Is your Chamber of Commerce working with the 'progressives' at Welcoming America

They apparently are in Nashville, TN according to this story at a website called The New South?’
For background on ‘Welcoming America’ (click here ) for our past posts.
To tell you the truth, this, to me, is one of the great mysteries of the whole refugee resettlement industry—how is it that Republicans like Paul Ryan (backed by the Chamber) are so doggedly pro-refugee and the only answer that continues to make any sense is that refugees are needed as cheap labor for businesses (workers salaries are low, but welfare fills the gap) and they are all new consumers (food, used cars, housing etc.).
I don’t see any other explanation than this—your community is disrupted socially and culturally so these business interests can make more money, and politicians can fill their campaign coffers.
To add insult to injury, all of the myriad economic interests have figured out how to hide under that white hat of humanitarianism. Do they have training sessions on how to snooker the public? I wonder!
Perhaps one of the most shocking photos I’ve seen in a long time is this one (posted in this story).  Certain special people—‘NEW Americans’—are not required to pledge allegiance to their new country.
Somalis swearing
From The New South?

In 2014, speaking from Casa Azafran where TIRRC [Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition—ed] and its allied organizations are headquartered, Obama talked about his New American Task Force*** and his end-run-around-the-Congress DACA program. He specifically recognized, David Lubell, TIRRC’s first director and creator of “Welcoming Tennessee/ Welcoming America” who also won an award from the National Council of La Raza awarded.

Welcoming America will judge how progressive your community is

Nashville is among the “Welcoming Cities” in Welcoming America’s (WA) network. Last year, Welcoming America paid the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for an economic report to support their story that legal and illegal immigrants are the hub of Nashville’s economic success. The Chamber’s report looks strangely just like the WA website, suggesting a WA templated product that will be replicated by Chambers in other “welcoming cities.”

The real agenda of groups like TIRRC and WA is to mutate our communities until they satisfy a leftist open-borders, one-world, globalist vision of an ideal society.

Continue reading here.
Read about Obama’s New American Task Force, here.
Find out if your Chamber of Commerce is peddling a similar report!

Legal expert: Idaho US Attorney comments threaten free speech rights

The Idaho controversy surrounding the alleged sexual assault (by three boys from Sudan and Iraq) of a 5 year old Twin Falls girl just keeps growing—now even to the Washington Post.
See this very informative column by Eugene Volokh*** who first gives the facts as we know them about the controversy, excerpts the written press statement by US Attorney Wendy Olson (see our post yesterday), and then says this (emphasis is mine). Hat tip: Paul

This, it seems to me, goes beyond calling for accuracy (and trying to deter threats, which are indeed criminally punishable). The prosecutor — a prosecutor backed by the might of the federal government — is not just condemning “threatening statements.” She is equally condemning “inflammatory” statements “about the perpetrators or the crime,” as well as “the spread of false information.”

Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law Professor

There is no First Amendment exception for “inflammatory” statements; and even false statements about matters of public concern, the Supreme Court has repeatedly held, are an inevitable part of free debate. While deliberate lies about particular people may lead to criminal punishment in some states that have carefully crafted “criminal libel” statutes, that would be under state law, not federal law; and though Idaho still has an old criminal libel law, it is almost never used, and is likely unconstitutionally drafted given modern First Amendment standards. Moreover, honest mistakes on matters of public concern are often constitutionally protected, especially against criminal punishment.

The federal prosecutor surely knows how to speak carefully and precisely about what very limited sorts of speech she can prosecute. Yet she chose to equally threaten federal prosecution not just for the punishable true threats — or for the deliberate lies that may be punished under state but not federal law — but also for an unspecified range of “inflammatory … statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself,” as well as for “the spread of false information” (with no limitation on the spread of deliberate lies).

It looks like an attempt to chill constitutionally protected speech through the threat of federal prosecution.

Please read the whole thing!
A commenter to Volokh’s piece, David Behar, says he filed this complaint against Olson:

Executive Office for United States Attorneys
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Office of Bar Counsel
525 West Jefferson
P. O. Box 895
Boise, Idaho 83701
(208) 334-4500
Fax: (208) 334-2764 ;

RE: U.S. Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, Washington Group IV, 800 Park Blvd., Suite 600, Boise, ID 83712, Phone: (208) 334-1211, Fax: (208) 334-9375 ; Your 3.6 (a)

Dear Madam or Sir:
US Attorneys are subject to the discipline of the state bar where they practice.

The above lawyer stated in the attached release, “The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities.”

It is posted here:…enforcement-response

Investigate, and discipline this lawyer for violating your Rule, for using her office to intimidate dissenters from her political views.

