.
My youtube video, if you have never seen it, has now surpassed 2.5 million views, here.

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