***Eugene Volokh teaches free speech law, religious freedom law, church-state relations law, a First Amendment Amicus Brief Clinic, and tort law, at UCLA School of Law, where he has also often taught copyright law, criminal law, and a seminar on firearms regulation policy.
Follow @volokhc

Fargo: Lutheran federal refugee contractor kept information on active TB from public

In yet another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis, and diseases generally, in the refugee population coming to America, Michael Patrick Leahy now reports that in Fargo, North Dakota the lead contractor bringing refugees to that state was not forthcoming about information one assumes they would know—-how many of the refugees they resettle there have latent and active TB.

Lutheran Fargo building
Doing well by doing good! This time last year, LSSND was busy with its grand opening of its huge brand spanking new headquarters in Fargo. Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney was on hand for the ribbon cutting.


Dr. John Baird, Health Officer for the Fargo Cass Public Health Department in North Dakota, confirms to Breitbart News that the agency, which serves all of Cass County, has diagnosed and treated four refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) between 2012 and 2015.

Baird’s confirmation of active TB among refugees in the Fargo community comes barely a month after a spokesperson for Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota (LSSND), the resettlement agency hired by the federal government to operate the program in North Dakota, denied that any refugees it has resettled in North Dakota have been diagnosed with active TB.

“We have a good working relationship with NDDoH [North Dakota Department of Health], and have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees,” an LSSND spokesperson told Fargo’s local NBC television affiliate, KVLY, as reported by the station’s Valley News Live program on May 16.

“Based on Dr. Baird’s statement, the LSS statement to Valley News Live in May was factually inaccurate at best, and an intentional deception at worst,” Breitbart News said in an email to LSSND, asking for a comment to explain their statement that they “have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees.”

Continue reading here for more important details in an article that once again shows the complete lack of transparency on the part of federal contractors and some officials that work closely with them.
I continue to wonder if community members who sign up with the contractor (LSS in this case) to help refugees get settled are given any instructions in how to avoid exposing themselves to any communicable diseases or parasites.  Does anyone know? Has anyone who volunteered for a resettlement agency been briefed on health issues?
See also our post last week about Fargo’s welcoming Democrat Mayor Tim Mahoney. Fargo has been selected by some millionaires and billionaires as a Gateway to Growth, here.

On the Bhutanese refugees

Leahy mentions that the large numbers of Bhutanese refugees (and some Somalis) come from countries with high levels of TB. For new readers, the Bhutanese (not! Muslims) are really ethnic Nepalis who had been expelled from Bhutan when that country sought to keep Bhutan for true Bhutanese people.  The refugees’ (we call Bhutanese) original country is Nepal.  Nepal wouldn’t take them back so they lived in UN camps on the border of Nepal for 20 years or so.
We had no national interest that would lead us to get involved in this refugee situation…but we did!
In 2007, the George W. Bush Administration said (heck yeh!) we would help the UN by cleaning out those camps and ‘welcoming’ (the original number was somewhere around 60,000) of them to live in your towns.  I bet we are now up to 80,000 who have been transported on your dime from UN camps to your cities.  And, the camps are still not cleaned out because more arrive at the camps looking for a plane ticket to the west!
We have a huge (and I mean huge!) archive on the Bhutanese here at RRW (find more than you ever wanted to know).  The big medical issue that brought them to the attention of the federal government and the CDC was not TB, but the extremely high suicide rate after resettlement to the US.  Why are they killing themselves asked the CDC and the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement)? Could it be culture shock?
Endnote:  Just now I had a look at LSSND’s website. So tell me why a Lutheran non-profit group is now in partnership to build low income housing in North Dakota.  See here.  Forget the humanitarian BS, this is all a money making racket! Lutherans get paid by the feds to bring in the refugees and then they make money building them housing!
This post is filed in our ‘health issues’ category with 304 previous posts. Leahy’s previous reports are posted there.  You will find the Bhutanese suicide posts filed there too.

Lack of transparency got citizens steamed in Rutland, VT in the first place

Vermont citizens, who are not happy that they were blindsided by their mayor who quietly invited 100 Syrians to resettle in the small city, have succeeded in getting enough signatures on a petition to bring the issue before voters…but get this!
The mayor says he isn’t sure he will put it on the ballot!  I don’t know enough about Vermont election laws, but I do know a bit about the secrecy surrounding refugee resettlement in almost any city in America where refugees are resettled or where the feds are targeting next, and I know that time and time again arrogant politicians thumb their noses at voters (at their peril!) and that the paid federal contractors sneak refugees into towns with only refugee advocates in on the plan.

Vermont meeting
Stacie Blake (right) representing the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (the major federal refugee contractor working in VT) attempts to place blame on citizens with concerns—that they are sending an ‘unwelcoming’ message to immigrants. This is however, your fault Ms. Blake because your organization chose to proceed with this plan and willfully kept information from citizens for months! It is about secrecy coming from Washington, not about the refugees themselves!

For background for new readers, visit our previous posts on the escalating controversy in Rutland, VT by clicking here.
From WAMC Public Radio:

Some residents in the city of Rutland were blindsided when the mayor and the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program announced in April that 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees would be coming to the city in October. Now, a petition seeking to put the issue before voters has been validated.

Concerned citizens have appeared repeatedly before the Board of Aldermen seeking information on the resettlement plan. But little information has been made public. A group called Rutland First circulated a petition and collected more than 1,200 signatures asking the mayor and Board of Aldermen to put a proposition before the voters.


Despite the demand that the refugee resettlement plan be placed before city voters, Mayor Christopher Louras has been quoted that he’s “not inclined at this time to put it on the ballot.” Calls to the mayor were not returned.

Continue reading here.
Have you been noticing a trend?  Small town newspapers (owned by big media corporations) are skewing stories to put concerned citizens in the worst light, while there appears to be some efforts still going on at TV and radio stations to give a more balanced report on the latest news about immigration/refugees.
For new readers, find out if your town is already getting refugees by clicking here.
The following cities are ones that are newly targeted.  There could be many more, but these are the ones we have reported on so far (in addition to Rutland): Reno, NV, Ithaca, NY, Missoula, MT, Charleston, WV, and Fayetteville, AR.  Again, I believe there are dozens more. Let me know if you suspect something is up where you live!

Idaho: Obama appointed US Attorney attempts to stifle free speech relating to sex assault case

Update June 28th: More legal experts BLAST Olson, here.
Update June 27th:  Legal expert weighs in with why Olson is wrong, here.
And, she says “the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities.”
Ms. Olson! the placement (in secrecy) of third world refugees in towns that do not want them divides communities!

Wendy Olson
Wendy Olson, US Attorney for Idaho, steps into sexual assault media controversy, fanning the flames even further!

See the latest in the ever growing and expanding controversy from Twin Falls, Idaho about the Sudanese and Iraqi boys who were charged with sexually assaulting a little girl in their apartment complex laundry room over three weeks ago.
We would not be talking about this now if vigilant Idaho citizens hadn’t demanded transparency and action from authorities there.
Frankly, if authorities had been forthcoming in the first place, the so-called rumors would not have gotten legs.
Here is Leo Hohmann with the latest news at World Net Daily (I am quoted in the story about Olson’s clear threat to infringe on the free speech rights of individuals and the media!):

The Obama-appointed U.S. attorney for Idaho has taken the highly unusual step of intervening in a local criminal case involving an alleged sexual assault by juvenile Muslim migrants and threatened the community and media with federal prosecution if they “spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.”

WND and other news outlets have reported on the case involving three juvenile boys, two from Sudan and one from Iraq, who allegedly sexually assaulted a 5-year-old special-needs girl in the laundry room of the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Here is a small portion of what Eric Holder’s pick for Idaho US Attorney said in her press release of late last week.  This is a very clear attempt to silence anyone anywhere (not just in Twin Falls) who might speak critically about our refugee admissions policy.

“The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities. I urge all citizens and residents to allow Mr. Loebs and Chief Kingsbury and their teams to do their jobs.”

You must continue reading to learn about Olson’s pro-refugee, pro-Muslim bias on display in the run-up to the Idaho trial of an Uzbek refugee on terror charges just last year (he was found guilty btw).  She fretted in advance of the trial and held a meeting with refugee and Muslim advocates to be sure that they were ready for an anti-Muslim backlash in the state during the trial.

Why was it so important for everyone on the pro-refugee side to keep this story under wraps?

It is because the resettlement contractors, the businesses looking for cheap labor, the Leftists looking for more Democrat voters, invested small town elected officials, and naive do-gooders have spent years building an image of refugees as angelic people. Some may be wonderful, deserving immigrants, but some definitely are not!  Because they are so invested in the myth (in the story they have created), any case like this that exposes the lie must be hidden from public view.
How many more cases are out there like the one in the Twin Falls laundry room that have been kept sealed from public view, or dropped altogether through out America?  This makes you wonder doesn’t it!
BTW, her future as Idaho’s US Attorney depends on whether Hillary or Trump win in November.  Remember that!